Havanese: Stress & Fun

How can you tell your Havanese is under stress?
There are many signals through which you may spot this condition before it becomes out of hand or critical to performance.
Common things that can indicate stress are:
-Sleeping Too Long
-Arching the Back
-Tense body
-Runny bowels
Why am I mentioning this? It is normal for humans and dogs when exposed to unknown events or things to feel some stress. It's our job as a human to enable them to find their coping skills.
How can you do this? By slow conditioning NOT avoidance.
Slow conditioning is exposing your little one to things that they feel uncomfie with consistently till it is not an issue.
Recently, we had our roof done and one of our pups started growling at the men on the roof. This was foreign to them and anything lauding over them so high up is perceived as something in charge but also not touchable or attainable. Instead of keeping this particular dog in, I kept taking her out over and over in small doses and correcting and saying a keyword which is 'silly girl or silly boy' and I say it in a really silly voice as if to say - gee there really isn't something to be afraid of. If your dog trusts you, the key words will help. How do you gain trust? You have to be consistent, give rules and boundaries and you must not give them the idea that their behavior is valid. Never hug when reacting this way no matter how much you want to feel you need to. Hug when they sit, calm down - whatever positive coping skill they use - reward BIG time and eventually that is what they will rely on when faced with an unknown.
You are their teacher - their pal, their leader of the pack and the reason they attain a balanced state of mind. Don't get frustrated. Stop and get your emotions in check if you do.
Here's a photo of Fiona who did her first show. She showed minor stress by yawning and sleeping. But as she keeps getting exposed to so many people and dogs and people prodding her - that will disapate. Between shows we will take her to handling class and get her 'slow conditioned'.
Fiona got 2nd place in her first show. She did well. She is an alpha dog through and through but even alpha dogs can feel stress.
Pay attention to your dog and act accordingly. You will reach an amazing relationship with your dog when you do always!