
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in Talemaker havanese Daycare toronto (33)


Give Me That Colour Havanese

A number of people select their dogs with the colour being on the top of their list as a deciding factor. We all like various colours for a variety of reasons but the #1 reason you should select a particular dog is that dog works with YOUR family's lifestyle. That dog matches your family life.

No one knows that dog better than the breeder.

Still, we get the call or email saying do you have an x colour dog for sale?

Many dogs change colours. Kat, who I am snuggling with here was black and white for months and months. Then a tad of brown came in and then went to grey and white and now brown is starting to seep in. But that colour - although I like it doesn't tell me what personality is within.

Some Havanese are snugglers, some quite opinionated, some fun loving, some low energy, some even high energy and I see the disappointment - although they love them when they say I picked a x colour dog and they won't snuggle with me.

It's what is inside - not the aesthetic appeal but that charming personality that matches you or compliments you or even can add to your household but those are the things you should be looking for. Can that dog run with you and will he enjoy it (is he athletic). Does he like laying around or is he always in the thick of it? Is she a snuggler or Ms. Independent?

Each has its fit for the right family. Selecting a 2nd dog is even more important as it is critical to find a compliment to the mix. We have dogs all over the place in personality but due to that, each has their place without squabbles. Having 2 very strong and opinionated personalities in humans and dogs - well it can be interesting but explosive.

So next time you are looking for a dog, make sure health testing is done and personality is at the top of your list. After all, these dogs are truly amazing but each is unique and quite different even in the same litter.

Enjoy them. They are truly amazing beings!


Havanese Say: Happy Labour Day

Abs says - no more visitors today. They all went home. sigh What do I have to do now? I guess tag your 'it' Fiona.

You don't know what you are in for!

From the Talemaker crew to yours - may you have a splendoured Havanese day.

We will fill you in on our fun after we experience it.

What we find out is as the pack changes - visitors come and go - the pack changes too. Abigail is playing up a storm with Shoshi and we couldn't be happier.

What a gal she is making everyone count. We could all learn a thing or two from that.

Well we did the fair, went in the pool and now are about to chill out, lay on the couch, eat popcorn and watch 'Prison Break'. The dogs LOVE chillin' out and watching TV and they do watch. It's also a perfect time to groom your dog. It's when you are most relaxed and that will mean your dog shoudl be too especially after an active day.

Hope you had a good one!

Tomorrow - the saga of - can I get away with...


Picnic = Bath or Does it?

They say there's a Havanese picnic tomorrow and I am going with 8 of my favourite friends or so those humans tell me.

If I don't play too hard - maybe I will get away without a bath. I will let you know when I know.

Photos to come after the picnic. Mommy promised LOTS!


Havanese Puppy Fix Coming Soon

I have a secret - I have Sassy and Coach over for a visit this week and I hear tell that Sebastian is coming back for a bit this Monday.

Tomorrow we are heading out to Yvonne's so mommy can enjoy good company - oh yeah daddy too - besides he better as he is my person these days.

We are going to take a ton of puppy photos to share.

The pups are mobile and we imagine quite cute. We will find out and you will too if the camera works.

When we go swimming these days, the Abs takes haven under a chair.

It's her fave spot to fade into oblivion hoping daddy doesn't notice.

Oh, she loves it once she gets in but I swear she's thinking about the brushing/shampoo that came today after she was done.

Abs swam bigtime with the daddy today and then had a shampoo and blow dry. That's the part she's not all that crazy about but isn't it worth it, Abs?

Sassy for once is on top of the situation tonight and Fiona looks as if she is trying to figure this one out and Coch - well he was standing waiting to see if he was needed but they ended up doing full body play and having a grand time of it. They are going to love it at Yvonne and Alex's and so are we.

Puppy photos coming...just watch here Sunday night or Monday...


Time for a Bath?

How can I tell it's time for a bath?

When your dog has that greasy look and they are knotting on touch - or so it seems - it's time to bath. It's time for the Fiona today.

First you must always get all the knots out first then bathe. It will make your life easier and theirs.

Be sure to use a detangler to help you take out the knots and a soft slicker if your dog is a pet - not a show.

She has started to blow her coat and they seem to only do that once so knots - knots and more knots - sigh. But if you brush daily - well less. :-)

Here's Fiona's after bath look. Even with a fast camera, it's tough keeping her in one position to get anything but a blur.

A little birdie told me that her sister may be visiting with her humans. Hmm anytime now - just in time to get that mussed in - just played my heart out look.

With the Havanese, you have to get used to that look.


Starving Havanese Doing What's Needed?

Okay - I must admit I am intoxicated with the antics of the Havanese.

I grabbed my camera before correcting this one as I couldn't help myself. I made a stir fry and Abigail was licking the juices from a plate in the dishwasher.

This either tells me she THINKS she's not getting enough food or she likes what we are having better. HA!

This is the problem with the Havanese. They do these things that make you laugh. You delay correcting and voila - it gets out of control.

Moral of this story: I should know better but really - I couldn't help myself - honest!

Was that MY line or the dawgs? You tell me!


Out of Focus Havanese Fun

I am learning a new camera and taking a class this Saturday so bear with me. I will get better. But I wanted to share this photo anyway as you can see Abigail, Remi and Katsuro in play and that's what its like at our house more times than not. Even the Shoshi - who didn't play is full on playing with the Abs. She has a touch that reels them all in.

Remy went home today. Coach and Sassy are coming this Sunday and we have the grandkids here and it's a dawg crazy house and this week I am getting back to grooming and bathing the crew. Risa, Kat and Remy today. Shoshi, Wasabi and maybe Abs tomorrow then Fiona the next? We shall see...

Warning: If you leave knots in your dogs hair you can create a hotspot. It's not pretty and its pretty painful for the dog. Groom diligently please and always get those knots and mats out of their hair.


Fiona Rain Style Havanese

Here's a dawg - a Havanese that doesn't seen to mind all this rain we are getting.

Well, Cleo and Apple go home tinight. The human's grandkids come tomorrow till Friday and then a few of Wasabi's dogs are coming for a visit.

If it is sunny tomorrow, we may see Otis. Now how cool is that?

We promise photos and fun times.


Good Times Come to End

This is Cleo. She's been staying with us with her packmate and goes home tomorrow. She has a super thick coat like our Shoshi.

She got a bath today as she has been mucking it up with the gang.

Can you say they will be missed - YEP!

More later when we are down dogs. ;-) The dogs get us FIRST!


Long Havanese Day

Mommy is spending WAY too much time with that new dog we are watching - air drying her, snuggling and taking mats out.

What about me? Oh - I get daddy.

Hey but I slept with the mom last night as we have a dog in what they call heat visiting so we are sleeping in different rooms. Something about that boy dog....geez...

More tomorrow!


Visitors & Sadness

Jazzy has been visiting us for a few days and is awaiting his owner's pickup. Jazzy has glorious hair and had a grand time mucking it up with the rest of the guys.

He's just had a bath and blow dry so he can go home smelling and feeling great. Yes, he got rather dirty but we allow that as they have great fun.

Whenever a visitor comes, the pack changes and whenever someone leaves, it changes again but it seems when they do go home, the pack tends to have a period of non play missing the one that left.

It's nice to see that they welcome another in. Even the meekest dog has been roped in by Miss Abs and made to feel welcomed. All it takes is one dog in the pack and the rest follow suit. It's why we introduce one at a time and then allow for pack play and human play.

Jazzy is a regular here though and he's adored instantly. He will also be missed too.

But Jazzy has the high life with his owners and you can but all hear him say - well it's fun here but it's excitement time to return home.

But there is nothing like the dawg fun here so if he gets excited to see us when we visit - well realize he's just yearning for a holiday.

All the dogs that visit get excited to see their owners but also get excited to come here too after they get to know what is in store for them. That's what it should be about.

More later and back to work and dematting. It may be a pool day if the weather cooperates.


Havanese and Knots in Hair

Talking about wet - what do you do when you have mats? Brush every day or cut short.

I am dematting 2 dogs and my arm is going to fall off - no lie. It's a tough job when you let it go.

To make it worse, if you wash or they get wet, it tightens the knots. Many people do not realize this.

The Abs says - well mommy brushes me daily so I hardly ever get those things.

Back to watching TV and dematting...

How? Spray, separate and brush. It sounds easy but there is a method to it - believe me and I have got really good at it due to having dogs visit us with them. :-)


Havanese: Stress & Fun

How can you tell your Havanese is under stress?

There are many signals through which you may spot this condition before it becomes out of hand or critical to performance.

Common things that can indicate stress are:
-Sleeping Too Long
-Arching the Back
-Tense body
-Runny bowels

Why am I mentioning this? It is normal for humans and dogs when exposed to unknown events or things to feel some stress. It's our job as a human to enable them to find their coping skills.

How can you do this? By slow conditioning NOT avoidance.

Slow conditioning is exposing your little one to things that they feel uncomfie with consistently till it is not an issue.

Recently, we had our roof done and one of our pups started growling at the men on the roof. This was foreign to them and anything lauding over them so high up is perceived as something in charge but also not touchable or attainable. Instead of keeping this particular dog in, I kept taking her out over and over in small doses and correcting and saying a keyword which is 'silly girl or silly boy' and I say it in a really silly voice as if to say - gee there really isn't something to be afraid of. If your dog trusts you, the key words will help. How do you gain trust? You have to be consistent, give rules and boundaries and you must not give them the idea that their behavior is valid. Never hug when reacting this way no matter how much you want to feel you need to. Hug when they sit, calm down - whatever positive coping skill they use - reward BIG time and eventually that is what they will rely on when faced with an unknown.

You are their teacher - their pal, their leader of the pack and the reason they attain a balanced state of mind. Don't get frustrated. Stop and get your emotions in check if you do.

Here's a photo of Fiona who did her first show. She showed minor stress by yawning and sleeping. But as she keeps getting exposed to so many people and dogs and people prodding her - that will disapate. Between shows we will take her to handling class and get her 'slow conditioned'.

Fiona got 2nd place in her first show. She did well. She is an alpha dog through and through but even alpha dogs can feel stress.

Pay attention to your dog and act accordingly. You will reach an amazing relationship with your dog when you do always!

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