Visitors & Sadness

Jazzy has been visiting us for a few days and is awaiting his owner's pickup. Jazzy has glorious hair and had a grand time mucking it up with the rest of the guys.
He's just had a bath and blow dry so he can go home smelling and feeling great. Yes, he got rather dirty but we allow that as they have great fun.
Whenever a visitor comes, the pack changes and whenever someone leaves, it changes again but it seems when they do go home, the pack tends to have a period of non play missing the one that left.
It's nice to see that they welcome another in. Even the meekest dog has been roped in by Miss Abs and made to feel welcomed. All it takes is one dog in the pack and the rest follow suit. It's why we introduce one at a time and then allow for pack play and human play.
Jazzy is a regular here though and he's adored instantly. He will also be missed too.
But Jazzy has the high life with his owners and you can but all hear him say - well it's fun here but it's excitement time to return home.
But there is nothing like the dawg fun here so if he gets excited to see us when we visit - well realize he's just yearning for a holiday.
All the dogs that visit get excited to see their owners but also get excited to come here too after they get to know what is in store for them. That's what it should be about.
More later and back to work and dematting. It may be a pool day if the weather cooperates.
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