Havanese Say: Happy Labour Day

Abs says - no more visitors today. They all went home. sigh What do I have to do now? I guess tag your 'it' Fiona.
You don't know what you are in for!
From the Talemaker crew to yours - may you have a splendoured Havanese day.
We will fill you in on our fun after we experience it.
What we find out is as the pack changes - visitors come and go - the pack changes too. Abigail is playing up a storm with Shoshi and we couldn't be happier.
What a gal she is making everyone count. We could all learn a thing or two from that.
Well we did the fair, went in the pool and now are about to chill out, lay on the couch, eat popcorn and watch 'Prison Break'. The dogs LOVE chillin' out and watching TV and they do watch. It's also a perfect time to groom your dog. It's when you are most relaxed and that will mean your dog shoudl be too especially after an active day.
Hope you had a good one!
Tomorrow - the saga of - can I get away with...
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