Woof! It Snowed

It's been almost a snow-less winter here at Talemaker Havanese. We are really looking forward to puppies come March but we are sad not having mobile pups in lots of snow. It's a fun experience as you can see in some of our videos.
When I took the crew out this morning, there is a bounce of excitement seeing new fallen snow. Me too but we aren't getting enough of it.
This weekend we have some visitors and are we excited. We are hoping we have more snow so we can get the video camera out. There's going to be a whole lot of snuggling going on, I tell you!
Nathan took the crew up to the forest 2 by two first thing this morning ahead of the sand trucks. The dogs stayed sand-less and that makes me happy. Nathan should have taken the video camera as he said a few of them were so delighted over the top to be chasing squirrels after a fresh snow. It makes me wish I had gone too.

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