Learning as You Go

Really mom, I am not a bulldog.
Shoshi had a bath and she has hair that is thick and stands on end. It's a tight wave. It doesn't look that way when you blow it dry but it does when it is wet.
Poor Shoshi looks like she has no neck but really she does.
I used to have someone thin her out but I haven't and probably will do it myself come spring. She's one that you can take out half her hair and she still would look like she has a ton.
Yes, they do have various types of hair from silky to cottony. Shoshi is our only cottony type dog. A cotton type coat is more difficult to maintain except when it is thick, if you use thinning shears in knots, well you can't tell. But I have learned a lot of tricks with taking care of Shoshi's hair. I figure if I can do her hair and keep it mat free, I can do any Havanese on a regular basis. Besides, I have learned brushing her daily thoroughly keeps all the knots away.
I do not find the silkier coats hard to maintain and thanks to Shoshi, I learned how to take care of cottony coats.
So, she is more than just our heart dog but a learning experience. Those of you that have children - more than one child knows that as you go along you learn, you get better and the last one is easier as you are either so conditioned or you simply have the confidence that you may not have that first moment they entered your life. This Havanese business is a truly exciting learning experience and what you give, well you get it back 10 fold. They are truly special beings.
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