Stop the Presses: Havanese in Action

We open the back door, I sit at the end of the deck and they come running at me so I can point and click.
I look at Risa and wonder if she ever was brushed in her lifetime.
I just adore that natural look.
Oh, she is brushed daily - actually just finished doing the crew, cleaning eyes, checking ears etc but those messy moments - well I treasure them as that is when a dog is being a dog.
There's nothing wrong with those dogs that just hang out but be still my heart when you see one leap or get creative or use their brains to get what they want. That brain, if cultivated is a wonderful thing.
Kat always seems to manage to get out the door first. What is that about? Is he quicker?
Well, perhaps but he is also an alpha who thinks it's all about him. Oh yeah - we have a few of those. He is also the most athletic of the crew so far but the puppies haven't matured yet and I have a feeling he best watch out in that department.
Here's Abs in the middle of the crew looking quite like a bear these days. She's happiest just playing. She doesn't care where she fits in she just has to fit in and they all love her for that.
Funny, even she is showing assertive moments lately. She tends to do tag team stuff with Fiona if it suits her cause - meaning what she is going to get out of it.
Our crew all eats together but we are on diets - most of us except puppies as we had pups then roads we couldn't hike in the winter. Yeah excuses but we are at it again. The humans around here have that attitude so remember they are a reflection of you so they too adopt that - oh we will get to it. We are actually very active even when we can't hike with retrieve and silly games but nothing like a huge romp with some new pals or a long hike to get you downright sleepy and tired and burn those calories.
Well, Fiona was eating extra food as she needs to gain a tad bit of weight. the crew had eaten theirs and was waiting to see if she would leave it. One came up close and she gave him a warning. Abs decided she would also give a warning as that was hers if Fiona was going to walk away. See what I mean...if it suits her.
Don't ever think the Havanese aren't smart. Their little brains are churning thinking up new things. It's better than TV.
Talking about TV, I can't wait till the new shows come on so we can do body hugs together and watch TV. It's those moments I treasure!
Till later!
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