Havanese Attitude

Havanese can have attitude. Each have their very own unique personality but some are born with that 'look at me' desire that I adore. Not everyone appreciates or even likes this attitude. Fiona has it going over the top.
What do you do when they buck the system - so to speak? You ask what do you mean by that?
Well, Fiona was laying on the bed with her Daddy and I came strolling upstairs. She didn't know who I was so she did a low-based grrr. Daddy - I am protecting you but also - this bed is mine.
Fiona has an attitude that makes you laugh at things like that but that's when you can get in trouble. If allowed, a dog like her will escalate and suddenly what you think is cute is no longer. It's best to nip it in the bud. They need boundaries just like that creative, challenging human kind.
I corrected her. She did the submissive roll to me. It wasn't me that was the target but rather what she can and can't control. She's a puppy and she is learning that life is about others - not just her. Some humans have an issue with that so why not dogs?
She will take a tad more work than say an Abigail who tends to comply and not step over the line but if you keep at it, she will be the dog you can't forget.
It's all in the way you handle it.
Interesting enough, I have found that a dog in my home may act different in another home and act even different in yet another home. How can that be? Are they wishy, washy or are they people pleasers? It's the latter and they will, even the most strongest personalities learn from you.
Remember, your dogs are what you put into it and what emotion you send down the lead. It's difficult to get into that mindset but that strong-willed dog needs you to be a calm assertive but so does that dog that is timid.
If your spouse or someone important to you is in a &^%$ mood, doesn't it affect you? Most will say yes. It's the same for the dog but you can't talk it out with the dog like you should with the human.
Fiona may always be a challenge all her life but not in a negative way but one who will try new things. Her brain is always ticking but she's also an emotional one and needs to understand that the world is not just about her. She's getting there but nothing is born perfect.
Again, they are what we put into them and if you are consistent and keep at it, you will have a truly amazing companion and wonder how you ever did without them.
I know I wouldn't trade any of my dogs for anything. They each bring something different to my life and I treasure that!
--Darlah at Talemaker
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