Adventurous Havanese Dogs

Gidget (formally Paris) was over visiting with her person(s) Audrey and Audrey's mom.
Gidget will be back on a sleepover this Friday having a doggie holiday. We can't wait.
Gidget was checking out the rustling of the leaves and for a moment I thought - oh no - that skunk again but it was the Abs, under the plants having a grand time but not knowing how to get out till her daddy laid down and guided her.
Kooba is coming along really great. She tried to play with Gidget but Gidget had a one track mind and just wanted Kat. ROFL Don't they all. We will see how that all unfolds when she visits.
Whenever a new dog enters the mix, the pack changes and it is always interesting to watch. If you have multiple dogs and take one in, you will see what I mean and we rather like that it mixes things up as it gives us the opportunity to help them deal with changes and it often adds some fun laughter as well.
Well, as you know, we have been on this diet kick. I am only down 3 lbs. Risa is down 4 ounces (sigh), Fiona gained and is now a 9lb dog as much as Kooba and Gidget. I haven't checked the others but we are heading down the right track. Yes, Fiona is on the diet I want - eat all you want and just gain, gain, gain. Well not too much but I want those genes.
Hoping you have a great weekend. Tomorrow we start training Kooba with basic commands. We will let you know how it goes.