Not Much Today

Like to have more photos but I do not. I have a few but I will add it to tomorrow's gallery. As you can see the pool shack is getting a new roof. It will be stained a grey when it is done.
We had our vet here. We had checkups and new meds for Kat. Plus we had an ultrasound for Raven.
Dennis was up most of the day so he is off to bed soon till 10. This means I have to do all the things he usually does - dishes, pads, floors and all the fun stuff we do daily.
The pool shack is a progress in action.
The vet asked if Cinnamon was available after this litter. LOL She just LOVES, LOVES LOVES her waggy tail, body swaying happiness.
The dogs had fun chasing squirrels. It is a gloomy day. We still have to find someone to fix the eaves troughs before the white stuff.
Can you imagine puppies in snow? Watch, it won't snow till after they depart. LOL
Reader Comments (10)
I have to laugh, you found another job that you would like done this year, the eavestrough. Will that be the last?
Dorothy: It's falling off in this one small section. We have no choice but to repair it so if you know anyone?
I hope that the pups do get to go to their forever homes before we ever see snow. lol
Don't know one locally for you but probably any advertising in your area should be able to do it if it is a small job. Is it for the pool house or your house?
For the house. It seems the vines pulled a section off the house. I guess we need to start calling people for estimates. Don't need this now. I want projects done. the pool shack is creating its own set of aggravations too.
Our son moved to Nelson, BC this week and had someone attack him with a knife. He has 10 staples in his head. The guy who did it was his roommates boyfriend. It was the 1st night and he moved in and as far as he can assume, the boyfriend thought he was moving in on his girl. He says he was not.
Are we having fun or what! They have not caught the boyfriend yet. At least they know who he is. Welcome to Nelson.
OMG!!! That’s terrible! ... and in his head?! Sounds like he was lucky not a vital organ or his face. I hope he’s ok. I think I’d be afraid that the boyfriend might come at him again if he’s still at large.
Actually I learned it was more the rock that did the most damage, if you can believe. He is in custody.
I'm in shock, can't believe this happened to your son. Good Lord, don't even now how to advise/console you regarding him, hoping nothing else besides the stitches and maybe some bruising. Just unbelievable!
It is a little crazy. They do have the guy and he had outstanding warrants. Our son is looking for a new roommate. He is hoping he can work Monday.