What a Day

For a fall day, it is prett spectacular. The leaves are falling - well not fun doing that cleanup. The weather is not cold, not hot. The dogs feel invigorated. The play is wonderful!
A number of dogs departed today, more tomorrow. We will have a lull in November before the holiday.
The dogs were really excited I was back in bed all night. Now that feels good. I am still tired but getting there. If I could stop looking at the ipad at 3am just to check. LOL
Tomorrow we start painting the pool shack. Slow progress but at least before the snow falls.
Reader Comments (8)
Marco is all ready for his Talemaker Holiday.... See you Wednesday!! So happy that Raven and her boy are healthy and happy! Hugs
I can't believe you are going to paint the pool deck when you are so tired. I always say you are an amazing woman. Love the photo.
Well it is raining this week so it has to wait till Friday. I need a day before and a day after so it dries. It's not the deck - it's the pool house. Roof is done. Still need eaves trough repair but garage is waiting. I lost so many plants repairing the pool house. Oh well
Pippin looks very comfy on the couch. What a lucky pup to have such a wonderful place to stay.
I have lots of plants to give to you, I usually have to split up/discard each year, I give lots away to the neighbors as well and assist with their gardening too. Let's wait till spring, maybe you didn't lose as many as you think. I still have to plant a white clematis somewhere😊 and I just brought the plumeria in and they are spouting new leaves and yes Tom me got grow lights.😂
Good boy, Tom! Where did he get the grow lights? We have some upstairs but not on my plants downstairs. Dennis created a water system where the plants get auto watered in his room. I may take the system out in summer as it simply runs on a water pail. Will save me from watering some.
They hacked a tree terribly. I am very upset. They also hacked my roses and on and on. Maybe I need less plants. LOL
Pippin is very comfortable. He loves his spots on high!
Tom checked for the colours, 630 red and 470 blue with white and infrared to provide a little heat. Lots of different grow lamps on amazon, professional aswell.
Got to wonder if my 2 will start sprouting little green shoots😂