Sunday Fun

We play....
Then we chill and nap.
We then do it all over again all day long.
All these photos were taken before grooming. I am actually doing a dog here and there. I am tired but I may be done by bedtime. I sorely need to play recovery but 3 have to be washed when Nathan gets up and cut as they are departing. I cancelled all scheduled groomings that were not boarding here. In a few days I will be human again!
We are making progress on the pool house. Tuesday - if no rain, painting will begin.
I so wish I could take a nap. But can't. Got groomings. LOL
Reader Comments (1)
Lol! I was thinking what was that strange looking blanket (?) on top of the recliner...then I saw the nose! In all fairness though, Ripley is not an up high pup, so it didn’t even occur to me that it was a dog!