Dirt and Runs

Oh Ziggy what a game you play. He is a water dog. He gets soaked then rolls in the dirt. He departs tomorrow and I may be giving him an extra whitening shampoo to get the mud totally out of him and keeping him away from the dirt. As you can see the mud is seeping off of him into the pool.
Each day once or twice and sometimes 3 times a day either Dennis or Nathan runs with the dogs. They LOVE it! Today a few departed and tomorrow a few more depart.
Come mid week Nathan is working at a show and on Tuesday I am going to the CNE with the daughter so no grooming on Tuesday. After this marathon I need a break. Hope you understand. Last time I went to the CNE I went wit the grandkids from North Carolina and they were tired from the drive and young at that stage so they cried almost the whole time we were there. I think it will be quieter this year.
Nathan says what do you want to do at the CNE. I said I got to get out to do SOMETHING this summer. I thought I had August. Weeds are growing - to do list growing - oh well.
Dogs had fun today. I was on grooming overload. Tomorrow another heavy bath and haircut day.
Amy's dad sent picnic photos. I will add tomorrow. Today I am fading.
I did update Roxie, Saffron and Adele's blog. Check them out.
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