Sometimes it is Good to Chill

It's exceptionally grand to chill with Grannie Risa. The dogs really like this warm but coolish daze (yeah I meant to spell it that way). I would like it to be a tad warmer.
We are busy through the long weekend then we are on puppy watch.
I didn't get to sleep till 4am. I gave Panda pain meds this morning. River didn't get any and she thinks she is all well now. Panda is better than last night. River slept mostly, Panda did not and therefore I did not. Poor thing. I am hoping we all get sleep tonight as I am sort of trashed.
Did you know groomers gladly accept tips especially when dogs are matted. :-) Just saying... I know shut up, Darlah!
I think I am just over tired.
I looked around at my yard today and went oh well....
Fall is coming. Weeds are coming... yuck. Can the dogs sit with me on the recliner and watch tv?
The daughter is coming over to see Adele and River after work. Then I may find that recliner - and the dogs will find me.
Reader Comments (12)
Darlah, I believe that folks need to know that almost all groomers have a special charges for pets that have matts. Just wanted to insert my unsolicited two cents.
It is important for pet owners to remember this.
All groomers do 'cept me. Honest. If I have to demat for hours I charge by the hour but when it takes me an extra hour or 2 to get mats out and i do not charge - thank you - a tip - chocolates - something would be nice.
I too believe that, especially if a groomer doesn't charge extra for a much matted dog, a generous tip is definitely in order. There is nothing easy or fast about demoting a dog. I also don't think it's one bit fun for the groomer or the dog.
Just being crabby - sorry. Just wish people understood how hard it is to do.
I am happy and thankful when you shampoo and trim. He smells sooo nice. :). But the truth is at the beginning when we first had Rusty I didn't know. So it never hurts to let us know if things bother you. So we are both happy.
Who is sitting with Risa?
That is Winston - related to your boy. :-)
I demat a LOT of dogs. It is rare I even get a thank you - honest never mind a tip. Some people do tip and I thank you profusely. It's not expected but it just makes you feel valued especially when it is repeat performances. Minor knots are normal. Mats where it takes me hours is not. I think the key is watch tv, use a comb on your dog. Even when blowing if you do that it won't become overwhelming or get them to me before it does. Unfortunately I usually get them after they get to a state that it's a huge job. Not fun for dog or me. I had 5 dogs this past week that I had to demat and not a single one gave me a tip and each of those dogs took me at a minimum of an additional hour dematting over and above the usual time to wash, trim and blow dry. A number a few hours.
Darlah, I do hope you charge dematting accordingly. Your time is precious. Most of us truly appreciate the time you put in to beautifying our babies. Dematting can be a nightmare. If there's reoccurrence, maybe the owner needs to be encouraged to shave down the hair. It's a lifestyle the owner has to pick... Be care free? Then shave down. Want our Havanese to look in their glorious look? Keep combing and brushing. Please, if Tenshi gets too knotted, please tell me so we can make the decision to shave her down.
Sylvia: Tenshi is never matted. A few tangles here and there is NORMAL. Felted mats all over is not. I did a dog recently - no names that had mats so tight in their feet I had no choice but to splice and pull apart and splice. The dog gave me kisses thanking me. The dog lost hair but without splicing that dog would have been screaming. I could miss a week of grooming and my dogs would not be this bad and I have when I had the flu. But still I groomed visitors. My dogs I had to play catch up on and none were this bad even remotely. So don't wait too long and comb at least every few days.
I use the Plush Puppy grooming spray and brush and comb Kona every other day.
He has a fine silky coat so he is not as difficult to keep knot free as dogs with thick cottony coats. I just love the way he feels when he is combed. It makes petting him so much nicer.... I never seem to get him as soft and fluffy as you do Darlah..
Kathy: I love his coat. To this day his momma still has this coat.