Got You

Gizmo and Magic was playing off and on all day. See today's gallery.
All the dogs really are enjoying themselves. Magic, and Leo depart tomorrow. Bissli on Friday. Teddy arrived today and Tchibo arrives tonight. Nathan has been at the show since 630am and doesn't get back to 7ish tonight and he is back at it tomorrow.
Interesting Levon really likes the Stone.
Our next door neighbours are actually coming back tonight vs. tomorrow the daughter told me so no run tonight for the dogs. I missed the window but I did take them this morning but didn't take photso as I was weeding and watering their garden. Oh well - it was fun while it lasted. When the pool cover goes on they will have the crazy running room.
I didn't comb out anyone today except those going home. I am playing recovery. Tomorrow a full grooming day and combouts. It has been busy and an early start today. I may go to bed at 930pm tonight vs 10 as we have a very early day again. 7 is early enough for me. The dogs are saying the same!
Going to be fun to see the siblings Milo and Tchibo reunion!
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