Zack's New Home, Nails & Life

As you can see, Nathan is outside cutting Wasabi's nails. If you look at Zack and Sassy - you will notice that Wasabi finally needs a bath. But rain is coming so it will wait. hahahahaha Sassy got a bath this morning and looked at me a tad cross-eyed but otherwise behaved as the Sassy Lassy that she is.
If you click on the photo, you can see Fiona - and what a colour mass she is these days.
She seems to have a lot of grey and apricot coming in. It was mostly cream. The ever changing one.
Here's the Miss Abs out on the deck, in the sun just roughin' it in our bed we got from Woodruff. The dawgs all LOVE this bed. They roll around and do all kinds of crazy things in it but all of them get in the act except the larger canines (retrievers)
Zack's gone to his new home today. We are excited for him - sad as we will miss the guy but happy he will have more one on one time. We look forward to seeing photos.
We were supposed to be off to our friends house tomorrow but they are calling for rain so it may not happen till Sunday. That means I may be able to sleep in - exercise late and get ready for 2 weeks in a row of doggie shows with the Miss Abs.
It's called - practice - practice - practice.
Well, work is crazy so I must get stuff done - more later. We are hoping Coach survived his snip/snip and just know Sassy is doing great. She's already found our bed.
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