Havanese Visitors Before the Storm

Oh, we had a bit of fun tonight when Sassy and Coach came by. Coach was getting groomed a bit so you don't see him here. Nathan was at the camera, I was at the grooming table and never the two will meet. ROFL.
Still, Coach did manage to have a roaring grand time too. Nathan tried posing all of them but was soon figuring out that this is rather fruitless. Dogs will be dogs and not statues. But it sure did look like Fiona was posing for him.
Click on the photo to see an upclose view.
Well, we are getting ready for an outside dog show and they say rain and more rain in Orono. If you want a laugh of watching us squish through the field - do come to see us.
I will be washing Abigail tomorrow as I am rather tired tonight just in time for the rain. Got to remember raincoats. Dear old Abs is having fun just being a dog with our visitors and it does my heart good.
Thought she does look a tad tuckered out. I guess full out play does that for you. Or could it be she is looking forward to the show so much - well that could be so. She does love that one on one time. There's nothing like it!
I just adore the dogs. It's better than TV by far. Ooops that PVR is filling up fast. I guess Fiona and I will have to watch our favourite shows. She needs her alone time too.
Catch you tomorrow and do wish us well. I will let you know tomorrow if Nathan's shoes go squish, squish.
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