Sassy Lassy Antics

Sebastian says - "I have the toy so what are you going to do, Sassy Lassy? Oh - you think you can get it but I will show you who gets to keep it this time!"
Oh, the antics of these two have been precious this week. They have truly bonded even deeper - if that can be imagined. Sebastian even goes to look for her when he deigns to get his ahem out of bed. Sassy Lassy decides if I am getting up - so is she. The thing is, she has no clue about this exercise business and is keyed into my timing. If I am late getting up, that's when she gets up. If I am early - that's her as well. She's really tuned into the rhythms of the human pack. That's nice.
Today I did an hour stretch program that was almost impossible as Sassy Lassy thought that was an invitation to lick my face all over, crawl all over my chest and stomach when I laid down and have a grand old time with my feet.
For those that wondered who got the toy, well that Sassy Lassy plucked it from Sebastian and ran into his bed cave that he has here. She's a mighty creative one in how she accomplishes things. Her mind is always working at ways to have fun and its obvious that these 2 really enjoy each other.
Well more later. Forgive us but we are going to spend as much time with the crew as time allows and then when the Sassy is gone (our last one) - please do continue to read along as there will be tales to tell at Talemakers Havanese.