Havanese Sibling Socialization
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 11:04AM
Darlah Potechin in Sonrisas Hot N Spicy Wasabi puppies, Talemaker Havanese, havana silk dog, havanese socialization, talemaker pup sassy lassy, talemaker sebastian, talemaker's coach

The siblings had a meet and greet session yesterday that was an amazing amount of fun and we wonder if Coach slept afterwards. Sassy crawled into bed upstairs after he left and said enough is enough - I need my sleep. She was completely exhausted. Sebastian decided to stay downstairs and nibble on Terra's ear trying to get her to play. He was wide awake until after 11pm.

They all slept well last night and had no jockeying for position but Sebastian still had Risa's pillow at the top of the bed for a portion of the night- imagine that. He laid across the pillow with his body stretched out and up against Nathan's head. All was fine in his world getting top dawg position for the 2nd night in a row. Katsuro snuggled then decided the floor was cooler. Sassy doesn't seem to get preoccupied with proving any of that stuff - rather like Risa, so one wonders if they remained in the same house who would be true alpha. Only time would tell. Personally, I think a submissive position is easier than controlling the universe.

Interesting enough, Coach is also an alpha want to be - so 3 alpha want to be's getting together to play - it was actually fun. They wrestled and play growled and rolled around and ran and had a roaring grand time. Here's Sassy yanking on her brother to get him out of the tunnel. Hey - you can't escape me - you just think you can.

This get together was great. It was great distraction for us. Thanks, John!

Here's a photo of Coach and Sassy and I am putting this up as Sassy was shaking her head midstream while I was taking this photo trying to dust herself off from the antics of her siblings. It looks a tad funny but that's what she was indeed doing.

Sassy was the target at times but she held her own and then some - but it was all in fun. If it wasn't, we would have ceased the behaviour but she kept going back for more and playing with all comers.

You can click on any of the photos in this site to see a larger version.

I remember when the dogs couldn't reach this water dish and had to put their paws up to drink. My, times have changed. They have really grown. Rockhurst's Buster and Wasabi really made nice pups and Wasabi and her body structure, balanced nature and Buster and his - wow. I can't say enough and they remain ahead of schedule, smart as ever and pretty dawgs. Ok, we aren't supposed to say pretty about the males but they are...rather nice features and everyone says that. They have this cuteness factor thang going on.

The siblings had a blast. I have yet to find time to look at the video but it was a futile attempt to capture. They were running and running with excitement. But - maybe - something. We will find out later and if so, we will upload. Our still photos were just as bad. Amazing how fast with excitement they were moving. We must do this again.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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