
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese socialization (127)


Abs Playing Hard to Get

There is something about Abigail that Jay adores. Jay just got here early this morning - 630am and he ate with the gang and then all day long he has been trying to impress Abigail. He was like this last time.

She played with Jay but he had to work it to get a reaction from her. Was she a gal playing hard to get? Me thinks so.

Jazzy was also running and jumping and playing. You should see him in today's photos. It was a delight to watch him.

Louis also played that 'chase me' game and I caught him in mid-air. I just love when they do things you can capture and want to remember.

Chewie was right in the midst of all the action and he just flowed across the yard making sure he got to know every nook and cranny.

Even Kat got into it today.

What can I say about Teddy? He's always a play monkey and anyone who will play, well he is right there. Teddy has this zest for life that is unique to him. You can just see him enjoy every second.

Rocky just arrived and is settling in. It's going to be a fun night with walks and games. Now who will be sleeping in what position in the bed?

Check out today's photos.



Hiding Toys

 I want to tell you a funny story about today. I would throw a toy and then it would disappear. I woud throw another and ooops that too disappeared each time I turned around.

Well remember that hole I said Jazzy dug in my garden? Well he would wait till I turned around and then he would run and hide the toys in his hole. The only way I knew was I turned around fast enough to see him in action. I just had to laugh.

Jazzy has quite the collection.

Well today Archie goes home and we will miss this play monkey. He's been fun. Chewie comes and we look forwad to getting reacquainted with him. I am sure Raylan will enjoy another to play with and so will the rest of the guys.

Tomorrow Jay and Rocky comes. It's going to be a fun-filled house!

We had a great day today and it's not over. Everyone stood in line to get groomed today. It must have been the treat!

Catch today's photos.



Full Day at Talemaker Havanese

We had a ton of fun today inside and out. As Nathan wasn't here, I want to say it was an experience throwing toys to get the crew catching and retrieving and taking a steady photo at the same time but we manged to get some okay photos. Check them out.

It was too steamy hot for a bit so we played inside for different timeframes throughout the day but we also managed to catch the right weather at the right time to allow great play outside.

What happened that was wild and exciting? Jazzy dug an indentation in the garden to lay in and it only took him oh 3 minutes and it's HUGE. You should have seen his paws but that's what washing is about.

Tiger Lily went home and she wil be missed. Archie arrived and Archie played rather well with Teddy, Abigail, Raylan, Louis and Kat. He also tried to lay in Jazzy's hole but Jazzy said there was only room for one. hehehehe

Louis rather enjoyed laying on the cushions. Give him comfort anytime. He also LOVES to play the chase and catch me game with the rest of the dawgs.

To rate today's game of play, I would say was over a 10+ out of 10. It was so much fun.

The crew all got brushed, snuggled, played with and walked.

Tomorrow Archie goes home and Chewy comes at night and on Wednesday Jay comes for a few days.

It's bound to be a ton of fun this week. I am throughly looking forward to it.


Jazzy Enjoying Talemaker Life

The crew really had a blast despite the rain. I have way too many photos that I can't get them all resized. I am running so far behind as I have way too many and I simply won't get them all up - sorry.

Let's just say it rained and then the dawgs went out playing then it rained and then the dawgs went out playing - always with us and with this toy or that to play retrieve.

Nathan also ran around getting the dogs going. It was a truly fun day. 

Let's see we had Jazzy, Mia and Tiger Lily (sisters), Teddy and Louis. Mia went home today and Tiger Lily goes home tomorrow morning. Archie comes overnight tomorrow morning.

Inside, outside - we were always busy.

There are days when you laugh and laugh and this was one of them. Let's do this again tomorrow...

Check out some of the photos from today.


Inside Play

I want to post a ton of photos but I can't. My computer is doing funky things and I have to fix it so I will have to paint a picture with words and hopefully upload a ton of photos tomorrow.

Let's see - Jazzy has decided that if it is raining, he wants the door open so he can smell the air and not quite go out but if you make him go out in that rain, well he doesn't want to come back in. He is so funny!

Jazzy is enjoying his walks in a BIG way. Dennis even had him walking to hwy 7, to Bayview and back up again and he didn't tucker out. He LOVED it! He slept well but wanted to go back out when he returned.

The sisters Mia and Tiger Lily are here and having a ball. They are having a great time with each other and at various times with Teddy and Raylan. Tiger Lily is rather smitten with Jazzy and him with her.

Archie went home today and he will be missed. I know Raylan misses his fun but Teddy the party boy is doing a splendid job of engaging him in play.

Louis just arrived and said - this house is mine. It's been awhile since he has been here but Louis is a wonderful addition.

It keeps raining so we are mostly playing inside with minor outside adventures. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and warm so outside fun is in the plans with a click of the camera. Catch you then!


Day Off

The human here is not feeling well. updates today. Look for them tomorrow when we have new visitors.

Jazzy and Archie are doing exceptionally well and LOVE their walks. Archie goes home tomorrow. How did it go by so fast?

Jazzy - what can I say but he just adores the yard, the walks, the snuggles and the deck on the cool evenings and early morning. I think he believes he is on holiday. Well - he is!

Photos tomorrow. Sorry - got to shut my eyes while Nathan and Dennis play with the dogs so I can get rid of this.


Getting Down With the Dawgs

Well Nathan can't help himself. He has to get down on the ground with the guys.

Archie was playing up a storm again with Raylan and Abigail. Then Jazzy came and he was investigating the garden with Archie.

Now the crew is off for walks while I update the blogs. I am sadly behind. So it's Nathan and our son walking them tonight.

Check out today's photos.



Archie & Raylan Playing Up a Storm

Archie and Raylan seems to be best buds today. Raylan wants to play with anyone that comes in the door and he remembers Archie.

Archie just loves to play with the guy and that's quite nice. Archie arrived today and Archie is a regular. He started out rather shy but now comes in owning the place. It's quite nice to see the changes in him. We just adore this guy.

We think when we do walks tonight (as long as we beat the torrential rains slated for tonight) we will take this duo on a walk with each other.

We tend to change partners each time. Nathan takes 2. I take 2 and sometimes it's Dennis who walks if one of us is not up to it or is immersed in baths or something similar.

Tomorrow Jazzy is joining us and we are truly looking forward to his visit. It's going to be a fun week. I can feel it and I am going to just love it!!


Raylan's Sister Comes to Visit

This duo had a blast and so did the humans here.

It was raining and they got wet and dirty and had fun in and out of the house and then Coco had a bath and had to stay inside playing till her mommy came.

Abigail played a little bit but Wasabi actually played with Coco more but the siblings - it was as if they were long lost friends reuniting. It was glorious to watch.

This is the 1st pup we got to see since they left. We have received photos but there is nothing like the interaction upclose. It makes you want to have 2 puppies at once. hahahahaha We don't suggest that but gad what wonderful play.

Check out the photos, wet, dirty and clean.


Daisy After Her Bath

Daisy went home today and just before she did, she had a bath. Daisy likes to muck it up big time so I tend to whiten her twice and then condition and then put a rinse on her.

I truly love this photo and if you click on it, you can see a larger view. Nathan clicked this one. My part - I washed her. :-)

If you are wondering who was nosing her, it was Raylan. They are rather good buds.

I will miss the Daisy pouncing on me and licking my face to say - well it's time to get up - you know.

Till next time!

Tomorrow we get to see Coco from Abigail's litter for the day and she will get a bath. We will play first though so she can be nice and fresh for her human mom. We are looking forward to this visit.


Diving Havanese

But what is Daisy diving into? Click on the photo to see an upclose look. I can't believe I caught this shot.

Well today we (well me)  brushed everyone out. Played inside, outside and all around and Daisy was having a great time with Raylan but also with Abigail today.

It's Father's Day so we are trying to give Nathan relax time. But where was he? Trying to read a book draped in dogs - laying on the deck draped with dogs - what a tough life.

Check out the photos and see.


That Boys ALL MINE!!

 Daisy came over for a couple of nights and who did she beeline for? Not us. Not any of the dawgs but RAYLAN.

She is playing with the others but she rather enjoys rolling around with this boy. When I said - Daisy Mae... it was as if a lightbulb went off and she went - oh I will go to her and get a snuggle and to him and to... and then go back to Raylan.

She's still human focused but I think she found her boy toy. Will Raylan ever be the same after experiencing Daisy? nah

Check out a few of today's photos. I will do more tomorrow!


Baths & Fun in the Sun

We are boarderless till tomorrow so I took the opportunity to bathe all the Havanese except the 2 moms. That means 6 baths and blow drys - yikes. That also meant playing after each bath and cuddles and much more.

Nathan was away for part of the day so I was doing it all and doing a rather good job if I do say so myself.

We ran, we clicked the camera. We had baths. I even exercised this morning. Now after the blogs are done we will be off doing walks.

Tomorrow Daisy arrives and that will mean fun, fun, fun and Raylan will be overjoyed.

Check out some of today's photos then check out Raylan's photos to see him romping with the moms.



Sunning & Impending Washes

Today we sunned. What does that mean? I pulled a few weeds (they really are growing all around me as I type) and the dawgs rolled and enjoyed the sun not doing much. I think this was their timeout day at their request.

We had no visitors in the afternoon so after I weeded, I read a magazine and snuggled with the crew outside.

Tomorrow I start a marathon and just wash and wash and wash as many as I can. They all need baths but let's see how much energy I have to do many washes. It's the arm that gives out as I brush as I dry to achieve a nice coat and most just dry and brush later. It's easier but the coat comes out better brushing throughout the drying process. Issue is my arm starts tingling and says - what the hey are YOU doing. But it needs to get done.

The only ones I won't do are the mothers as I do not want to keep them away from their pups. In another week, I will be washing Treasure and a week after that I wil be washing Fiona.

Then on Saturday Daisy comes back for a visit and that's going to be fun. Raylan will say, I have my play buddy back and celebrate.


Hugo & milo Visit

Hugo and Milo are back for a visit and they are playing up a storm. I think Raylan is taking a time out but as you will see, he was right in the muck of it.

I am a little later than usual updating the blogs as Nathan is away at the vets helping someone get stem cells injected into their dog.

He just called to tell me that I will probably be asleep before he comes in. <sigh>

Hugo and Milo leave tomorrow - just a quick overnighter. We are hoping the rain stays away till bedtime otherwise I will be doing a whole lot of drying and brushing. Is luck on my side?

Check out today's photos.


Hairy Times

It's been a hairy time with Raylan playing nonstop with his mom.

I took this photo as I just had to laugh.

The pups ruined her hair so it is starting to come back in. Today, despite using grooming spray, it just had this static look after playing with Raylan.

Abigail is enjoying the outside and having a great deal of fun not being focused on mommyhood.

Tomorrow Hugo and Milo come to visit overnight.

It's going to be fun.


Daisy and Rocky Leaves Us

Well our 2 boarders went home and its rather quiet. Daisy left the building (our home) just in time for Fiona to have her pups.

We just finished and I need to do cleanup (hosing off back end etc. Poor Karen would cringe at the sight of this but they will all look pretty soon.

Raylan is going to miss Daisy and Rocky. I already see it.

I think I am tired and it's too quiet around here but Hugo and Milo are coming on Wednesday for an overnighter then nothing till the end of the month. I guess I won't have any excuses to not weed.


Rocky, Daisy & Raylan: Havanese Play 

This trio was having a blast today and it was a delight to be able to catch some of it on camera.

Check out today's photos.

It's a riot to see Raylan pretty much keeping up with the adults now. They played, they rested, they played and so on and so forth.

When you saw the smiles and the fun on their faces and the movement in their bodies - well it can't get better than that.

Rocky heads home tomorrow and so does Daisy. We will miss them both. Daisy has been here for an extended stay and usually comes once a week so we are not sure when she will be back but when she is, Raylan will be truly looking forward to it and so will we.

Rocky has totally become exhausted today despite our time outs to allow them to regroup. He was having such a great time that he said - is it time yet to go back outside?

It's been a great time. Tomorrow we will be down to just our crew till later this month. We wil be filling you in on our crew till then.


Snuggles, Wet, Grooming & More Wet

Kayla, Rocky and Daisy was trying to figure out why they couldn't go in the room when our son was in there. He was cleaning out a fish tank and it's not the type of stuff you want the dogs in.

Kayla is going home today and she had a bath. Has she really settled in nicely! Rocky just arrived and Daisy has been here for a bit.

Rocky is settling in as well. Daisy - well this is like a 2nd home to her.  But its been raining again and that Daisy and it seems Rocky too loves the rain. drip, drip, drip

Rocky loves to lay on Nathan at bedtime and let's everyone know his food is his own to eat. hahahaha Oh, he's not bad about it. He's just vocal in a subtle way.

We are hoping for a nicer day tomorrow. We really need that run-like- hell game the dawgs do. We have played a bit of retrieve and find the treat but there's nothing like outdoors.


Tess & DD Goes Home

Rocky arrived today and Tess and DD goes home in a bit. The house changes again.

It's been a low key day. Rocky played with Abigail and Daisy and Kayla found fun with Raylan. Those 2, Raylan and Kayla are such a pair. They will miss each other.

Daisy has decided that more friends means more play and that's okay with her. I still brush her totally out and she proceeds to look like a ragamuffin 5 minutes later. Our Fiona has been doing the same thing lately. I think she's learning from Daisy. ROFL

What can we do - snuggle, play and enjoy and laugh at the shaking, rolling and desire to look like that lived in look. It's just being a DAWG!