
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese socialization (127)


Trained Door Opener

Terra has a new role. She thinks she is the one that leads the crew after squirrels or birds or anything moving in the yard but now she opens the slide door to let the rest of the crew in.

It's happened so many times that there is no mistake that this is what she is doing.

Who has whom trained?

Today we had a Fiona puppy over, Mia. She is delightful and wow what a coat. We are going to be lucky having her stay with us at the end of August into September. We are excited.

Rocky comes for a weekend visit tomorrow. Kayla goes home Saturday night. Kayla feels like she just got here. DD & Tess leave tomorrow. We will miss DD & Tess and they are loves. I can't believe how well they are doing and you can often find DD playing with me funny games on the floor or sitting on our son Tal's lap in the basement hanging out with him. Tess prefers hanging out with the dawgs and playing. Ah...each so unique and so fun and interesting to have around.

Check out today's photos. Even Kat ran and played. Heck, what you won't see is his throwing the ball in the air and catching it and telling Daisy - the BALL IS MINE!



Kayla & Raylan Playing Up a Storm

Yeah, it's raining out and it's cool and damp but we just brought the play inside.

DD & Tess arrived this morning and DD is playing with me when she is not playing with the gang. I have to get photos of that too. Tess is just playing with teh dawgs.

But today I concentrated on Kayla as she seems to have found her love of playing with Raylan the past couple of days.

It's hard to take photos inside our house unless I block them off into one room as I have to run from room to room as they run and play and often all you get is a blur but Kayla and Raylan was hanging out playing in the kitchen. The camera was there so click and we got these photos.


Man on the Deck

Well the 2nd issue of the Havanese Breed Magazine is out and that let's Nathan have a bit more freedom to muck it up with the dogs. I also got to take photos.

Does that sound like normalcy?

Gidget was here overnight and was truly enjoying the crew and was highly interested in the pups but they are too young. She'll have to come back when they are older.

Remember Woofstock is on this weekend in Toronto and it is a MUST to attend. We may be going if Fiona has her pups soon but we shall see. I won't go if she hasn't had her pups but if she has and everything is going well, I may sneak out for a couple of hours while the sons watches the crew. He's just as diligent as we are plus now we have 2 more sons home to help out.

DD & Tess will be joining us for a few days tomorrow. We are really looking forward to their return. Rocky will be coming this Friday and it's been way too long for him. We can't wait to see him again!

The crew had their morning grooming. I do a thorough job but Daisy tries to make me look like I never brush. I think she has this plan in hopes that I will say why try but I can hang on longer than she can. Yeah, I am teasing. We try to make this grooming stuff daily but fun too in hopes that it helps you at home.

Daisy and Raylan were wearing each other today. It was delightful to watch. Kayla was playing with Nathan in a big way. Where was my camera? She also seems to truly enjoy Risa, Fiona and Abigail.

It was a low key day with doses of fun. This crew seems to enjoy play, rest, play, rest. Usually Daisy is non-stop play but she's learning lately she can win if she rests in-between.

Check out today's photos.




Chillin' and Pups

Kayla has really settled in.

She's highly curious about the puppies but so is Gidget who is here overnight. Daisy seems to not realize there are puppies. That's probably cause she has Raylan to bat around.

We are still playing recovery from the pups. The dawgs are enjoying their walks, snuggles and playing games.

PS: Kayla is now looking for her turn for groming. It must be the masages and treats.

I placed up just a few photos. Nathan has been busy getting a magazine out so photo taking has waned. I promise tomorrow I will click away!

The visitors are doing amazing and enjoying!


Too Busy Today

We just had puppies so the kids (20 something year olds) have been walking the dogs, playing with them and just keeping them busy while we were whelping. But can I get them to take photos? Nah

Sorry about that. Tomorrow will be a better day. The dogs are having fun but if I am not clicking, it doesn't get done. Sorry. I felt getting everyone groomed, walked and played with a number of times was most important.

Kayla is settling in nicely. She adores Nathan and she understood when I brushed her this morning that she got a massage at the starts and a treat at the end. She didn't mind it this time.

Daisy has been giving Raylan a run for his money but Raylan is giving it right back.

DD & Tess are coming back this week for a few days. Rocky comes and Kayla goes home on Sunday. Lots of changes including Fiona pups are expected this week.

More tomorrow!


Kayla, Daisy, Emma & the Crew

Emma is a golden that is here for the weekend. Our son just gave her a bath with my help. He overdid it on the waterless bath so he had to do it the old fashioned way. She wasn't slated for a bath but he felt the need. :-) He's my son after all. heh 

Of course I had to show him how to do it and proceeded to do the blowing etc. but he's doing a fair bit of it. It gave him a new appreciation for what I do. He said, is it always like this? I said yes. Goldens are rather large so they bring with them a different method of washing etc. as IO don't have special laundry tubs etc for the large version of dawgs.

Daisy, well what can I say but if I brush her and she looks like the cat dragged her all over the place (no cats here but you get the point, I am sure) well I have to learn how one keeps a Daisy from staying clean and having fun. I don't think both go hand in hand.

Daisy was afraid of Emma at first and for no reason. Emma is a golden who ignored her barks but this is good for Daisy as she is adjusting to an Emma.

Kayla is new here and this is her first time. She was nervous after her parents left but soon adjusted after she had her walk with Daisy. She's mingling with the other dogs and relaxing but I think Nathan is her fave guy. It must be that I groomed her today.

Oh, I am gentle but it took me a bit so she was heading into Nathan's office when she saw me with the brush. She adored the treat but tomorrow she will get mini sessions as I want her to enjoy the experience - especially the massage. They don't line up in this place for nothing. Paws always out for the treat and turn PLEASE!

No photos today as we are on puppy watch. It may be getting very close so cuddles and naps with the big guys now just incase!


Havanese Changes

Jazmyn and Marlee had baths today and they are heading home tonight. We will miss them in a big way.

We have someone coming to see the dogs tonight. We have Emma the golden arriving and Kayla the Havanese arriving. Emma will be here till Sunday and Kayla will be hanging out and enjoying till the 12th.

This afternoon we had Gidget come to visit. Check out her photo and the rest from today that Nathan took. Me, I was washing and grooming.

I get Daisy brushed and 2 minutes later she looks like I never touch her. I am going to start calling her our grunge gal visitor.

Raylan, Marlee and Daisy have been playing ion a big way!

We are supposed to have rain off and on all weekend long. Hoping for better photos and more outdoors fun. We shall see.


Inside Play

When it is pouring outside, we play inside. Sure we still go out to do our duty but playing is done on the floor inside.

It's more difficult to take photos inside with a number of dogs so tomorrow with the sun, we will add more to the gallery.

One of the best games is retreive but you can also play 'find the treat' or obedience practice to name just a few.

I don't know about you but we also use it as a time to watch TV, snuggle and kick it down a notch. That's okay for 1 day but rain and rain day after day, well you have to have something to get their mind and bodies moving. You simply have a better dog when you give them activity.

Tomorrow is going to be a perfect day. No real heat but warm enough and no rain. Perfect for the camera clicking too.

Kayla and Emma arrives and Jazmyn and Marlee leaves. Gad so soon for the departures.

PS: Jazmyn doesn't seem to mind the pup any longer.


No Photo Day

Okay, I know this is getting old but it's raining and any photos I will take - will be wet. hehehehe

Daisy, Jazmyn and Marlee are all doing amazing.

Jazmyn has told Raylan off a few times. He is learning and listening. He needs to learn. She just growls and he says - oh. Then loses his mind and tries again in a couple of hours.

Marlee and Daisy think the rain is the best thing next to a wonderful treat.

I keep drying Daisy off and she looks at me as if to say - WHAT!

Marlee also loves the rain. Jazmyn is okay in it but hey if I can snuggle with you in your lap, well why not. Everyone LOVES our recliner with us in it. I need 2.

As you can see, everyone puts their head in their dish and doesn't pick it up till it is gone. The beauty of competition, I imagine.

The only one who is silly enough to walk away and see if the grass is greener elsewhere is Raylan. He doesn't get away with it but he does try.

More tomorrow!


Jazmyn & Marlee Joins Us

 We love it when we see Jazmyn and Marlee. They fit in so well and really enjoy everyone but that Raylan jumping on Jazmyn's head - she had to correct THAT. hehehehe

All is good and we are settling in as they just got here this afternoon.

Marlee and Daisy are already getting along famously and so is Abigail and Marlee. Jazmyn is finding renewed friendships with Risa and Kat.

Check out a few pix. It's lean today as it's Nathan's B-day and we are having a relax day. Hope you understand!


What a Havanese Day

Well, it's been a busy day so much so that we got only a few photos. Check them out.

Daisy is here for a week or maybe 2. First thing this morning, I went outside, put the sprinklers on as they hadn't been on for a few days and haven't had time to check why the automation isn't working. Well, Daisy went running and dashing through the sprinklers. No, I didn't have the camera for that. I was actually weeding when it happened. This is what she looked like after the deed but Daisy mom - heh - click on the photo and you can see she didn't stay that way.

Well, Oscar is heading home tonight. We will miss him bigtime. I was on a mission - a 24 hour one to get Daisy and Oscar to hook up. He had other ideas. He was smitten with Tess and Abigail. Fickle men. Me thinks we needed more than a 24 hour window for a love connection. :-) What - I am a DAWG matchmaker?

DD and Tess are heading home tomorrow morning. I gave them baths tonight so we were not rushed in the morning when they go. DD has really warmed up to our university age kids. She adores them. Today, Tess was doing the run like hell game with Oscar. Did I catch THAT nah!

We wil miss this duo. They started out slow not sure about all the dogs and now they are relaxed, playing and enjoying. It happens on its own time with a little help.

You see, I got a lot of weeding done but it came with an inability to have a camera on my neck. Nathan also did the yard waste pickup that I was flinging. It took me hours then Nathan did some weeding too. Yep, I still have way more to go but we made a dent.

I also took an hour nap. Between exercise, less food (on a mission to get in shape by the end of the summer), well I am exhausted. Add in a number of dog washes, grooming, gardening and &^%$ P90X 1.5 hours of exercise - well argh but I survived. 1 day at a time.

Tomorrow is Nathan's b-day so no weeding for him tomorrow nor any yard waste pickup either. I offered to do the poo patrol and feeding the dogs but he passed. Heh

Marlee and Jazmyn are coming tomorrow afternoon. I am so excited!

More tomorrow!


Havanese Get Amused 

I took a few photos of Oscar in this stance but couldn't figure out what he was looking at.

An ant kept going in and out of the cracks and he was fascinated by the action. He never did anything but look. Last week I caught Raylan doing something similar.

Oscar's leaving tomorrow night and I am going to miss him in a big way. He's a gentle soul who likes the simple things in life like ants, gardening, snuggles and lounging on the deck. He's got the life I want. hahahah - just teasing but wouldn't it be nice to be a dog for one day?

Hugo, Milo and Archie went home. The house changed yet again and Daisy arrived to kick it up a notch again. Daisy has been wearing out Raylan and now he is snoozing fast and Daisy is smooching up to Nathan to see if he will give her a popcorn.

DD has grown to love our university kids. Tess loves to hang out with me. It's nice to see they can do things without each other. When they first was here they were each others shadow and then slowly they started finding independent fun. Raylan still jumps all over Tess to say hello each times she enters the room. When it comes to grooming, they know the drill better than anyone. Brush and comb and where's that treat?

No photos today but tomorrow I promise to do better. Off to finish the other blogs so I can snuggle with the crew like Nathan is doing. I am jealous!


New Photos Added

The sun was waning and the play just got wild especially with Archie and a few others. Check out the new photos we added to the new gallery at 10:15PM.


The Heat is Still on at Talemaker Havanese

 Archie is a sweetheart. We have seen so many changes since the 1st time he came to visit us. It's ever so nice.

Archie gets a bath after his walk tonight as he is going home in the morning and Nathan is at a show. This way he will be nice and clean for his mom and dad when they return.

Archie is a food hound. He just adores meal time and if he had his druthers, he would eat his own and anyone else's. heh

We will miss Archie but we really enjoyed his visit.

Milo and Hugo also go later (probably evening) tomorrow. They are regulars and both are characters in their own right.

Today we spent the early morning outside. I did some weeding and some of the dogs tried to help. Who? Oscar, DD (hope that's the spelling), Tess and Kat. It made weeding INTERESTING but I try to make it fun. Then the warmth started settling in and we came inside. The dogs actually prefer it outside as there is so much to do but we are still in short bursts of outside stints.

DD and Tess have really settled in and have found our couch. They like snuggling while we watch TV. Where Archie, anyone who hits the recliner, he wants on it and so does Abigail and Fiona. Yep I usually have them all on. DD and Tess prefer the couch but so does Risa and many of the others.

Nathan was at the show today so it was me and the dogs till noonish. Then he took over for a bit so I coudl get my - just renewed exercise in. Gad I am sore but hey this blog is anout teh dawgs not my aches and pains.

Oscar goes out every chance he gets. He loves exploring the garden while I am pulling weeds. Maybe his mom does this and he finds a familiarity. I don't know. I will have to find out.

It's a little quiet today but I managed to get some interesting photos. Check them out.


Lazy Spring Havanese Pool Cover Days

We are testing this thumbnail business to see if you like this better. The load is faster and if you want to see the larger photo, just click on the photo.

Ever wonder if those safety covers are ... well safe? They are. Look at Nathan laying on it with some of the adults and puppies. If you have a pool, it is a wise investment for kids, you, the dogs etc.

The weather was gorgeous so we spent a great deal of time outside. The pups truly enjoy that and so do our adults. My crew needs baths and I will get them done, here and there. I still want to learn the new things on my camera but have I? NO. Something always comes up.

But tonight I am either going to wash a dog or read my manual. Do you know which? Even I don't know.


Talemaker Havanese Immense Fun

We had Hugo and Milo join us for the day. Teddy also came for a couple of days. Daisy has been here for a bit and Shanty is here till Sunday. It was a TRULY fun day today.

I got a ton of photos but I am only putting up a few that turned into a slew but still not all.

Check the photos out here.

I also placed up a video with Penny, Shanty, Daisy and the Treasured one. Tomorrow I will put up a video of the rest of the visitors. I just ran out of time. Sorry.

Teddy brings such fun to the mix and so does Hugo and Milo. You already know Daisy is a play monster.

We had such a fun crew that I spent less time cropping 247 files - yeah that's right. I have 247 photos getting uploaded and I am only putting up a sliver.

Treasure is getting back to herself. Fiona is almost done her heat. The crew was playing hard and long and delightful. Watch for today's videos getting uploaded tomorrow. Till then, wish me luck with sleep tonight as we have the moms joining us for zzzzs.

Yeah, Saki is coming for a few hours tomorrow. FUN!


Havanese: The Natural Look

Ripley is visiting us and is having a grand time but I brush him and voila he looks like I haven't done  a thing.

He has this Rastafarian thing going on that I adore.

He just LOVES Treasure and he can't understand why she has to wear big girl panties.

But he loves yanking on them to get her to do what he wants. hahaha

Treasure is in heat but almost finished. Still, we find it easier to put them on and not have to worry about her teasing all the boys. Yes, she teases them all and she loves the attention.

But she is not her usual bubbly self when she has them on.

No one is intact here except Kat so do we really need the big gal panties?

No, but they look so cute. hahahahaha

Doesn't she look so cute?

Well, it's been a cool day and it's time to walk dogs and snuggle and play and Ripley is a class act in the snuggle department.

Ooops, there goes Ripley and Treasure again. I do believe they are smitten with each other. heh

More tomorrow!


Grandkids Played With Havanese Visitors & Our Crew

I washed Kat, Shanty, Louis, Coach and Sassy. Coach and Sassy are going home tomorrow morning and Louis went home tonight.

It was a whole lot of washing. We already miss the Louis.

This afternoon we also had our daughter and the grandkids stop by to play a game or two with the havanese. Do yourself a favour and check out the photos today to see how much the havanese enjoyed the kids. It was a pure delight.

It's their visit and the washing that set me behind in posting but it was worth it.

They will be back on Friday but everyone will be gone except Ripley who comes on Friday too.

It was a delightful and warm day other than that spitting rain this morning. The crew walked and played their hearts out. It will be sad to see more go tomorrow. Ah, it's the life if the Holiday Talemaker Havanese crew. How else could we have so many dogs? When they come to hang out, well our hearts - well it does one good.


New Visitor Today

LouisLouis came early this morning and will be here till Monday. He's always a delight.

Coach and Sassy are here till Tuesday morning and Jay and Cesar are here till Thursday. Then Ripley comes on Friday. We will have a lot of changes this week.

As I type this Cesar and Jay are playing up a storm running up and down the hallways here.  Coach and Sassy are snoozing after playing a very active game of chase.

It's been a wild house and while I was off at the 'All About Pet Show' Nathan also had Yvonne's 4.

By the way, I really enjoyed getting out and it was a huge treat. I am also going to a seminar tomorrow while our son watches the crew for a couple of hours. It's been forever since I have been out. The subject is 'dog language. WE tend to try to keep learning so any of the dogs and boarders can benefit. It's a win/win for us and them.

Shoshi & TreasureI bought this absolutely grand idea of a toy at the show. You put a plastic bottle inside of it and they use it to crinkle and retrieve but the bottle doesn't get splintered or a mess and you can always put a new one in to replace it.

Here you can see Treasure nearly having a heart attack as Shoshi had the audacity to beat her to it first.

You can get a better photo of this toy in today's photos. Still don't have tons of photos but as things wind down in the busy department, I will.

This toy is a huge hit!!

As you can see, although exhausted, I came back and played with the dogs, snuggled with the puppies and cropped photos and updated the blog. I could use sleep after getting up at 5am.

No, the dawgs didn't wake us but Nathan was doing a favour for someone and driving them to the show. If you do go to the show, go to Breeder's row and say hello to Val Weston. She's in the Bichon booth and she has one of Fiona's pups and yes she is bouncing and saying hello to just about everyone. Give her kisses for me.


Remy Goes Home

RemyThe Remster has left us and I bet he is already snoozing as I type. He will be missed.

It's rather quiet around here with just Cesar and Shanty. Cesar is smitten with Treasure and has been running after her nonstop and she is loving it.

Treasure's that gal that always gets attention and revels in it. I am not sure why the boys like her but it has to be her fun lovin' way she embraces life.

I washed, Remy, Fiona, Wasabi and Abigail today so no photo gallery today. I hope you understand. I am now off to watch the puppies and relax. More tomorrow.