Talemaker Havanese Immense Fun
Friday, April 16, 2010 at 9:22PM
Darlah Potechin in Talemaker Havanese Puppies Toronto, boarding havanese in toronto, havanese socialization, small dog boarding in toronto, tTalemaker havanese boarding toronto

We had Hugo and Milo join us for the day. Teddy also came for a couple of days. Daisy has been here for a bit and Shanty is here till Sunday. It was a TRULY fun day today.

I got a ton of photos but I am only putting up a few that turned into a slew but still not all.

Check the photos out here.

I also placed up a video with Penny, Shanty, Daisy and the Treasured one. Tomorrow I will put up a video of the rest of the visitors. I just ran out of time. Sorry.

Teddy brings such fun to the mix and so does Hugo and Milo. You already know Daisy is a play monster.

We had such a fun crew that I spent less time cropping 247 files - yeah that's right. I have 247 photos getting uploaded and I am only putting up a sliver.

Treasure is getting back to herself. Fiona is almost done her heat. The crew was playing hard and long and delightful. Watch for today's videos getting uploaded tomorrow. Till then, wish me luck with sleep tonight as we have the moms joining us for zzzzs.

Yeah, Saki is coming for a few hours tomorrow. FUN!

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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