The Heat is Still on at Talemaker Havanese
Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 4:24PM
Darlah Potechin in Talemaker Havanese, boarding havanese toronto, boarding small dogs toronto, daycare havanese toronto, havanese conditioning, havanese play, havanese puppies for sale canada, havanese puppies for sale ontario, havanese puppies for sale toronto, havanese socialization

 Archie is a sweetheart. We have seen so many changes since the 1st time he came to visit us. It's ever so nice.

Archie gets a bath after his walk tonight as he is going home in the morning and Nathan is at a show. This way he will be nice and clean for his mom and dad when they return.

Archie is a food hound. He just adores meal time and if he had his druthers, he would eat his own and anyone else's. heh

We will miss Archie but we really enjoyed his visit.

Milo and Hugo also go later (probably evening) tomorrow. They are regulars and both are characters in their own right.

Today we spent the early morning outside. I did some weeding and some of the dogs tried to help. Who? Oscar, DD (hope that's the spelling), Tess and Kat. It made weeding INTERESTING but I try to make it fun. Then the warmth started settling in and we came inside. The dogs actually prefer it outside as there is so much to do but we are still in short bursts of outside stints.

DD and Tess have really settled in and have found our couch. They like snuggling while we watch TV. Where Archie, anyone who hits the recliner, he wants on it and so does Abigail and Fiona. Yep I usually have them all on. DD and Tess prefer the couch but so does Risa and many of the others.

Nathan was at the show today so it was me and the dogs till noonish. Then he took over for a bit so I coudl get my - just renewed exercise in. Gad I am sore but hey this blog is anout teh dawgs not my aches and pains.

Oscar goes out every chance he gets. He loves exploring the garden while I am pulling weeds. Maybe his mom does this and he finds a familiarity. I don't know. I will have to find out.

It's a little quiet today but I managed to get some interesting photos. Check them out.

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