
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies toronto (308)


Talemaker's Havanese Ritz Abode

There are some Havanese dawgs that love comfort and Risa's line reeks of THAT! Risa loves her sleep time, her pillow at the top of the bed that Sebastian stole last night and they love their zzzzz's - always have but Risa and Katsuro take the cake as they love the pillows, the blanket over them and it can't be any pillow but it must be soft, comfie and just right.

Due to a new visitor, Sebastian, Katsuro has decided to catch some zzzs on the couch this morning. Laying high also gives him the illusion he is top dawg surveying all.

Sebastian and Sassy are also nodded out together in the big dawgs bed. Sebastian is going to get a comb out when he gets done snoozing. He decided today to mimic Risa in the snow. Risa goes out, lays down in the snow and does a body rub. Sebastian thought that was rather interesting and tried it himself. Sassy just looked and I swear said what are you 2 nuts doing? Ah - but Sebastian and Risa are satisfied that she hasn't got a clue. They now have all that fresh white stuff to themselves to roll and get a mess in.

Mark and Maryanne has left a new comment on your post "Talemaker's Havanese Ritz Abode": I'm glad to see that Sebastian got his choice of pillows on the bed last night. He's learning that he is the king and all others are his loyal subjects!! Let's not let it go to his head. Posted by Mark and Maryanne to Wasabi's Havanese Adventures at January 14, 2008 1:33 PM


Sassy: Which One?

Sassy found that plastic empty bottle fun - a cheap toy till it gets flattened and you throw it out to start again. It makes tons of noise and the Havanese adore it.

She was inbetween this stick that makes a tweety toy that's laying in the bed (it's a cat toy that used to have cloth hanging off of it) and that bottle and she's trying to figure out which one.


Visiting Friends & Socialization

We went to visit Yvonne's house today to give the dogs something to do, give us a distraction and do so in a safe environment. We were going to go tomorrow but remembered we get to have Sebastian for a visit and it's surely going to be fun. We can't wait!

This is Sassy playing with one of Yvonnes puppies who are now 6 weeks old. Sassy is doing amazing in the car. She rather enjoys it as she knows car=fun places to go.

Yvonne's pups are way cute and it was fun to spend time with good friends that have a way to make you laugh.

Sassy's turning into a really great dog despite that I gave her a bath - what a few days ago and looks like a grunge due to running around in the mud but we will freshen her up, give her a bath before she goes to her new home next Saturday and you'll just have to read us to hear about the antics of the rest of the crew.

The crew promises that it's rarely a dull moment. With Havanese..well they are like that!

More tomorrow and we promise to do a video of the crew when Sebastian is here. One wonders what the bed arrangements will be with Sebastian here but I can't wait to find out!

Mark and Maryanne said...
I expect that Sebastian will be sleeping on the bed. Oh, and since he's a guest (and bound to be scared since it's his first time at sleep-over camp) he should get first pick of where on the bed he wants to sleep!!!:) But be careful, sometimes he waits until you're asleep, then he gets off the bed and gets into all sorts of mischief!
January 12, 2008 11:41 PM
Nathan said...
Eh hemmm! This might be his first time at sleep over camp but somehow I don't think he'll find the situation all that onerous with his mommy Wasabi, his sister Sassy, and his teacher Katsuro-san not to mention Terra, Whitney, Shoshi and Risa. As far as his spot on the bed, it is really rarely an issue. They all find their spots. As far as leaving the bed in the night goes, no worries there either. You can be sure that Sassy will stick with him and if it looks really interesting Kat will be there too. It will be a serious trial for him but somehow I think he'll struggle through it until you get back. --Nathan
January 13, 2008 9:07 AM


Havanese Grooming Time

Are we having fun or what? As you can see, I got a bath today and what is that thing she is putting on me around my neck? What is that rush of hair blowing at me? Hey - I am not sure I like this!

Oh my, but if I stand still, I get a treat. Hmm - it's NOT all bad. Plus I look perfectly snowy white just like my canine mommy Wasabi that also had a bath before me.

This human has this thing that points at me and blows warmish air but not that warm at me. Then she brushes me while it is blowing at me and I am not sure I am thrilled with that but she says she must or I may get some knots plus the hair looks silky smooth when she does it that way. I know as I admired myself in the mirror that is around this place. Those humans think I think it's another dawg but I know it's me strutting myself. Plus - I look boot-i-full - don't ya think?

It's important not to make the hair bone dry unless you are going out. As you can see from this photo, I am a tad damp but not wet. This way my skin doesn't dry out and my hair stays smashingly healthy. She also sprays this spray on conditioner all over and that helps protect my coat and keeps it cleaner longer plus keep any knots away as long as I get a brush.

We got batteries for a toy that has a recorder in it. You are supposed to record things and when I move it, well that human's voice starts talking out of it. I am sooooo confused and it drops out treats. The humans around here may hide this toy as it is about to drive them nuts.


Havanese Pay Attention To Me

Oh, it's surely getting cold out today and so bath times will begin - Katsuro first as he is - well a mess - then Wasabi and on and on.

I received a surprise gift from friends who made it - a grooming table so I am jazzed about having something other than my washing machine to stand them on. We shall see how it goes.

Well, here is Sassy - sorely needing a bath herself - still doesn't look so bad but still - it's time. We put a jacket of Shoshi's on as it's rather windy today to practice look at me. Once we have this mastered, we will start heeling.

The first step is to get him/her to gain comfort with the leash, the various mediums, noises etc and then you start training. Some say train from the minute you start but we find that it interferes with the love of the experience. We want the dog to look around, enjoy his surroundings and gain some curiousity and excitement about the process. Then when your dog is excited about getting a collar and lead on, you then start getting them to pay attention to YOU.

First command is an 'attention' command as this will be the core to getting your dog to do what you want. If you want your dogs to listen to you in all circumstances, then you must first have their FULL attention and a method that works.

Attach a very long leash to your dog's collar. Why? Because a short leash doesn't give him enough room to "test" his limits and learn which behavior you're going for. Ultimately, if your dog willingly stays with you on a long leash, then it will be easier to teach him to stay with you willingly on a shorter leash later.

Start by getting your dog's full attention. With the dog standing (or sitting) on your left side, call his name. When he looks at you, reward immediately with a TREAT.

If he doesn't look at you, take a treat to his nose and bring it to your eyes. When you are doing this, say 'Sassy, look.' (trade your dog's name for Sassy) When he looks up at you (really the treat) then reward him. You can also start using a clicker here to get them to understand a click means something positive and this will help you in the long term to wean off of the treat system.

Then, start walking. With each and every step that the dog follows along next to you, TREAT. If he gets distracted, repeat getting him to pay attention to you. If you get to this 2nd step, you have just begun teaching your dog to heel. If you are stuck in the 'attention' portion, it will come. Be patient. It's not about intelligence but creating an atmosphere where they know this is what you want. The key is always make it fun. Do not practice for too long and do not get frustrated. If you are getting frustrated, it's time to stop. You should only be practicing this in 5 to 10 minute intervals. Do not treat when he wanders off or refuses to pay attention to you when you call his name.

When training, feed a tad less to compensate for the addition of training treats.

This is in no way a substitution for training classes. You will be glad that you plunked your money down if you find a quality training centre.

More later.


Thaw: Time to Be Careful

We are dealing with a thaw here in the Toronto area and cold weather will again set in. But it's time to say that if your little one has not had 3 of its vaccinations, do not let him traipse through fecal matter or sniff or worse eat it or drink from water found in pools from the thaw. Your little one is not protected yet. Before you say - well, I wouldn't allow that - at this stage, with teething and being a puppy, it's natural for them to mouth, taste and figure things out just like a human baby will. Dogs are fast and it can happen without you even noticing. They need their 3 vaccinations before they can fight off the possibilities that exist out there.

But even with all that, your little one - a winter pup has not had the grass exposure to know what its about. Add extreme moisture into the equation and some dogs plain don't like it. Sassy doesn't seem to mind though the deck was a momentary - what is this funny stuff under my feet but she didn't let it stop her. She wasn't crazy about the wetness and mud and it's futile to keep the dogs clean and I am a person who likes my dogs clean but sanity also plays a part in my life and we will get to it when the weather gets colder. It sounds strange to do that but the mud won't be an issue then and they will stay cleaner longer. Who would expect a thaw in January and I even have green plants outside. Confusing mother nature.

Well, if yours doesn't like it or can't figure out where to go, take him and place him in the center of the grass and give him your command for him to go. Even Shoshi, who hates wet feet goes in the grass in the backyard as we have physically placed her in the middle and she has had no choice. She also eventually figured out it wasn't so bad.

Coach came by with his human dad and the dogs were excited to see him. He couldn't stay for long but really was excited, recalled well and knew where daddy was. Nice! He really enjoyed Sassy and his canine mom, Wasabi. I do believe when he visits again - hoping when Sebastian is here but anytime is fine - we will have to video tape that. Coach was just at a vet and weighed in at 6lbs even. He's in great shape and I should have taken a photo of him as he is turning out to be so extremely cute. What a beauty. I knew he would be. Wasabi really makes pretty pups. Thanks, John for bringing him by.


Sassy Frazzled or Top Dog?

We visited Sassy's new forever home (she goes next week) and she got to meet her cat-mate and her retriever-mate (retriever-mate she met previously) - her new human mom and dad and her sibling Josh - no darts Josh - I am part of the family now - ROFL and was able to look around. She even got to check out the bedrooms. We whisper Sebastian's name in her ear and she perked up - knowing she will be doing visits with him sometimes. We know she is going to love it there.

When she got home, Wasabi and her got into it in Terra's bed and you can almost not tell where one body starts and the other ends but what you can't see is that stick to the right - well it makes a gad-awful sound of birds tweeting and they LOVE this thing and yep - it's a cat toy.

Well, guess who won? We will tell you tomorrow. Today, well you will have to guess. Back to watching the play!


New Years Havanese Slideshow

With so much snow, we got to spend New Years with our friends Yvonne and Alex from Chicadoro Havanese. We had a roaring good time and these are only some of the photos. We hope Yvonne does a slideshow on her site as there are so many more photos with her beautiful litter.


Tux Sends a New Year Greeting

This is a photo we received in our email from Rita and it looks like Tux is practicing - I am all that look. Got to charm those judges now that Kemi from Risa's litter got her championship this last weekend - you'll have to show them how the males strut their stuff. :-)

We have no doubt that he will - as he was a charmer from birth. ROFL!

Nice - photo, Rita - keep them coming!


Havanese Winter Comfort

Here's Sassy this morning playing tug toy with Louis. She took a day or 2 to warm up to him as Louis was playing with Katsuro more but the last couple of days, Sassy thinks she's a grown-up gal especially after seeing Yvonne's pups. She played with the pups but decided she wanted the challenge of the older dogs and Louis is almost the same age as Katsuro - just a few weeks younger.

Later today we are going to do a slideshow of our trip hopefully and maybe some video as we really had a great time but we shall see how busy work is. We won't be going out on walks today as it is too cold so it will be out to the back and back in and inside the house games.

Sassy really LOVES the big dog's bed and the big dogs. She loves the goldens. She's a gentle soul much like our Katsuro but she also has his spunk - meaning she won't take grief from others but plays the politician part well - hahahahahaha She's going to make someone a really wonderful dawg - I tell you.

More later...


Last Havanese Posts of the Year

It's the last day of the year and we have been running around in fresh snow and human mommy took a photo of us through the door - so you sort of see us, sort of not.

Louis has been playing with me non-stop now. At first he would play bow in a way that I thought he was going to pounce on me and so I tried it that way and soon we were running around like banshees this morning. Mommy was laughing so hard she thought she would wake the neighbours. Then she went running for the door hoping we would come but we didn't notice her so she stood at the door waiting - then called and here we are in this picture waiting for her to open the door.

Well, mommy says I am getting a bath today as I go into the vet and then I am going to do some New Year's eve visiting. I can't wait - new adventures, new environments - all good to help me be all I can be.

The doggies are in for a whole lot of fun today and what a great way to end the year - I tell you. It does the humans hearts good to see such fun. Photos will come.


Visitors and Perfecting Running

We have Louis visiting. He's the black Havanese in this photo. We adore Louis as he is one of the most agile havanese we know walking across the top of the agility tunnel last picnic we had. Everyone else walked or ran through - not him on top just like his mom Gidget formally named Paris. Black Havanese are hard to photograph and you have to have a technique - called get them up close that I didn't have here. :-) Sorry...

As you can see, Sassy is running across our safety cover towards Louis. She's been having a blast today. She also had a golden visitor called Casey that was rather cool to have over. We love Golden's around this place.

Tomorrow Sassy gets her next set of shots. She's in for a treat seeing Lex as she likes him and more surprises tomorrow coming her way.


Sebastian at 11 Weeks

We just received a handful of pictures of Sebastian. I thought the least I could do is share one of them with those of you following this blog. Have you ever seen a sweeter face?



Terra Speaks Out

I was just reading the latest bias one-sided propaganda from my human Mommy about her Wasabi and all her other darling Havanese. I thought I’d take this opportunity to offer my Golden Retriever perspective.

First of all let me say with all due modesty that I am a smart cookie and easily graduated Obedience school at the top of my class, or at least I would have been first if not for Shoshi also being in the same class. Second is good too.

I know how to heel perfectly and do so when my human Dad walks me, if he asks me too, a few times, nicely. Meanwhile Risa heels perfectly all the time.

I can recall in seconds, if I feel like it, or if my human Dad really wants me to come, now. Meanwhile when Daddy calls Katsuro to come he runs back to him. What’s that about?

I don’t need to be washed every time I go for a walk. My body easily clears the ground. I don’t need to be brushed as often as my Havanese brother and sisters because my hair, unlike theirs, falls off, all the time, all over the place.

I play wonderfully with all the Havanese. I do not step on them. I am always aware of them, especially when Sassy is eating my coat. Yes, that’s right, I don’t wear a coat.

Shoshi and I have been best friends since the day my human Mommy and Daddy brought her home even though she never grew to full size (well retriever size - the only way to be). I understand that poor Shoshi is going to remain at around 12 lbs. and never achieve her full growth and that’s ok because I love her anyway. (Shoshi says - silly that is my full growth, Terra)

I do have one large pet peeve. All the other dogs sleep on the bed but I’m not allowed. What’s that about?! I don’t even require doggy steps but am perfectly capable of stepping right up onto the bed. It’s outright full size dog discrimination, that’s what it is. Luckily I can sneak on the bed with my Daddy when Mommy is downstairs. She’ll never know.


PS: I have included a picture of me chillin' in one of my four beds. You can clearly tell it isn't the same as sleeping with the pack in Mommy and Daddy's bed. And I have included a picture of me and my Shoshi when she was about the age that Sassy is right now. Hey - she's even wearing that same sweater Sassy was the other day. Hey human mom - can't you buy her something NEW?


Exercise for Your Havanese

Sassy went for a walk today with Wasabi, Katsuro and Risa. Then we took Louis (a visiting dog), Shoshi, Terra and Whitney. We also did a great play session out in the back.

This brings up a point that Sassy hates getting dressed. and she could go ala natural for short walks but for a bit longer while its cold, the sweater or jacket helps when young. A good sign that it's getting too cold is when they are lifting their paws/and or shaking but they can lift their paws from salt, sand and ice piles in-between their toes. Just brush it out and continue unless it is a continual issue then its a red flag to get home. When it comes to clothes, brushing, anything - new that is something that needs to be done - the term - just get him to deal comes to mind. If they are fighting you, as Sassy has tried when I put a sweater on, I just hold her, put it on and then continue to get her ready to go. If I coddled her or let her win when it is something she needs - guess what - you set her up to buck the system and she will know that she can get away with it sometimes if she acts up enough. This is a dangerous precedent to create with a toddler and the same with your pup. I don't yell - nor make it a terrible experience - just do it and reward the correct behavior. Eventually that struggle will cease.

I am often asked how often do you wash your Havanese? It all depends on the elements. I can go 3 or 4 weeks in the summer before I can't stand it but even then, you can use a waterless bath, brush them line by line with it and then they look almost as good as a bath. So, it really depends on you. You can also just wash feet or bums or whatever the need.

If you look at the picture (you can click on it for a larger view), this is Terra, our retriever and Sassy doing her - 'I am relaxed look' and mommy Wasabi laying next. Now notice that Wasabi's hair is still shiny as she is what we would consider a silky Havanese and that's a good thing as her hair stays shiny even when dirty and tends to not mat - a double coat but not a thick double coat but she is getting a bath today. She hasn't yet had a comb out and she 'may' look better then but her hair will tend to become shiny greasy looking when I think its dirty and I believe she has arrived at that point. For some she may not. It's been a few weeks and I tend to groom and brush and clean mine more than others. Yvonne (good Havanese breeder friend) would say - more than ANY others but this gives you a perspective. Each of us have a different standard to what we expect and what we will tolerate. My dogs sleep in our bed so they get that comb out daily with a spray on conditioner and the waterless bath and I never experience 'doggy' odor like I do with the retrievers that always have it. :-)

So baths today, play sessions, walks all help stimulate their minds and body and that is a 'good' thing. If you can't walk due to the ice and cold, start teaching retrieve. This is a critical window for teaching it easily. Find a hallway with one way in and only one way out and you sit at the way out and throw the item down the hall. Use a keyword, stop the game when they refuse to bring it to you, praise when they do and you will have a Havanese that retrieves better than a retriever. When teaching it later, it's more difficult and by teaching it earlier, you give them the ability to exercise their bodies, expel that energy without you moving a thing. You will be glad you introduced this game if you ever get sick and can't walk but if you can, still walk your dog as retrieve is not a replacement but rather an additional avenue for exercise. Your dog needs to see new surroundings. If you were stuck in the house 24/7 think of how you would feel about the world outside and how depression may set in by being so limited.

You have an intelligent breed that needs their minds stimulated. Use that and you will gain great things from it. They are what you put into it.


Havanese Puppy Changes

Well Sassy had a guest over - Quito - a rather good looking Havanese, I might add. It was only for a short time as it started to snow heavy white flakes and then they left and it stopped - sigh.

Sassy is now sleeping on the bed, curling up to you and if she has to go, she goes down the stairs and goes to her pee pad but last night she was back to sleeping all night but we let her sleep partially each nap and woke her up and played. We found she was sleeping way too much missing the brothers but she's back to being herself. It takes a few days to adjust to big changes.

If anyone is interested in who makes this bed as the Havanese adore it, you can find it at <-- they make all sorts of beds and you can get anything embroidered on it. We have 'Our Precious Havanese' on ours. They also have tunnel beds and you pick the fabric so its made special for you. They have no clue we are posting this nor do we get anything out of it except to share our experiences and it has been good.

Sassy went out in the snow and got totally soaked. She adores the snow. There's human mommy and daddy's grand kids staying over for another night and then the crew - the dawgs are going to get a bath. They are rather a motley looking crew.

We are reinforcing 'sit' but still finding although when calm Sassy does it always - if she has competition or perceived competition, she can't sit - oh she tries but that bottom wriggles and wraggles so we are sticking with that command through Friday and trying down and then we will video tape both and share.

Sassy is making down the stairs - prefers the foam ones off our bed vs. the wooden ones - yes we have 2 but still won't go down the stairs from upstairs to down but will go up. Down is scarier direction with a perceived open staircase, I imagine.

Coach's parents called - Sassy's sibling and that was way exciting to hear. When he's all settled in we will have to create a play date. We hear he adores his walks. Got to get Sassy back out today.

More later...


Sassy Takes the Stairs

Sassy is now going up the long staircase from our main floor to our second floor. She stops a few times along the way but seems to be going faster each time. Once she makes it upstairs she heads straight into the ‘puppy’ room where she and her siblings slept for 10 weeks. She plops herself down on a pad inside the x-pen which is now entirely left open, takes stock of her surroundings, then grabs a favourite toy and heads into our bedroom. She then proceeds to run right up the doggy stairs onto the bench that sits at the foot of our bed. From the bench she takes a quick hop and she’s on the bed. She finds this much easier when the other dogs aren’t in her way. Then, she waits for her mom to jump on the bed so that she can jump on her mom. She still hasn’t managed to go back down the stairs but it won’t be long now.

We take her and all the dogs outside probably a dozen times a day. She’s right out there with the rest of them and loving it. Tonight Wasabi was trying to teach Sassy to play run-like-hell with her. It was hysterical. I’m sorry I didn’t tape it when Wasabi would come blowing by Sassy and get her to chase her. Then stop once she did and chase her back, then run by her again at top speed and repeat. She was clearly trying to teach her run-like-hell and Sassy was just as clearly getting it. I LOVE this breed in general and I love these dogs in particular. How can you not?

ps: When I went upstairs Risa just naturally tagged along just in case it was time to go to bed. Oh that gal Risa loves the comfort of the bed and she won't do couches without pillows for her to lay down on.


Leader of the Pack

From Sassy Lass: Daddy keeps saying I am a born leader but some strange reason these 4 legged creatures around me - especially that big thing out front - well she has other things in mind. It surely doesn't look like a Havanese so what is it? Well, she thinks she has the right to be first. Just because she's 70lbs bigger doesn't mean she's the alpha around this place. A gal would get a complex if she let them actually believe all those pipe dreams they seem to have.

That's okay, last night I looked off the bed and gave her that look as if to say - you THINK you are and winked. hahahahaha

Then I try to come inside and guess who is crowding me out? Yoo Hoo - Daddy - I don't think they buy those words about me being a born leader. What's a gal have to do around this place to gain some - as Aretha Franklin would say R-E-S-P-E-C-T?

Well, that's okay as I know who got the snuggles and sleep time on the couch here and it wasn't that big yellow thing nor those other Havanese that think they are all that.

Oh - sigh - mommy just told me they are all that too.


Talemaker's Sassy's 1st Walk (More Added)

Well, we decided that December 25th early was the best day to take the dogs out as no one would be out and we were right. It's icy out there (I had to put my Yaktrax on), way dirty from the sanding and you have to remember to wipe and or wash the paws to get the salt out. If they are biting their paws, you didn't do a good enough job.

Bath times for all mine when I am up to it. Not today...

What we found interesting was Sassy was so much more interested in walking on snow than the cement. Maybe it was the salt - maybe the sand but she wasn't thrilled and we had to use Wasabi out in front to get her to forget about it. It tells me she needs to do this all the time after her next shots and for longer. The cement seemed foreign to her - teach me what I have to condition winter pups to. I am making notes. Then the cars whizzing by - what was that but she was fine. No adverse reactions just a - WHAT WAS THAT? We only took her out for a very short walk down the street and back not even around the cul-de-sac.

We heard her brother Sebastian did fine on his walk.

For those of you in the in between stage on sizing - a sweater is the best route till that next size. As you can see, Sassy has a lot of stylin' clothes as she got Shoshi's hand me downs and she doesn't mind except to say - what is that you are putting on. If it's very cold, we sometimes place a sweater on and a jacket over it.

Well, off to make a sandwich and nap. Walking all these doggies this morning was fun but tiring maneuvering in the ice. Hoping it either snows or thaws. Now to eat then snuggle on the couch with the crew.

PS: Nathan reminds me that although we were allowing Sassy and Wasabi to walk in front of us - Wasabi as a lure - Sassy to gain her comfort level with collar, walk etc - the goal is to get them walking NEXT to you after this stage. If we have Sassy here long enough, we are going to enroll her in 'Who's Walking Who' classes and she will be practicing heel till she gets it right till that squirrel pops by, I imagine. Doesn't every dawg lose its brain when that happens?

Mark and Maryanne said...
Sebastian went out for his first "walk with the dudes" last night and didn't miss a step. He was up for another walk to grandma and grandpa's house this morning where he proceeded to charm the socks off them. Thanks to his first parents, Nathan and Darlah, he is already quite well versed in sitting, buffet eating and using the back yard outhouse. Not to be outdone by his sister, today he has already retrieved several of the many gifts he was able to bring with him to his new home. More firsts to come...Mark and Maryanne

Darlah & Nathan said...
Sassy better get her act together - hahahahahaha


Havanese Bed Shenanigans & New Day

Well, Sassy slept on the bed last night. She was a tad confused on what was what but she's decided human daddy is her security - her thang - she moved around - slept up against Risa and Risa allowed for part of it - wow but realize they do look to one at first and then bond to the others but last night - daddy was it.

We had the usual stuff in bed. I ended up with Shoshi as she was miffed that her spot was taken. The Sassy gal took over but she will get over it. Then Risa did her usual grumpy thang - another on the bed - oh no! Katsuro was on and off the bed snuggling with both of us and Wasabi said forget this and went to the bench at the foot of our bed - its like an extension of the bed but way comfie.

We left our closet light on as we forgot we had given the pups a night light but we were too tired and lazy to get one so the closet light worked.

Today she's not back to her usual but she's better. Human daddy was teaching her retrieve and she's starting to get it. All of you new puppy owners - start NOW as there is a window for easy learning and this is it. Plus those with kids - it's an excellent way to bond. Shoshi is the best retriever in our house and that's due to us teaching her when she was young. It gives her exercise and she adores the game. Your little one will too. Sassy brought it back about 70% of the time and when she didn't, the game ends. They get that if they want to play, you will only play as long as they bring it back.

We also worked on sit but when Sassy is too excited for the treat - well her sit goes out the door so we are reinforcing that by not giving her the treat till she gets it. We find when she is tired, it's much easier to get her to do it immediately and hold it.

I want to start getting motivated to do some videos on the training but taking a break and just enjoying the dogs. Their lives from their usual gets put on hold, to a point when you have puppies as you have to be concerned with exposures for health reasons but as soon as sassy gal gets another shot, we are starting serious walks even if she ends up in our coat as we want to introduce her to our local school, the forest, the trails as we did with Shoshi.

If it warms up - maybe today will be the day for that walk around the block and if its not too icy, I may video tape it. If it's too icy, walking backwards might not be wise to do.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day. More later...on the Talemaker crew.