
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies toronto (308)


Winter Fun Photos


New Toy For the Crew

We got a new toy today - a bed in the shape of a car. They got so excited with new things. We find that new toys create new interests and new fun. That is why it is so important to rotate toys. An hour later, they are still playing in it. It's a win/win when they spend this much time with anything. Not everything excites them so but the tunnels - another win/win.

We are always scoping out new, interesting toys and will continue to do so even after the pups are gone. It's important to stimulate their minds and by doing so, they make you laugh, become solidly balanced dogs and they get to be all they are destined to be.

Here's a different view of this new toy to give you the idea of what it is about. It comes with a pad that is cushy and can be used as a carrier though supposedly but not sure if I would rely on it for that.

Over the last few days a couple of dogs found their bark - first one then another and we are correcting that and its as easy as saying shhh and putting my finger up. It's only once in a blue moon that they are doing it but by correcting it right from the beginning, you avoid correcting an out of control habit. Some people allow things early on as they think it's cute from a small dog and then it gets to the next level and you have your work cut out for you to retrain. Training from the start is easier than retraining.

Some dogs love to hear their own voice and if allowed to get out of control, then you can end up with a barker. There are times that you may want your dog to bark but that's up to you to praise when they are doing it at the right time and correct when they are doing it at the wrong time. They are smart enough to get that.

Most Havanese are not barkers but there are the few that as we say love their voice and love to control their universe with it - if allowed. This crew is so smart that positive correction works fast and easily. That is why you should always let your little one know the rules you expect them to follow and correct in a positive way. The end result will be a fabulous dog that everyone wants to be around.


Havanese: Where's the Treats?

The pups are one day short of 9 weeks and are now starting to get too smart for their own good. heh

We started teaching them sit and with some 'beg' -meaning standing on their back legs but yesterday one stood up and overshot his stand and went tumbling back. He perfected it though the next time as soon as the treats came out.

Nathan takes chicken breasts, cooks them then cuts them in thin strips and bakes them for a long time to come up with a treat that they adore and we leave it in the fridge.

This morning, after a really restless sleep due to a leg cramp that kept coming back, I placed the container in the other room with the other treats where they do not belong. I then remembered and headed back in to put them in the fridge.

Well, here is two waiting for the treats that they know are there and as soon as I picked up the container, the others came running and one sat waiting while the others were beside themselves in excitement. Now who was the smart one. Well, the one that sat got his treat. Later on today we will continue to reinforce sit and 'beg' and take it from there.

Time is running out and the 2 that will remain till they have homes will go into our beds - I know crazy us but all our dogs sleep with us so with those 2 we are already getting them familiar with the bedroom. Six pups and adult dogs is so much work if you really put your all into it and we do but that also means we get so attached. We are going to miss this crew as each one has been truly unique and wonderful and easy. But we feel good that the homes they are going to are exceptional and that's what it is all about.

Puppy love ...nothing like it. So far we did one training session, 3 outside romps, 1 long kitchen play session and now they are out like a light snoozing. Life is good and we must have done something right in this world to have this puppy experience - nothing like it!


Talemaker's Pups Lovin' & Playin'

The Havanese pups soon will be 9 weeks and off they will go to their new home by months ends. Two will remain until we find forever homes for them and while they do, they will be enjoying, loving and playing and keeping their minds busy helping them to be all they can be. Watch how Havanese mom Wasabi now plays with them and so does human daddy.

Today we reinforced sit and had Tux learn 'beg' heh - well standing on one's back legs and trying to be cute. He got it way too fast as we had Nathan's dried chicken that he makes and they adore it.

It's getting too icy out back so we won't be doing another run out back unless it improves. We don't want hurt legs from slips and falls. Poor human daddy took a spill already. Here's to warmer weather or more snow.


End of a Havanese Night

I just love the Havanese. They are so quick at finding solutions. So, the water dish is too high - no problemo!

Well, another day is coming to a close. The pups have had a ton of play inside/outside. One found its bark and human daddy corrected him and he listened.

The crew is starting to react to their names and they get terribly excited over the silliness of human daddy. It's easy to get them in the mood to make you laugh.

Ah...Havanese...nothing like them.


Havanese Outside Fun With Human Dad

You can't see the whole crew in this photo but they were out there for hours today. Look at the big dog just lazing out on her back. Does that tell you she is comfie around all the little ones or what.

The gang couldn't get enough of being outside as its a tad warmer and they were inside and outside really enjoying themselves. Human daddy had them out for a long time and now they are fast asleep. One even did this low grunt when I went to cuddle as he wanted to sleep. Oh my....

Today, human daddy went and got Merrick's Winglings and they can't eat it fast enough. They LOVE it more than anything else they have had. Plus Wasabi tries to steal it every chance she gets. She was miffed at human mommy as we said NO - its for the puppies.

Last night Coach had visitors - his new owners came to snuggle and tonight Chico will have his owners visiting and we will have to show them how the pups are really getting this 'sit' business down. We are hoping we get it so solid that we can introduce another command.

Well, more later...maybe daddy will add what he experienced outside.


Havanese Life Lessons

Today the crew was full of it when they got up. Oh, they quietly waited till the downstairs pen was ready but they really wanted to run so human mommy took them out back where they perfected their leaps off the stairs, ran their heads off and enjoyed the outside.

Then human daddy took them out back, In-between they had dry Fromms food with a tad bit of cooked chicken mixed in and they loved it. No need to soften the food any longer. It's interesting what happens in a matter of days.

The guys are doing a lot of troubleshooting from jumping onto mounds of snow to cushion the jump to finding creative ways to get what they want. The manner they run through the tunnels now and play games is amazing. Each week brings new ways of doing things and perfecting what works.

What was funny was although we had a low water dish, a few tried to drink from the high one as you can see in the photo. Chico just saunters over and drinks - forget about climbing.

Here's another day of the pups wanting to feed from mom but mom and us not allowing it and they are getting it. I figure by mid-week next week, it will be a fond memory. Chico is trying his darnedest to get under her but what you won't see, as I didn't manage to capture it was her low growl telling him - the milk shop is closed. She plays with them - but as a first time mom, she is also learning how to get it across to them that I just want to play but your food is over there. It's all coming together. They are 'getting' it - some faster than others.

We have a full day today and human mommy and daddy's oldest son is watching the guys tonight while they go visit the grand kids. We are all sleeping and now its time to fit a shower in - human mommy says - so more later...


Long Havanese Day

Lots of visitors today. We did the outside thing and are doing rather well bouncing and running around outside these days. We keep perfecting our skills of stairs with icy snow, and paths and snowbanks etc. We are doing great! It's a far cry from when we first went outside.

Most of us have names now, Chico, Remy, Coach and Sebastian. The show potential Tux - well we need to name him - ideas? Then we still have that spitfire gal and need to name her something that speaks volumes about her personality and if we don't watch out, human daddy would keep her but daddy we have enough doggies - hehehehe still she's a absolute keeper.

Tomorrow Katsuro's brother and mom is coming to visit. Then we have Louis parents stopping by. We rather miss having Louis around for his visits so this will be a good thing.

The crew really enjoyed the visitors and the exposure is getting them used to people - all a good thing but oh so tiring.

Human mommy is already saying best crew we ever did have...sigh..going to miss them - for sure!


First Car Ride to Vets

All 6 of us are in this crate and we all did really well going back and forth on a long trip to the vets. Everyone is really healthy - all have descended testicles - except the gal and you will be surprised at the weight - we were - some passed others by and we noticed it more as its been a bit since last weigh in from our usual daily ones that is no longer feasible in our type of scale as they are too wriggly now to get anything real accurate.

Tomorrow we are off for hearing. We will post the weights then and the results. Human mom is too tired but human daddy had them running all over outside tonight so pups are feeling A-OK after shots and microchips even with the 2 that didn't work and had to be done again.

More tomorrow!


After Bath Snoozing

Somehow, getting a bath usually does us in and we nap and nap for a longer time than usual. Human mommy just covered us with blankets and towels and we settled in for a long winter's nap.

Soon, it will be fiesta time (we already have the coloured background thang going on) as human daddy may get home tonight albeit late but still home...ahhhh and one wonders if he will wake us all up and drive human mommy crazy as she will have yet another night of less sleep than usual.

Check out our video of snow days below...

More later..mommy may take a nap for her lunch.


Havanese Roadkill?

Okay, did we get your attention with that title? Our human mommy was at Globals in Richmond Hill and Eva - quite the nice lady gave us a toy that she fondly called roadkill. Some of you will remember that this past summer, our Havanese mommy was sprayed by a skunk and human daddy had to sleep with her outside.

Well, in that honor, we get to play with a flattened skunk that has a squeak in each end. Can you even see it among us? We just adore it and she's getting more - skunks, squirrels, foxes, rabbits etc all flattened out. Best part is we don't have to deal with stuffings coming out and have a roaring good time playing tug - yes, we now play tug. Mommy has to get a picture of it but with human daddy gone, she sort of has been doing cleanup, playing - tons with us and dogs, dogs, dogs and well, this is the first time she sat down today and guests are coming (Helen and her son) shortly with rumoured giggling vegetables that we can play with - wow. That ought to be fun. Right now though we are snoozing and mommy is going to take a quick nap so more later. if you go get this roadkill toy - tell Eva we sent you. She's getting more in this week.


Havanese Pups Playing Recovery

Well, we had a really full day yesterday. Many human adults came to visit, a few Havanese as well and wow a full day. We were actually quite characters last night as we were overtired but this fine morning after human daddy left and human mommy fed us, well we mostly all crashed. Not that we didn't sleep last night - but we did. We just took longer to calm down. We find an active play session before bedtime helps the deep sleep and this crew has been easy.

Human mommy says the best part of this crew is even when they are in an overtired state, not a whiner in the crew. They find things to amuse themselves (it helps to rotate toys and give them things to do) but also they can see us walk past their room and they are a patient crew but once you step in, they know its time to come downstairs and they rather like that and are WAY excited.

We are going to miss the human daddy these next few days but mommy has a lot of fun things planned for us. We are going to test each on the receptiveness of commands. It's a tad early but it's good to expose them. We will see how they do. Then if the weather cooperates, we will be taking them outside for a romp each day, into the kitchen and into the hallway and family room to give them a different environment.

Then who knows, we will watch some TV and get snuggles and brushes and everything will be right in the world. Ah - to be a Havanese puppy...human mommy wishes!


Long Havanese Day

We had a long day today but a fun one. The dogs are starting to eat Fromm's canned food with Fromm's Dry food softened and they LOVE it. The Chicken Thighs Entrée had them smacking their lips. They adore it. They are starting to eat more and less from mom.

Human mommy is tired so she will fill you in more tomorrow and human daddy is out of town till Sunday.

More tomorrow...when we get our rest...


Sound Conditioning

We condition our dogs by playing realistic sound bytes that simulate anything from a roaring thunderstorm, to rain to street noise, to traffic and much more.

Tonight we are concentrating on the sounds of storms. We will change the sounds and vary the level of the sound throughout this process. This way when your puppy hears his first real noisy traffic or a roaring storm, they will be less apt to react to noise as it will be familiar.

Each day, from now until they go to their new homes, they will experience sound conditioning in a place - their xpen next to my desk where they feel secure. At times Wasabi (Havanese mom) may be feeding them, others we will be playing with them and at times they will just be sleeping or playing with the guys. By associating sounds with various 'good memories' we attempt to minimize the startling effect that we all have from a loud sound.

Our oldest golden retreiver was a rescue and a prisoner of her fear till we did slow conditioning with her. No one and nothing should be a prisoner of their fears.

By practicing positive slow conditioning, we hope to eliminate these common fears that occur with loud noises in 'some' dogs.

We fear what we don't know.


Havanese Food Challenges & Play

Ah Mommy Wasabi - you are eating OUR fair..well it doesn't look so hot anyway. No wonder why we are not eating it.

Kitty Braund, publisher of 'Our Havanese' a must have subscription to a magazine of our breed gave us a recipe to get the pups to enjoy the mush more but they won't even touch it. Oh my....It's old fashion - cook slow oatmeal, some egg and goats milk all soft and mushy and they sniffed and went no way. At least the soft kibble they ate somewhat. Now back to the drawing board - so to speak. Hmmm why does mommy like it?

Had an exciting day today. We all went outside and tux and the one with the moustache like me (Wasabi) just couldn't get enough. Wow is that a change since the 1st try.

Human mom and dad was taking 2 of us out at a time to play with the guys. The little one behind was running as fast as possible as if to say - what about me then played its heart out.

All are sleeping now after a full day. We have many visitors tomorrow so we have to snooze in between or we won't do anything but catch some zzzzzs.. So, long day but fun one in store. We all can't wait!


The Havanese: Do You Really Have To?

Here's one of my dawgs saying - what does a Havanese have to do to get some sleep around this place. Human mommy and daddy want to cuddle, Havanese mommy wants to check us out, clean us up and coddle us and 5 siblings - well it's rough to get some sleep around here. Oh, but I try.

This was one of my pups after playing its heart out with Katsuro yet again. We all did and what you don't see is we are spread out and crashed but I was the only one with that eye open - just watching.

Well, my pups had their 2nd outing into that great vast yard with snow - hmm think that's what they call that white brr cold stuff. Three of them sniffed around and did their duty, 1 said - are you kidding - its FREEZING and the other 2 well it wasn't our time - you know but human mommy and daddy will be timing these outside adventures after we eat. This way we will 'get' what this outside break is about other than chillin' and getting conditioned to this cold.

Human daddy stuffed us in his jacket when we were done and took us out 1 at a time with the rest of the adult pack.

Well more later.


Wasabi's Havanese in Toronto Pups Video

We hope you enjoy it! Now the furry crew is off to bed and human mom too!


Havanese Weekend Almost Over

Well, we had a full weekend so far. We had many visitors, grandpa and his wife, Tracy and the girls, Tal, Jonathan and Dennis - a number of folks to look at the pups and now we are waiting for Yvonne and mommy may lay on the couch with all of us and take a nap as the pups are now snoozing too. Here's one of my cuties just hanging out in dreamland.

We were all out back playing retrieve - without the pups, of course. They are still too young but soon for them too. I have a ton to teach them and wow that will be fun! They had a wonderful play session in the kitchen and many snuggles today and now they are having Havanese dreams.'s my turn too - so human mommy get off the computer will you?


Havanese Moms Can Have Fun Too

It's 4 and a half weeks now and I finally went out back and had some roaring good fun with Katsuro. He's been bugging me for weeks to play so, I finally gave in.

Thing is, now mommy is getting that comb and I had to tell her - NOT NOW! It's time to let me in to see my precious babies. I mean - haven't they totally missed the scent of me from leaving their presence? What - they didn't notice, you say? white fibs around here, mommy. I am the sun and the moon to them now till they leave the nest and by that time, I will have done a stupendous job.

Oh - you think you are a part of that equation too? Just because they wag their tails and come running....oh okay they run faster for daddy cause he's a totally silly guy but I suppose they get excited to see you too. Heck, some of them just hang out, snooze, dream of fun things to come and not worry about Havanese mommy cavorting all over the yard with that big boy dog.

So, let me in and put that comb away. Oh, and don't forget my massage when you pick it back up. Sometimes you have to deal as I am an adventurous gal and I like the just rolled and shook hair look.


Havanese Jammin' Calm Style

Well, folks, this is 4 weeks and 1 half of a day later since birth.

We are all growing and enjoying life. We are playing more and more each day and are really excited to see humans. Our tails wag and we literally try to engage our pack mates and the humans in play.

We have tunnels, a crate and lots of fun things to do in our day time world to help us be all we can be. From time to time, human mom and dad will change the environment and they will be taking us in various rooms on a variety of surfaces so we can be slowly conditioned and not afraid of anything.

Most people don't get to know me as I tend to be in protective mode over my kids. Sure, I am friendly but just want to know why everyone is coming to see my kids.

Human mommy says we have a full house this weekend and we may even see Jazzy's parents - another Havanese that we adore!

Let me tell you a bit about me. My nature is a tad different than Risa. I tend to be a calm dog. I am adventurous, I love tunnels, and playing in a silly manner. Daddy says I flow like poetry in motion. When they have captured me running, I flow amazingly graceful and don't try. It just comes natural. I am very agile and can balance on most anything.

I tell you all so you can get an idea of my pups and what genetic abilities I am apt to pass along. I don't have an aggressive bone in my body but I will protect my pack and my pups but tend to look for solutions. This is called evenly balanced.

Today, I went into this tunnel in our play yard and one of the pups crawled in after me, over me and right out over my head. some moms wouldn't have toleration for such antics but I tend to love deeply and take things in stride. I let things roll off my back or over my back quite literally.

Each pup is showing its strengths on a given day and that changes but personalities are coming out. This one coming out of the tunnel has a mustache on half his face like his mom. as it grows out, it will become stunning. This particular pup is mighty adventurous. He has no issues going through tunnels, under blankets and having a roaring good time. He also has started telling you when he wants to play. But each are different but similar and more on each as photos allow. Be sure to look at snapfish though as we add new photos all the time. Today we are going to try to get a video up but if not today - tomorrow. More later as we have company soon and human mom has to try to eat this garbage she made in the microwave - yuck!