Havanese Life Lessons

Today the crew was full of it when they got up. Oh, they quietly waited till the downstairs pen was ready but they really wanted to run so human mommy took them out back where they perfected their leaps off the stairs, ran their heads off and enjoyed the outside.
Then human daddy took them out back, In-between they had dry Fromms food with a tad bit of cooked chicken mixed in and they loved it. No need to soften the food any longer. It's interesting what happens in a matter of days.
The guys are doing a lot of troubleshooting from jumping onto mounds of snow to cushion the jump to finding creative ways to get what they want. The manner they run through the tunnels now and play games is amazing. Each week brings new ways of doing things and perfecting what works.
What was funny was although we had a low water dish, a few tried to drink from the high one as you can see in the photo. Chico just saunters over and drinks - forget about climbing.
Here's another day of the pups wanting to feed from mom but mom and us not allowing it and they are getting it. I figure by mid-week next week, it will be a fond memory. Chico is trying his darnedest to get under her but what you won't see, as I didn't manage to capture it was her low growl telling him - the milk shop is closed. She plays with them - but as a first time mom, she is also learning how to get it across to them that I just want to play but your food is over there. It's all coming together. They are 'getting' it - some faster than others.
We have a full day today and human mommy and daddy's oldest son is watching the guys tonight while they go visit the grand kids. We are all sleeping and now its time to fit a shower in - human mommy says - so more later...
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