Havanese Outside Fun With Human Dad
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 3:22PM
Darlah Potechin in Sonrisas Hot N Spicy Wasabi puppies, Talemaker Havanese, darlah potechin, havanese puppies toronto, nathan potechin, toronto havanese

You can't see the whole crew in this photo but they were out there for hours today. Look at the big dog just lazing out on her back. Does that tell you she is comfie around all the little ones or what.

The gang couldn't get enough of being outside as its a tad warmer and they were inside and outside really enjoying themselves. Human daddy had them out for a long time and now they are fast asleep. One even did this low grunt when I went to cuddle as he wanted to sleep. Oh my....

Today, human daddy went and got Merrick's Winglings and they can't eat it fast enough. They LOVE it more than anything else they have had. Plus Wasabi tries to steal it every chance she gets. She was miffed at human mommy as we said NO - its for the puppies.

Last night Coach had visitors - his new owners came to snuggle and tonight Chico will have his owners visiting and we will have to show them how the pups are really getting this 'sit' business down. We are hoping we get it so solid that we can introduce another command.

Well, more later...maybe daddy will add what he experienced outside.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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