
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies toronto (308)


Wasabi's Havanese Pups Will Play

Mommy says, Wasabi is an interesting mom. She's ever so attentive but she wants the pups to play. I find Wasbi bringing her toys in for the pups to play all the time and its way funny. She even shakes them to get their attention. I guess she doesn't realize they can't hear yet. She's going to love it when they really start playing.

Wasabi says, of course - their mine - all mine till they get new homes - sigh! Till then, I plan to have tons of fun with them and then hopefully I will get to see them at the yearly picnic mom and dad have.

Daddy says, Wasabi not only uses her mind but she has fun doing it. Some would say, Wasabi is a thinker and she is but that's what makes her ever so special. She comes up with solutions fast and we know her pups will too! They take after her, of course. ROFL!

Mommy had my pups out and she had them with the toys all to indulge me and every last one of them crawled and pushed the toys here and there. Mommy thought I might get stressed while she took photos but I was so excited to see them with my toys. She had to have her feet surrounding them as they are a growing concern. They are moving fast these days - almost 9 days old - 8.5 to be exact. By gad, I will get them playing - just watch. To catch these photos, check out Wasabi's Puppy Photos. Mommy adds to them every single day.


Day 8 Havanese Motherhood

Well, a week has gone by and tonight it will be day 8. I do believe I have this motherhood thing going on. Mommy thinks other than the cute havanes puppies chomping on my hair, it's doing quite well.

I am eating well, snuggling with the pups but these havanese pups don't seem to play with the toys I give them. Mommy says to be patient. They will.

Mommy is going out to the land of the living and getting my photograph of me preggie matted that Maureen and John were so kind to give to her as a present. She's also going to get a photo reframed in mahogany to match our others from Pepi and Teddy's mom - their thanks for watching them this summer. Can't wait to see them on the wall.

Mommy's been busy uploading new photos to snapfish all the time. Look at the menu on the right and click on Wasabi's Puppy Photos to see the latest. Mom's not editing. She's putting everything up - me a mess after I nest in my box and shake my hair into the place I want it to be to mom after combing me. When the pups get older, we will take videos to share as well. This way we create some memories. After all, this is my first crew and there's always something special about the first but shhh don't tell that to any others. Something special about the last too - yeah - they are the LAST.

Well, other than my escape past mom and dad last night to gad knows where in the back to nest, things have been going rather well. Tails are wagging so I know they are happy and life - well its rather special and precious with a havanese or two on your life and I have 6 - WOW!


Week Old Havanese

Well my babies are 7 days old tonight. This is what mommy calls the Havanese huddle. Mom and dad are trying to get me to relax when my puppies do this.

They are sleeping for longer bursts and mom and dad likes to make sure I am taken care of. It's times like this she makes sure I eat, go out and do my duty, grooms me and cuddles with me as she feels if I am happy, the puppies will be happy. I agree!

Daddy finally calmed down last night and slept a bit in my whelping room instead of watching me 24/7. He's finally starting to get it that I got this motherhood thing down. So what if he had 7 kids - I already have 6.

My puppies are growing well. They have fat tummies after eating and you can tell they are satisfied by the amount of sleep we do inbetween. Still, El Blanco Grande and mom's new name for another - 'have to chow down like no tomorrow - Bigote' seems to zone into me whenever I am in the box so I get out now and cool off and I go back in when needed.

At birth their respective weights were:
5 oz (he doubled)
5 oz - up 3 oz (our lone gal - gaining but slower)
4 oz - up 4 oz (he doubled)
4 oz - up 5 oz (more than doubled)
4 oz - up 5 oz (more than doubled)
4 oz - up 6 oz - passing the white one - heh

Gad, it's easy to fall in love with this crew.


Havanese Puppy Characters

It's Day 6 and already personalities are starting to come out. The white one that mommy calls so fondly El Blanco Grande, well she is starting to think she can create an entire comic strip on him. He can always be found eating up a storm and if someone else has milk left, well oops did I push you out of the way - well let me just taste - you do share with your siblings don't you? From one to the next he plows all others down all in the name of that great liquid refreshment but not all of them is taken such totally laying down. The competition thang has already begun as you can see one is on top of El Blanco Grande saying, 'my turn and don't you forget it!' But did he move...nah - he's the big white one and he's already taken the course, 'Havanese Assertiveness Class 101'

The class has JUST BEGUN and we will see who has their way as the class rolls on.

Me, other than being exhausted at all this chowing down on my body, I am enjoying the little ones. I can't wait till they play with toys. I tried to play with them with my squeakie toy yesterday but no takers yet! Don't these dogs know how to have fun? Are you sure they are mine? ROFL!


Proud Human Havanese Dad Speaks Out

Wasabi has always been our best moving Havanese. If I was to pick one dog in our home that was truly poetry in motion, it is our Wasabi. She also has a very calm personality. She’ll run and play and has always loved the puppies but she won’t get too excited about it. She's a thinker. No one can escape her. In 'run-like-hell' games no one can get away from Wasabi when she gets in the mood, except now maybe Kat.

I noticed the other day that over the course of the summer our little boy became very sleek, very muscular, from swimming with me every day. Wasabi was the second most prolific swimmer.

Yesterday Shoshi, who has always put on strong bursts of speed to escape, couldn't get away from Kat when they played 'run-like-hell' as he matched her burst for burst. Risa doesn't even try. She waits for him to go bombing by after Shoshi and cuts him off and they both go flying. It's a riot. He runs in these large very fast circles and Risa watches him for a second, then cuts across his line diagonally.

I also notice now that Risa can no longer overpower Kat when the two of them are up on their back legs playing with each other.

Meanwhile, Wasabi comes outside to do her business and all the dogs are excited to see her. Who can blame them?


Havanese Wasabi Day 5 Watching Pups

This used to be my all time fave place to tease Risa's pups and now I am using it to watch in amazement. I wonder if when they get bigger, Risa will tease mine. We shall see. Time will tell.

We had a visitor yesterday to see our pups. Alex dropped in to say hello and stayed for a bit. He was amazed at how good I look - nice and shiny as if mommy washed me but she can't due to my stitches. Still, this motherhood thing is doing my body good.

All pups are up in weight. I am becoming comfie maneuvering around the pups. I am keeping them clean, feeding them and sometimes I simply stare at them like I am doing here. I just can't believe this miracle - 1 girl, 5 boys.


Day 4 Havanese Motherhood

I am getting more comfie these days jumping in and out to eat and drink and nest in my other box. Mommy even took some of me with just my head sticking out but they aren't great quality. I am really enjoying watching the pups and seeing them move but when mommy puts them in that sling to weigh them or does that program to help them be all they can be, well let's just say I am learning to let mom play with them too!


Day One Havanese Pups

Mommy found this on her camera stick that she forgot was taken the night we got home - brand spankin' new.

We haven't named any yet but mommy keeps calling one tux as it looks like it has a tux with tails on and how so appropriate for a Havanese - a class act!

Mommy says tomorrow, after we weigh everyone including me, that we will put up individual photos. She's been saying that every day - geez!

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