Week Old Havanese

Well my babies are 7 days old tonight. This is what mommy calls the Havanese huddle. Mom and dad are trying to get me to relax when my puppies do this.
They are sleeping for longer bursts and mom and dad likes to make sure I am taken care of. It's times like this she makes sure I eat, go out and do my duty, grooms me and cuddles with me as she feels if I am happy, the puppies will be happy. I agree!
Daddy finally calmed down last night and slept a bit in my whelping room instead of watching me 24/7. He's finally starting to get it that I got this motherhood thing down. So what if he had 7 kids - I already have 6.
My puppies are growing well. They have fat tummies after eating and you can tell they are satisfied by the amount of sleep we do inbetween. Still, El Blanco Grande and mom's new name for another - 'have to chow down like no tomorrow - Bigote' seems to zone into me whenever I am in the box so I get out now and cool off and I go back in when needed.
At birth their respective weights were:
5 oz (he doubled)
5 oz - up 3 oz (our lone gal - gaining but slower)
4 oz - up 4 oz (he doubled)
4 oz - up 5 oz (more than doubled)
4 oz - up 5 oz (more than doubled)
4 oz - up 6 oz - passing the white one - heh
Gad, it's easy to fall in love with this crew.
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