Terra Speaks Out

I was just reading the latest bias one-sided propaganda from my human Mommy about her Wasabi and all her other darling Havanese. I thought I’d take this opportunity to offer my Golden Retriever perspective.
First of all let me say with all due modesty that I am a smart cookie and easily graduated Obedience school at the top of my class, or at least I would have been first if not for Shoshi also being in the same class. Second is good too.

I can recall in seconds, if I feel like it, or if my human Dad really wants me to come, now. Meanwhile when Daddy calls Katsuro to come he runs back to him. What’s that about?
I don’t need to be washed every time I go for a walk. My body easily clears the ground. I don’t need to be brushed as often as my Havanese brother and sisters because my hair, unlike theirs, falls off, all the time, all over the place.
I play wonderfully with all the Havanese. I do not step on them. I am always aware of them, especially when Sassy is eating my coat. Yes, that’s right, I don’t wear a coat.
Shoshi and I have been best friends since the day my human Mommy and Daddy brought her home even though she never grew to full size (well retriever size - the only way to be). I understand that poor Shoshi is going to remain at around 12 lbs. and never achieve her full growth and that’s ok because I love her anyway. (Shoshi says - silly that is my full growth, Terra)
I do have one large pet peeve. All the other dogs sleep on the bed but I’m not allowed. What’s that about?! I don’t even require doggy steps but am perfectly capable of stepping right up onto the bed. It’s outright full size dog discrimination, that’s what it is. Luckily I can sneak on the bed with my Daddy when Mommy is downstairs. She’ll never know.
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