
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies toronto (308)


Ice and Havanese

With this in between weather we often forget that we can slip on ice but so can your little ones.

Be careful when it is extra slippery or you may be dealing with a bruised body yourself and a high vet bill from a dog that slips the wrong way. That's not to say you shouldn't allow your dogs to play outside but be careful when it is EXTRA slippery.

This is Treasure standing on our pool cover - yep all iced over but melting.

Watch Westminster tonight and/or check out the winners. It will surely be a grand Havanese celebration! Then come see us at Markham and say hello. We adore talking to our visitors that read our ramblings.


Recliner Love Fest Havanese Style

Hey - the camera is back. Today we picked up the camera and took Fiona into Home Depot. Yes you CAN take your dog into Home Depot. How cool is that? Well we do it to condition them to the noise and boy was it noisy today. The tail went down slightly then back up and down slightly - never quite making it to half mast but you realized the noise was not a familiar one so this slow conditioning is a GOOD thing. So are visits to Petsmart.

Well tonight Treasure goes to her obedience class - only tonight and next week to go. It's far for us but well worth it. Tonight we are going to learn - 'go to your bed' and we have to take our bed to class. This is great for those big dogs that hog the couch but we don't have that problem. Nathan sits down and watches TV and they don't do that couch thing but instead join him on the recliner quite literally but Nathan is a good egg and as you can see - he laughs about it. What's even more of a riot is that's not all the dogs. Do you think our dogs will benefit from a 'go to your bed' training session? You tell me.

Was hoping to do another level class but no next level so maybe it is time to get her into handling class especially if she is making her debut in April. Still - if Teddy had a class - I would go.


Visitors at Talemaker

We had the pleasure of meeting Rufus.

If you remember, Yvonne's Lola and our Katsuro had a tryst and this is one of their pups. Doesn't he look like he has Kat's face. Side by side you could tell who dad is.

It was a tad overwhelming for Rufus with this crazy crew but after introducing him one on one and then opening up the house to all - he was more than fine.

We tend to do the 'one on one' with all so they can see that each are not a threat and then the crowd doesn't overwhelm. It's a good process but every now and then we forget or someone shows up when we don't have the dogs away and we have to create that environment.

He didn't even have an issue with the big guys and tried to get the chew away from Terra. It was a riot. He's going to be more than fine here when he comes to stay for a week.

You can see him saying - hmm shall I try? He hesitated and then went for it. Terra just turned away and it was impossible for the little one to get it but if we had longer with him, Terra would have played tug with him.

Rita was also here delivering her last pup to its new home. She met the potential owner here and they took the little one home. Yvonne dropped in. It was a busy house today and tomorrow we get to go to Beths to get Treasure.

One more update in the morning and not another til lFriday night when we get back with Treasure and Blazin'. Exciting times or what?


Puppies, Fun and Play Havanese Style

The pups and Gidget are playing today in a fast and furious session - all fun - you know. It's great when the older dogs play with the younger dogs. Wasabi was even caught in the flurry and lovin' it. There's nothing like the pups that add an element of fun into the household.

Next week we have Treasure coming and Blazin' who is staying for a week till his new mom can come get him. Where will they sleep? We are already discussing that.

We are off to Brantford show this weekend just to watch - no dogs so we can take photos and enjoy.

Exercise is back for the human after this bout of pneumonia. The dogs yawned watching it. I guess it was a yawn but have you seen those doggie treadmills? Got to love it. I say just teach them to play retrieve on miserable days so you can get their bodies and mind moving. Plus the best part is you may laugh, enjoy and spend quality time with your pal. What could be better than that?


Wasabi and Pups

Wasabi adores the pups. There are some with that extra special touch - that awe in action when she looks at them and that pure enjoyment. That's her.

Katsuro and Abigail thus far also seem to have that extra something where all is right in the world when puppies are around. It's not that the others aren't but they seem to be that little kid peering in with wonderment. It's nice.

Wasabi is starting to show finally with a little pot belly. Katsuro knows something is different and is spending his time at the foot of Wasabi protecting her. Wasabi in the comfie bed - Kat outside of it as close as he can get. Poor Katsuro - he's not the dad but he sure takes on the role of a caring one. His pack members and their well being is very important to him. Not all Havanese have such a cohesive pack but this group does. Many male dogs do not take on the role of protecting a pregnant one but he did it the last time and he's doing it again. (So does Nathan for that matter.)

Wasabi is doing her morning sickness thing a tad later than she did the first time and sleeping a great deal. It makes me wonder if she will be due a tad later than the 24th but we won't know till x-ray time on the 19th. Good thing a canines pregnancy only last a couple of months or this human would be beside herself in waiting.

Oh well, enough pups. Today a huge storm is coming in. Ge your shovels ready. Those that live in warm climates - oh are we so jealous. We have a show then I have baths to start on dogs - argh - but Kat and Abigail is a must - Fiona done this morning and Risa and Wasabi already done then its retriever time. In between I am brushing Gidget to get her stylin' before I can bathe her. One thinks I may become an expert in this bathing stuff eventually.

There is still time to get your Havanese boarded during the holiday season. We're full up but our friend Linda still has some room in her home where your babies would be pampered like never before. Send us a note if you are in need.


Havanese Upset Tummies - Allergies?

This is going to sound like a totally gross subject but it should be discussed. The quickest way to tell how your Havanese is doing is its stomach but why do the havanese have loose stools at times? It could be illness or allergies but it could be something else.

It can also simply be that it is an irritant not an allergy. For instance, when I had acid reflux (had it when I was very overweight - went away completely when I lost), certain foods would increase the acid content not due to allergies but they were irritants. If I avoided them, I would eliminate or reduce. With reduced weight, I can eat those irritants and although I get slightly gassy - I don't have a bad case.

I brought this up to Guelph when I was dealing with a dog's sensitive tummy and found that stress also plays a part in the shape of your stomach. Therefore weight, sensitivity, allergies or stress or any combo can throw everything off kilter. For each dog it would be different but watch a dog that gets stressed and then listen to their tummies. Their stress level shows up in their tummies very fast usually - in grumbling to soft stools to diarrhea to even vomiting or any combo.

When we go into a vet, we often do not talk about stress but stress is very real in dogs and those dogs need their self esteem built up - their confidence. Or they need slow conditioning to whatever is stressing them out. That's not to say that is the case in any dog but it *CAN* be a factor that is over looked. It is something I overlooked and usually I just assume it is the food or some parasite -they are sick etc but if it is longterm no matter what food - one has to consider stress. That doesn't mean there is anything WRONG with your dog. It just means he/she is a sensitive soul and when you boost their confidence, it usually all comes together.
All dogs have fears just like us but some have better coping skills and some need to learn coping skills with our help.

It is also why it is VERY important not to get a puppy too early as the last few weeks they learn critical coping skills from their canine mom. Shoshi took a long time to become assertive and this year I can tell you she has found her voice and backbone completely but even with my help - well the pack helped her the most. I mean she is even lifting her leg to do her business like the other females. Time -it is a good thing.


Havanese Chillin' on a Cool Day

Oh my, those humans love the heat as they love that big wet thing they call a pool but I like the cool breeze blowing through my hair and chillin' on the deck. Life is good.

Do you want to do training with a dog? Take them for a walk. When a dog goes for a brisk walk, it creates bonding time, and when you return home to teach that new trick or command, they are more amenable to it.

There's nothing like a walk for you, and for them.

But Risa - well, she loves chillin' but we still get her walking and when she does - well she loves it. Try it!


Havanese Fiona: Placates That Human

Fiona says: My sister Downsey tells me that at their house they are in puppy heaven and 3 puppies are still available to the 'right' home.

I am not sure about all those little things but Abs just adored them. Me, I want Abs to myself. Would you? Ha Ha!

Well, a storm is coming in. There goes those lovely walks or that human mom will have to put us in rain jackets or brush us when we come back.

The daddy has come back from that thing called busy-ness meeting. He made up for it by running around like a banshee pretending he could run faster than us. Think about it and it may conjure up an amusing visualization. We just placate him and pretend he can run fast too.

If it pours all weekend, mommy is going to snuggle with us on the couch and watch TV and relax for the first time in a long time. Hope you get some havanese lovin' in too. Those humans - at least here think there's nothing better.

More later.>>


Out of Focus Havanese Fun

I am learning a new camera and taking a class this Saturday so bear with me. I will get better. But I wanted to share this photo anyway as you can see Abigail, Remi and Katsuro in play and that's what its like at our house more times than not. Even the Shoshi - who didn't play is full on playing with the Abs. She has a touch that reels them all in.

Remy went home today. Coach and Sassy are coming this Sunday and we have the grandkids here and it's a dawg crazy house and this week I am getting back to grooming and bathing the crew. Risa, Kat and Remy today. Shoshi, Wasabi and maybe Abs tomorrow then Fiona the next? We shall see...

Warning: If you leave knots in your dogs hair you can create a hotspot. It's not pretty and its pretty painful for the dog. Groom diligently please and always get those knots and mats out of their hair.


Havanese Jazzy is a Social Guy

Our friends at Eye on Fashion (cool store in Richmond Hill) take their Havanese to work with them each day. As a single dog family, this works well for Jazzy as he gets to be exposed to all sorts of noises, people and even other dogs.

When we have puppies or want to get our dogs exposed, Jazzy comes here or we come to their store for a little socialization. It really makes a HUGE difference plus its plain fun for you and them to have playmates.

We just adore Jazzy and so do they - and you can tell.

Jazzy loves his visitors and loves his walks. He is quite the character and when you meet him - if you never saw a Havanese before or even if you did - you want one after getting exposed to him.

They all have their own unique personalities and looks and colours but they also all love the run-like-hell game, the mischievous antics that do remind you that they were circus dogs at one time - ready - willing to make you laugh.

We thank the 'Eye on Fashion' folks for allowing us to be in Jazzy's life and sharing these gorgeous photos of him.

I didn't post this to get you to go to their store - but you should. Rather - it was a way to tell you that a Havanese is a social dog that really needs to be socialized so they can be all they can be. The 'Eye on Fashion' people are an excellent example of finding ways to be creative with socialization.

More later...


Kat's in Havanese Puppies Waiting Stance

Well, Katsuro's head hair is starting to grow back after Rita's Opal had fun with his ponytail. heh It's about time - I say! watching hair grow is like waiting for the light to change. If you watch too close - it seems like it takes forever.

Kat's a happy boy these days. Miss Lola is going to have puppies sired by him any day. All I know is it better not happen while we are at a show this weekend so cross those paws Lola if it starts at the wrong time. ROFL!

If Yvonne is falling asleep after a long night of whelping, photos may not be forthcoming so it best be on another day as we want to be there with camera in hand. Exciting times for them and for us!

More later.>>


Havanese Like to Do Run-Like-Hell

Did you ever see such a face and oh that tongue and teeth. ROFL

Abs was visiting at Rita and Willard's house today and was trying to get the crew running and after that, she laid down next to the water bowl and showed how deliriously happy she was along with how tired. This dog LOVES to play.

She didn't get any points today but she's a winner in my book as she does your heart good looking at her enjoying life.

Mojo was also running around like a banshee with her and it was a delight to catch him in action. That boy can run. Mojo is Risa's dad and Katsuro's grandfather and Fiona's great-grandfather.

It was great to spend it with good company - winding down and forgetting about the dawg shows!

More tomorrow! Break from shows till Saturday - not much time.

Follow our saga of trying to protect Abigail's hair and still get her to play. The word is possible lycra - more later when we find out more.


Havanese Available & Holiday Sounds

I’ve reached a point where I’ve learned that nothing is ever perfect, that all we can do is the best we can. Any of you that follows Darlah’s daily blog posts knows exactly what we do every day, and how much of ourselves we put into this. We love our dogs without limitation, period.

We shared coverage of Wasabi’s litter from the day they were born. She had 6 pups: Tux, Coach, Remy, Zack, Sebastian and the single female, Sassy,

Tux was to be the show dog of Wasabi’s first litter. Instead, a month after he went to his new home where he was loved to pieces, he caught a terrible virus and died. It was a tragedy that could have happened to any of us.

Sassy ended up in a wonderful home with her litter-mate Coach. They are inseparable and living a wonderful life. I think the only thing better than having one Havanese in your home is two!
Remy shares his life with three children who have done an excellent job with him, and with educating their parents. J He too has graduated Obedience class and I’m told he loves his walks. Who doesn’t.

Zack lives in a wonderful home with Fiona’s litter mate Coco. He’s graduated his first Obedience class and is being enrolled next month in the next level with Coco, something we highly recommend for anyone. He loves having Coco to play with all day.

A few days ago we got a phone call asking if we’d take back Sebastian. Of course we agreed. In fact we’d made it clear all along to anyone with one of our pups that we will always take back our dogs. We are in this for the long haul. We brought them into this world and we do feel responsible throughout their lives.

This is Sebastian with longer hair. So you can see what his hair will grow out to be midstream.

So now we have an 8 month old puppy looking for a new forever home. He is fully trained and a sweetheart. He took Obedience Classes with Abigail, and Sebastian was the best. He heels perfectly. He sits, downs, stays, fetches faster than Shoshi which is saying something, barks at strange dogs but stops immediately when corrected, loves people, loves playing, loves life. He’s in a puppy cut (not the greatest but the hair does grow) and he has been neutered. If you are interested in discussing Sebastian with me, please send an email to me in private at
Thank you.

On another note: Holiday sounds can be scary. Do not take your little ones to fireworks. Watch them from afar and use a keyword always to allow them to understand when things are really in your control and they need not worry. We use 'silly boy (girl) a couple of times and they do 'get' it after consistency on any reaction to uncertainty. Watch their faces - their body language and use it. It does help!

Enjoy the holidays and the thunderstorms this summer. They can all be wonderful if you approach them right with your canine crew.


Alone & the Show

I hear Daddy is off to a show tomorrow with just Abs. I am miffed. What about me! Oh - she has to have that greasy junk all over her and then get a bath and blow dry?

Heh...well then I can pass.

Well, not much to report on but I had a walk tonight with one of my kids and it was fun.

A no stressed day without Mommy in the equation tomorrow. So - do your best and forget the rest, Daddy.

Wink - you will shine - just call us right after - will ya. Mommy will be difficult to deal with otherwise. hahahahaha


Visit to Chicadoro's (Yvonne's) & Fun!

Do not tell me that dogs do not have long memories. When we opened our pool, Katsuro looked at it, looked at Nathan and said - let's go. He remembers swimming last year. He has a passion like none other for the swim.

So, today when we were on our way to Yvonne and Alex's, we turned off the freeway and his teeth started chattering, he was whining with pure excitement. He was off to see Lola in his mind.

I said to Nathan, wouldn't it be nice to be wanted THAT much. ROFL. Then I added but she's preggie and well - she will be shutting him down. Well, most of us know how that feels but he didn't.

Well, he spent half the time trying to woo the gals and Lola shut him down pronto and Maggie - well that gal flirted taking advantage of the fact that he would do anything she wanted to. Well, you know the story. Who was the smartest?

He finally calmed down and started running with the dogs and having a grand time.

It helped that Nathan started running with them and got them going.

We have much to report on our visit and some really great shots.

We got home late so tomorrow will have to do.

Wait till you see Flora and our Abigail running their fool heads off and Abigail getting the best of Fiona - yeah that happens at times and Abigail pouncing on Kat's back.

You'll also see the lovely blooming Lola, Maggie - well I - well tomorrow we find out if she is pregnant too - that little mischievous Downsey and Britney, Whitney, Wasabi, Risa and Terra.

What a day. Great food - great company and a lovely family from South Africa originally that we got to share some moments with and laugh. It was all good.

Till tomorrow....


Kat's Wondering Where Lola Is

Today I decided to take a photo of Kat set in the garden and take the background out to see what it would look like. It was in a 'how to' that I had sitting around and I wanted to give it a shot. I suppose I could have thrown a photo of Lola behind him as I wanted to but her photo never came. Too much to do with the dam(s) in need.

Kat's rather smitten with Lola much to the irritation of Wasabi - heh. Oh, about 30 something days ago they did the Cuban tango many times over sometimes a couple of times a day every time she came to visit. It got so bad that all Kat has to do is see Yvonne or Alex and he says - well where's my gal? Well, that's not true. If truth is to be told, his teeth chattered, he shook with desire and plain went crazy wooing her, nuzzling her neck etc. Now gals - don't you wish the human men did that - heh.

Well, those of you that remembered Wasabi's pups know that Kat adores puppies and finally he may be able to play with some of his own.

Yes, Yvonne's Lola at Chicadora will have puppies in mid July just before the picnic. There's something about that picnic - I tell you.

We are excited at this combination. If interested in pups, well let us or Yvonne know. We promise many videos and Yvonne wil be kicking us out - just watch as we just LOVE puppies!


Fun at Handling Class

Daddy was at handling class with the Miss Abs and it was her first time in grass. Usually it is done inside but outside it was mosquitoes and all.

Tomorrow night we get to do it all again but this class will be inside. It's not as fun as this one but...

Check out a few of the photos from tonight's class.

That mommy - always taking photos. One day - with fine equipment she intends on doing it creatively but until then - you get what you get.


Havanese Mother's Day

Well, it's Mother's day and here I am - the Risa hanging out. I am the oldest Havanese here so it's MY CELEBRATION too!

Let's see what has happened so far. We went back to bed with mommy as she thinks this is HER day after her human son Tal greeted her and the dad made pancakes and remembered coffee.

While we were taking a shower, we heard - 'quack quack' on the deck and daddy tried to get dressed fast so they could chase the ducks out of the pool.

It's a fun thing that Shoshi likes to lead the pack on. By the time they got downstairs - well no ducks so they are waiting for their return.

No harm ever happens - just a fun game of chase them out of the pool and sometimes even with Shoshi standing on her back legs - well they go to the middle of the pool and ignore her. If it was warmer, Kat would simply jump in and surprise them.

Ducks leave a tremendous amount of cleanup just from a 15 minute stay and the same pair always come back to swim, leave their deposits and just enjoy their holiday. ha!

Kids are out cleaning (well some) the garden and dogs are inside with mommy. We are waiting for Yvonne so she can clean up my mess on her blog. I posted there by accident - yikes

Off to Rens today after Yvonne comes and then hanging out in our new quality sunshade (a joke between friends)

Zack and Katsuro went for a walk. Zack will be going to Rens with us for socialization and the rest - throughout the day. Let's hope the rain stays AWAY!

Well from the Talemaker crew to yours - may you have an amazing Mother's Day!


Handling Havanese & Much More

Our plan last night was to slow condition Fiona to the show handling class environment but we thought - is this too early? Abigail has a show to get ready for. How will Nathan negotiate both? Will Fiona react like she did on her walk - hesitant and unhappy?

Well, she was a tad hesitant with a whippet snapping air at her saying - not so close and all the whippet wanted was to play. So did Fiona but she was unsure how to handle such an unusual thing. But it all went well. She did say hello to a few more dogs not backing away.

She walked tail high the entire time. Pay attention - Miss Abs - you can do it too. She was a nightmare on the table but the instructor showed Nathan he was fussing too much and she was also walking crooked but that too was Nathan paying attention to her.

The instructor took Fiona, placed her front paws solidly on the table at an angle then put her back legs in place all in one full swoop and she stayed. It seems less fussing and more deliberate expectations helps them to rise to the occasion.

Then he asked Nathan to just walk and yes be aware where she is when you are turning but otherwise, just walk and she walked straight then. I found this interesting from a training perspective as the more you simply just expect and act as if they will rise to the occasion, the better they do. Fiona was great and even cried to get back out there with Nathan when it was Abigail's turn. I have never heard her cry for anything. She's starting to make that transition to daddy does 'this' with me and this is fun and rewarding. It's the same road Miss Abs went down.

Abigail needs a bit more work at being animated at the judge and seemed to be more distracted as Fiona was there but maybe the distractions are good for her so she learns to ignore. Her tail was half mast half the time and up all the way the other. The table doesn't seem to bother her but she also needs that deliberate, front paws in position, then back in place in one full swoop action. The instructor seemed really good at it. Miss Abigail has a tremendous bounce but still has not managed to find the excitement yet. She would rather play with the dogs than prance around the ring where Fiona seemed to like it. I think the difference there is Fiona is so highly treat motivated that its easy to find her button to push where Abs - although food motivated - needs to have more excitement in your voice to get her up for it otherwise she is bored silly by the stuff. Still, it seemed both do well with all the noise, mommy sitting there and all the dogs especially the 2 snorting ones that were not into the walk just yet and wanted to jump instead. That's a lot to get used to.

Now, it is EASY for me to sit on the sidelines and watch instead of doing and say - you have to do this than actually doing it but Nathan is falling into the groove of getting saturated with all this info and then practicing. The better he gets, the better Miss Abs gets and that is what it is all about.

Miss Abigail gets to go to handling tonight without Fiona as she will be in 2 shows this month. That means we need to focus on her but it was great to get Fiona into this to see her reaction and we will do it again next week. I just wish there were more handling classes in this area.

Well, the pool is going to get opened this week. It's going to be fun to educate the little ones about it.

Chico is slated to get the 'snip-snip' tomorrow so no classes for him this week. Sebastian has already been fixed and puppy cut and I wonder how Remy is doing these days. I miss the puppies but this show focus is fun too.

More later...from the gal with hardly any sleep but did do 4am exercise again.


Early morning antics at Talemakers. Whitney, our old lady retriever had a bath and now its Terra's turn when I have the energy.

We have a busy day. The car died so human daddy has to go pick that up today. We have handling classes with Fiona and Abigail. Human daddy has a business meeting. We have to empty a pool house as the pool people are coming this week. We have training to do with Chico, Abs and Fiona and the rest of the crew.

I also have a late night with 'Dancing With the Stars' results and 'Idol' and yep I made that 4am wake up to do a killer plyo. Sleep was not good so maybe a nap today if work is not too much.

Remind me not to take a siesta from exercise. It's awful finding the energy to get back into it but I must. I look at that reflection in teh window while exercising and validate all that sweat and exhaustion that comes. I need to figure out how to get the dogs to exercise at the same time. Ideas - anyone?

Fiona, Abs and Katsuro got up with me. They loved the fan blowing on them while I exercised. I practiced commands with them as you can if you do not have the chunk of time to train them. It's best that way as you incorporate training into real life and end up reinforcing. Remember NO FREE TREATS - make them work for it even with a sit or a down or a by me - anything but don't give it away for free. You will end up being happier with the results and they will enjoy it as well.

More later as the day goes on.>>