
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies toronto (308)


Holiday Havanese Madness

Okay - not madness but great fun. On this fine holiday weekend we have a full crew of visitors and residents alike and they are having a grand time doing the Havanese huddle.

What's that? It's a meeting of the minds or maybe it's a strategy meeting of who can be in the lead when they run around the backyard in full speed. Oh my - and they did - having a grand time.

If that wasn't enough, then they went on walks and now are back playing up a storm. Does it ever end? Not until they are completely tired but oh do they sleep at night.


Havanese in Handling Class

We are in for a long weekend with a ton of fun and Yvonne and Alex are coming down to help. What amazing friends we have!

Last night we had Kat and Treasure in handling class and tonight we have just Treasure as she has a show coming up and this class is so far away but it is worth it. It's a large class with a ton of dogs but it is called conditioning and socialization.

You don't have to be a show dog to kick it up a notch and get your little one exposed to various sounds, sights etc. The more you expose in a positive way, the more your dog ends up being balanced. Even the most shy dog can make improvements by being diligent. It may not 'feel' that way at first but take it from us who had taken a dog that was really unbalanced and got her enjoying and playing - well we know it can happen. It's work - we know but sooooooooooo worth it and it can be incorporated into daily life and think of the new doggie friends and human friends you'll make.

Think about it!


Treasure Visits Eye on Fashion

Treasure had an outing today at a really cool local Woman's boutique called 'Eye on Fashion' here in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

What's so special about this store is not just the to die for clothes but that they have a resident Havanese called Jazzy.

Nathan dropped in with Treasure and Dima and Tanya played retrieve with her and a hacky sack.

He even left her there for a small time while he ran errands as a test to see how she would do and the owners of the boutique (friends of ours) were gracious enough to watch her. I hear that she didn't even look back but played and played.

It was great to see that the little one could find the comfort of this special boutique and look so deliriously happy. It has to be due to Treasure becoming balanced and special people such as Dima and Tanya that own it and wink, of course that handsome guy Jazzy. For those of you that follow along here, Jazzy and Quito are littermates.

Well, we are off to a Total Recall Workshop with Fiona this evening. She's been out of obedience for quite some time. Hopefully we will have more stories tomorrow after fun is had. We already know that there will be at least three other Havanese in the class. How much fun is that?!


Fun Havanese Visitors

Jean was kind enough to bring Quito and Kooba over for a visit and it was such a great treat to see them.

Here's Quito hanging out with Kat.

Jean is doing an amazing job on the hair and with these little ones. Gad - they look so deliriously happy.

It was great to see both of them meandering around the backyard saying their hellos and wow did they look great.

Check out this face on Kooba. You have to smile when you see that face.

Kooba was a rescue that we were fostering for a bit that Jean adopted and we do believe she found the jackpot for life. But it's not only Jean and her hubby but that Quito who gets Kooba smiling like you can see in this photo.

It does our heart good to see the Havanese happy and this story was a special one.

Thanks Jean for visiting!


Can't Wait til Dirty Time Comes

Mommy had me oiled up and looking quite grungy but she washed me and I didn't complain till she tried to use the blower. I prefer the Oster dryer much more so.

I am trying to stay clean as we are going to Yvonne's this weekend to play and muck it up and get dirty after we get there. Then mommy can come home and do it all again - yikes!

Mommy washed one of my pack mates - Terra a retriever and boy did she blow hair around. Aren't you glad we don't do that?

Well, Zack and Coco are coming for the weekend tomorrow. Let the fun begin! What are you doing this weekend?


Havanese Louis Goes Home

Louis went home today but before he did - some of the dawgs had a meeting of their minds.

Louis is that cute little thang who has been here many times over and gets excited to be here and gets excited to go home.

Louis had a real sense of play and takes every opportunity to do so.

We will miss him - till next time.

PS: Treasure was great at handling. Tomorrow the mom (me) does the b-day thing but today the dawgs spent and celebrated with me - so did that human Nathan!


Havanese Fun

The fun continues at the crazy Talemaker Havanese house.

Where's one dog start and another end?

That's how Louis and Remy was playing today.

Then Treasures butts in and he is having a grand threesome.

Abigail tries to get involved but the younger set is having none of it. There's always tomorrow.

Everyone had their nightly walk - Louis walking with Remy.

I just finished brushing and combing out Remy. He looks beautiful and before we were off to bed, we let them outside and instead of doing their business - there was jumping on top of each other, rapid running and who had time for serious stuff so we will be letting them out closer to 11 and then heading off to bed.

We will see what tomorrow brings.


Visiting Havanese Remy

We have a visiting dog called Remy over just till tomorrow night and parents and human siblings are gone and he is having a grand time.

He's never been left anywhere else and he is fitting in really nicely. So far Remy and Louis and Treasure are hanging out and enjoying each other.

More photos over the next 2 days. Are we going to have fun with this one.


Visiting Fun at Talemaker Havanese

It's never a dull moment around this place.

Kat and our visitor Louis is going gangbusters chasing the other dogs and Nathan.

The dogs just adore the run.
Yes, Nathan has this daily crazy run with them all over the backyard and they just expel so much energy and you swear they are laughing.

You never saw anything so glorious as happy dogs running in a pack. It's a riot and we get that pleasure all the time even with our visitors.

The fun doesn't stop there but they also with all this fun enthusiasm - bring it inside and continue the play. We just love it and am glad we have a camera sometimes at hand to capture moments.

There are times that we are both running with them and the camera is just not doable or they do that perfect moment that you wonder why the camera is in the other room. It happens.

More tomorrow!!


Playing Hard and Snoozing Long

We had a visitor today - a 4 month Havanese mix and he kept the crew in excitement mode or was it that the crew here kept him in excitement mode.

It doesn't matter - they had tons of wet and muddy fun.

Have you ever seen 2 havanese or more play? It's a sight that brings laughter and smiles.

I had just done my daily grooming and the dirt did fly and the wet soaked their little bodies as they did that Havanese run-like-hell game.

I suspect our visitor is sleeping too after he got home.


Total Recall Class

Fiona is hanging out pondering this thing about Total Recall class. She's wondering if Mojo or one of Yvonne's crew is coming. She hasn't a clue what it is but she heard it was fun from Kat and Treasure.

Rufus is visiting till Monday and he's finally sleeping. He was so excited - he was like the EverReady battery and Treasure was telling him it was time to sleep. Not until Nathan climbed into the bed with a migraine did the crew settle in for a long winter's nap - ooops not that long but they are still sleeping.

It's cold again. But do the dogs care... Why can't we be more like them - mucking it up and enjoying life no matter what.


Shakin' and Rollin' Havanese

Well today is almost weekend time and Jazmyn, Lola and Marlee are going home and Risa is coming home. Lots of baths and sad Havanese but Rufus will be here for the weekend starting tomorrow and then Gina goes to her handler - sniff and Ruby and Louis will be coming. We even get Lil' Man now known as Milo back next month for a visit. We can't wait.

There's never a dull moment around this place. Treasure can attest to that as she shakes her head after coming off of a huge play session.

Catch you tomorrow with purty photos of our clean Havanese visitors going home.


Equal Opportunity Havanese

Abs is an equal opportunity player. She doesn't care who it is but she plays her little heart out with all from visitors to pack mates. Her enthusiasm for the play is noted but it doesn't help her hair any. hehehe

But how can we take the play away? We can't as that spirit is important. So we try all sorts of things to try to keep her hair intact including - no biting the head Treasure but will it work - time will tell.

Our visitor Marlee's fave pal here is Abigail and Treasure where Jazmyn prefers mostly just Abigail but has been caught playing with a few others. It's grand to see but I have to get MORE photos. argh.


Visitors, Baths & More

I don't know what it is about this place but I go and get dirty and mommy has to clean me.

After all this time, I still don't get this bath thing.

Mommy thinks I look pretty all cleaned up but I sort of like that disheveled look. What about you?

I have been spending much time playing with our new visitors. I rather like them!

My new two buds now (visitors) called Jazmyn and Marlee (this is Marlee) that are mucking it up right along with me but mommy won't be bathing them till just before they go home. They adore the walks but come home from them less than pristine so its waterless bath, run with a towel and brush, brush brush. Marlee even clears our gate at the front door in excitement for the walks. Can I say - a great agility future? heh

Do you have a jumper in your house? Got any fun stories about it to share?


Tricks, Daddy and Handling Classes

It's time for the canines to talk. That human mommy just blabs and blabs and blabs exposing us like we are the TMZ of the Havanese world.

Fiona: I will let that thing standing next to me talk first or she will never give me any rest if I don't. I used to control the lay of the land and sometimes I still do but this thing that mommy Treasures and competes with my daddy time doesn't allow it. Okay, Treasure let it all out so I can tell it like it 'really' is.

Treasure: Well, I am told that mommy set eyes on me and fell in love. I was supposed to be her dawg but I rather like the guy in this house. You see I live my life by he/she who treats me MUST love me the best cause I am a food hound. I even try to take Fiona's food away but she doesn't let me but I get her to chase me then Abigail gets it. I wonder if she notices. Mommy and Daddy sure do.

They have us going to this thing called handling class tonight - Fiona and I. I was at handling class last night with Kat and we had fun. My social hour is getting oh so busy and I hear we are going to see Sebastian in 'Games' class this week. Am I excited or what!

Fiona: I know why they take me along with the red pipsqueak. I have a show this weekend and they think I will show her how it is done but no one is like the Fiona and her scat, scat. They expect me to show her my secrets - yeah right. Secrets are secrets - right?

Well, that human daddy better give me Filet Mignon if he thinks I will cooperate and spill the beans. So, daddy are you upping the ante?

Off to class - what about you? What have you done with your Havanese today?


Total Recall Class: Lone Havanese

Did we have a blast or what in class! Treasure was the littlest dog in the class next to the Jack Russell Terrier pup who put quiet in someone else's conversation. What a high charged dog - heh

Treasure came in - looked around - saw a couple of - almost can't control this enthusiasm dogs - well more than a couple - a Samoyed - a Bernese mix, a lab - and some more puppies and some more even keel dogs such as retrievers and who else did I miss? Her tail was down as she went - oh my but daddy took her for a walk by all the dogs - quiet and rambunctious and immediately the tail went up and it stayed up as you can see in this photo. Nathan brought his all into it and Treasure reacted wonderfully to his emotions that obviously ran down the lead.

She was amazing in the class going through dogs without issues, retrieving when she was supposed to and even coming past me to daddy when he called her. The games were fun. The energy was fast paced. The barking and the distractions was great slow conditioning. Perfect for the show ring distractions that we deal with.

Then the Jack Russell did a play bow to Treasure. She play bowed and barked back. She's not a barker so this was funny. Then he challenged her. She challenged him back and did a full out - let me have him not in an aggressive way - it was bark - bark bark - don't you think you are going to intimidate me - little man.

As you can see, Nathan after laughing inside had to correct her and get her to stop but for the whole night, she was having a grand time across the room (yes they moved this duo apart) trying to get the Jack Russell going as if she was a kid teasing. We took the opportunity to keep her enthusiasm up but direct her to the fun at hand. The Jack Russell was wanting to play with her and then challenging her - just because. These pups are learning dog communication so all was grand in what we wanted to achieve.

We did play this game where I held Treasure and Nathan called her but I wasn't supposed to let go till it was her turn. Oh my gad was that funny. I never saw a stronger willed Havanese wanting her own way and beside herself that I wasn't letting go. She barked, she pulled, she jumped. She was so filled with excitement - I have never seen her quite like that ever before. It was all great as when I did, it heightened her enthusiasm in getting to daddy even more.

Katsuro also took this class a year ago and did amazing going through dogs without fear. But Treasure - I have to admit - the spunkiness - well it's all hers. She plays quick recovery after she checks out the room and puts her little heart into it. She's got her very own grand personality.

Anyone who is in the Durham or Toronto area will benefit from this class. The goal is to get your dog doing a total recall no matter what the distraction is but the class is more. It is a slow conditioning to dogs of all personalities, sizes, being able to walk through them to you, passing by in different directions and focusing on you etc. in a very fun and safe environment. The class was run extremely well and with a ton of fun that you can continue at home.

We can't wait till the next as we will take yet another dog and have just as much fun - and fun we had!! Can't wait till next week's Games class. Hope that is as fun!

Well, everyone is still sleeping. I just checked my work pages and I think I am going to eat, have some coffee and then get back to work.

I am still on that 'oh my gad, Treasure you did wonderful' high. I remember feeling that with Kat too. I believe this class is geared for success and your dogs love it and are better off by taking it. Hope to see you in the class next time. We could use another Havanese or two. We hear there are 5 in the Games class.


Secrets, Lil Man & Class Tomorrow

I have a secret says, Fiona - no more baths daily for awhile. Abs sighs with relief.

Mommy says: When the girls are doing the shows - bathing each daily is the norm but poor Abs had enough of THAT! Plus - if you do something like that - the dog's hair can get brittle and dry. Today was a Vellus day..hehehe Guess who does this bathing and grooming business?

Today was a clean Wasabi and Katsuro day. Tomorrow is a Risa and Shoshi bath day. Lots of dogs equals lots of baths.

But tomorrow night Treasure gets to have fun, fun, fun and so do we going to Total Recall Class at Who's Walking Who. We did this class before and it's bound to be as fun as it was the first time. We'll tell you how it went on Friday. We just love what obedience and these seminars bring to us and getting the dogs to be all they can be with fun.

Well, Lil' Man is getting way comfie playing his little heart out and tuckering himself out. He goes to bed at 10 and wakes up in the morning with us. He sleeos all night long. He wriggles his little tail telling you he's having a grand time. I swear he embraces life in such a way that he puts a smile on your face.

Gad this puppy is delicious!


Lil Man Available to RIGHT Home

We just spent a very long and exhausting 4 days attending a dog show. The only reason we entered all 4 days is that the show was held at the Markham Fairgrounds about 15 minutes from the house. Abigail got 2 more points towards her championship, Fiona got 3 more towards hers.

It’s a race.

Meanwhile, back home we had a little pistol waiting to greet us, tail vibrating his entire body, frantically eager to say hi in true puppy style. L’il Man is a real pleasure. He is full of life, enthusiasm, curiosity and intelligence.

That means he plays with everyone here, flies up and down the smaller steps, pokes his head into everything and figures out ways to have fun. I happen to love this personality type. I’m surrounded by them. This is not a laid back quiet little boy. Here he is looking back over his shoulder at me.

I managed to capture a great shot of him tearing after Treasure. She has an unfair advantage being a month older but he doesn’t let it slow him down at all. And finally here is a close up head shot. Notice he’s staring right at me, posing.

As I write this in the background I hear the pitter patter of little feet. Treasure and L’il Man are tearing all over the main floor of the house. You can hear them scrambling to get a grip as they go sliding across the wood or tile floors. I love it. By the way, he plays an excellent game of retrieve which includes tugging the toy away from anyone else that got to it first, if they'll let him.


Confidence in Havanese

Are confident dogs just that or do you have to cultivate it? It's the latter. Although some have more confidence as a base - even the most balanced dog from the onset in the litter can be spooked by strange noises, people, things, events etc. Don't assume that always confident dog will remain that way unless you expose them.

How do you get your dog to be all it can be? Training!

By investing the time in training, you build your dog's self esteem by giving him a challenge that he can achieve over and over again and we all know if we can do things right eventually - well it feels good. It also works his mind and creates a bond like none other. But be sure you only practice POSITIVE training.

Bonus is a training class will give you slow conditioning to exposure of other types of dogs.

I am a firm believer to find an instructor that can control their class with presence and always knows how to handle a situation. For us, we want our dogs exposed to larger dogs as that is what we have in life. I do not want them to be skittish around them so a mixed class is great for this. We go all the way out to Blackstock as we really love the instructor at Daytripper. For us - who teaches and the way they teach matters.

At the top you will see Treasure in her obedience class strutting with the ease of confidence. She also has that stance when out in the backyard as you can see in this photo here.

She tends to have a good base but a garage door opening made her jump to say what was that on a walk. It was sudden and she didn't know what it was but I bet you next time it will be oh - its that.

We are afraid of what we do not know and that's true with the dogs. Slow conditioning is the answer to any fears that have set in and any fears that appear suddenly. They do have fear periods but we mustn't coddle but help them to understand and not validate their fears but instead show them by our body language and with a good base of training that they can play recovery and not hold on to their initial reaction. When they do play recovery and realize it's nothing to fear, they have started the process of being all they can be - with your help - of course.

So, puppies - adults - all can benefit. Do your dog and yourself a favour - have fun and enjoy a class or two. It's the best money you will ever spend if you invest the time in between.

Happy Valentine's Day from the Talemaker crew. May you spend it with loved ones and Treasure the ones that are there for you - always - your 4 legged crew.

Well - we are off to the vets for Treasure and Risa. Enjoy the moment and think of fun ways to get your dog to be all they can be. It's the most rewarding thing you will ever do.


Blowing Coat: Havanese

Havanese usually blow their coat once. Some are gradual - some are all at once like our Abigail. What is blowing a coat and how can you tell?

If the coat is coming out in any degree more than the usual and you are seeing those small knots halfway up the shaft or closer - well there is a good chance it is happening.

Abigail with each brushing, her coat kept coming till she is now down to a single coat and now the undercoat is starting to come in. That's what creates those lovely knots.

Just use a hair conditioner and gently pull the knot apart, brush and comb. Take one knot at a time and don't pay attention to the whole. This only happens once in their life and you can get around it if your dog doesn't show by cutting them in a puppy cut and letting them grow out later or you may decide you really like that puppy cut.

Shoshi is in a puppy cut and needs a brush once a week - Risa too. The rest of ours are in full coats. Now brushing once a week can be done while you are watching TV and can be made to be enjoyable for both of you.

We have pups in their new homes that are cut shorter than the traditional puppy cut and really do not need to be brushed all that often. It's all what you want/need and what YOU like.

But if you are keeping them long and dealing with the blowing coat stage - this too will pass.

Be sure to buy the book From Nose to Tail that is filled with EXCELLENT info on how to take care of a Havanese. It's really worth the read.

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