
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies toronto (308)


Yvonne's Crew and Visitors

Yvonne's crew was hanging out at the pool today.

They came to swim and socialize the pups. They brought cookies and a pie - YUM!

Downsey even went swimming today and really did a wonderful job at going back and forth with Yvonne and Nathan.

She could learn to really enjoy this wet stuff. I can feel it in my bones. hehe

The crew thought it was a love fest with so many dogs. You do not want to know how many but really it was negotiable and fun.

Then we had guests over tonight that own Sebastian and they brought two of their neighbours over. So the pups got a lot of socializing with kids again.

This socializing is a good thing.

It was a crazy dawg house today and I have to get work done but I will be shocked if the pups do not sleep tonight. Keep them busy and they fall fast asleep.

Here's one of our guests loving up Missy - one of the gals.


Run, Run, Run...

Did you know the pups are already learning to run after me. Somehow they think I can feed them too. ARE THEY CRAZY?

That's okay. I can run faster then them.

Tomorrow I am going to get cut down short and Mommy is going to let me grow out from there. I have never been really short so it will be a new look for me.

Why is Mommy doing it? Well, my ends got fried from all that play and I am done showing so it's time to try something new but I suspect - Mommy will hate it and it will have to grow all the way back in again. hehehehehe

Fiona doesn't play as much as me so she gets to keep her long hair. We are not all alike, you know. Treasure is still getting shown so Mommy has to say - no bite but we do it anyway when she's not looking. At least she believes that. She looks at our hair and shakes her head but she is glad we are having fun and being dawgs.

It's only a bloody haircut you know. ROFL!


Storms and All That Scare

Last night we had a rip roaring storm - well storms come through and our old lady golden - well she doesn't do well with storms. She kept me up all night. I do not do well with a TV on while trying to sleep but on went the TV.

None of the Havs react to the storm except to say - you crazy - you want me to go out in THAT!

Well, reality is I don't. Kat goes out and in seconds and gets drenched but not many others will. Who can blame them. That's when it is good to have them trained to a pad as well. It also helps when you are showing a dog as there are times that it is mucky and dirty and wet outside. There are some storms that boots and jackets won't protect them and that was what it was like last night.

Risa is also one of those dogs that could care less about the storms but she also has a bladder of steel. She's been known to hold it for 14 hours - which is a record around here but she is an adult and likes sleep more than emptying her bladder.

Needless to say, last night was ruff. Our son - we think had guests over when we were sleeping and the dogs kept waking up to that.

Getting pups from A to Z is not as easy as some think. If you are doing it right it's a lot of work. You spend time extending their time to sleep. You get them going on the pad. You expose them to all sorts of elements. You clean and clean and cuddle and love and it's work but each day they improve and each day you get closer to your goal of having a pup comfie with a crate - sleeping the night and socializing them. This process does not allow much consistent sleep til the later stages. Throw in a storm and well you can be yawning as you type - like me.


Visitors at Talemaker Havanese

Our visitor Lucy is way comfie. It didn't take her anytime settling in. She sleeps with her head on my stomach or shoulder when going to sleep at night. Life's so ruff for the Havanese. heh

Well, Shoshi and Risa had a bath and now we are getting a rip roaring storm. Poor Nathan is outside scrambling to take our canopy down. It's turning into some storm. Glad the dogs already had their outings including a swim. Lucy - she likes her feet wet but no swimming yet.

Abigail plays up a storm with Lucy. They seem to be two peas in a pod.

I just felt Risa and she feels like a dream. One wonders why I wash the dogs more frequently than most. I just love cuddling with softness.

Hope you are inside enjoying the cool air wherever you are and giving some love to the havs. They deserve it - don't ya know?


Run, Run Havanese

I think the crew is missing Teddy but they are getting walked as I type and they have been playing with the pups and each other nonstop.

We figure we better get in as much as possible before the thunderstorms come.

Oh, oh - the rain started. Nathan has 2 dogs out for a walk - our son has 2 others - the last two. Nathan even took Whitney as she wanted to go but it's obvious she's not making it even around the block these days. Pool exercises for her in hopes it will help her. It's hell getting old.

What do you do if you have a Havanese that dislikes the rain? Take them out ANYWAYS. Many enjoy snow more than the rain by far.


Neck Deep in Puppies

This is the first born - son of Wasabi and our Kat. He's a true character and each one of these pups just cease to amaze me.

I know we have a puppy page at Talemaker Puppy Life but we just got in from running around outside and get this - the crew was already chasing Nathan. I had to laugh.

Not quite 6 weeks and already in a full run after him. I just love it!

Treasure wasn't sure what to make of the pups at first. She was highly curious but when they started trying to feed - she went oh oh. But now she is out there playing like a banshee. It all evolves. It's truly fun to watch!

How they go from drunken sailor to this so fast - well it's amazing!

The pups has added a grand amount of fun for our visitors and resident dawgs alike.

But Teddy will be going home tomorrow and we will miss his fun.


Play Time With the Little Ones

The adults are now playing with the pups as a usual thing at least once or twice a day. It tuckers the little ones out. They eat more - they sleep more and they are happy - happy - happy.

Abigail just finds the pups so delightful.

To check out their antics, be sure to check out Talemaker Puppy Life.

The crew has been hanging outside seeing the weather is good but brace yourself - rain is
slated AGAIN for the Toronto area for the weekend. Don't ya just LOVE this summer - NOT! I will tell you my weeds love it!

Well our old lady golden loves the pups too. She doesn't play with them like Terra but she sniffs and comes to life when they are around. It's nice.


Socialization is Very Important

The littlest pup was socializing with all the rest of the dogs.

Well all of them were.

Terra was not quite sure what she should do but old habits kicked in and she started watching her feet and enjoying the little ones.

Some of the pups hung out and watched.

Some guarded to make sure they were okay (Risa did the guarding).

Some just had a grand time with them. I am working on a video of the days events right now. I am hoping to post it to Talemaker Puppy Life tonight. They loved being out with the other dogs and grandkids.


The Martians Arrived

I swear that is what Treasure looked like in this photo but she relaxed fast - not as fast as Abigail but check out Talemaker Puppy Life to see their 5 week video.

The pups are growing up fast!

We had them in the kitchen today as we had a down pour and they will be acquainted with the entire house and outside by the time they go home.

The pups are hitting the pad quite a bit now. It sure makes cleanup easier. We tend to drape pads etc on the x-pen so we have quick cleanups. Don't ask us how much laundry we are doing now but times 5 and learning - well it happens.

They really enjoy the cuddles now and the puppies here are really enjoying getting to know the pack. We do this slowly - one on one - two on two. This is how they get conditioned and find the fun.

The pack is down to just them plus 1 - Teddy who has been here before. He is having a roaring grand time with Treasure. He also wants to know what these gremlins are.

Lucy comes this week. We can't wait!!


Piling Out

My favourite photos are dogs in action and I keep trying to get the right photo of them piling out the back door.

It's like taking a family photo and someone always is not smiling or is making a face or? But it's fun trying.
The crew is missing Marlee and Jazmyn who just went home. I will miss part of my doggie blanket (they surround me in bed).
No swiming today but walks and baths and Fiona is greased up and I am making up a gallon batch for the next time. Don't worry folks. This is just show stuff.
We are looking forward to Lucy coming this Friday.
The answer to blow drying a dog that doesn't want to be? Have treats on hand. Snuggle - kiss and talk baby talk to them. Hold firmly but gentle and stay in a good mindset. It works - really!
Well - my dryer has died. So I am back to 1 and drying the slow way. sigh...


Can We See Them Too?

We had a couple over to see the pups and the crew is not allowed to be around them when they are out and about loose.

Today we had Kat, Treasure and Abigail but always just 1 or 2 at a time.

The pups are too small and we wait to integrate them in with the full pack over a period of time to avoid any of them stepping on them inadvertently.

The crew was hanging outside saying - hey what about me?

But this couple brought a toy for them and they are STILL playing with it. It's a keeper!!! Marlee even stopped sniffing to join in the fun!


Casual Brace

Some people don't buy into the stuffiness of showing as you can see in this brace.

Usually people are dressed up - suits/dresses - etc. But not this guy. I have no idea who he was but I laughed and clapped and had to take a photo.

I am not sure he won any prize topless but he sure attracted attention.

At least he wasn't stuffy and hot!

Well, we have Louis and Teddy visiting and they played up a storm as soon as he hit the house.

Teddy makes himself at home immediately. Sorry mom - he really has a grand time.

We also have Marlee and Jazmyn and Jazmyn looked for Nathan - he's her fave next to Treasure but when he wasn't here - I was second best and Marlee slept with me right beside my head. They already figured out the treats at grooming time ESPECIALLY Jazmyn but they have been here before. Oh and I have to get a photo as Marlee leads the crowds with keeping the duck at bay from everyone where Jazmyn is satisfied to snuggle and play and snuggle and play.

Well, we have puppy people coming to visit so have to get off. More tomorrow...


Katsura Group 1 & Championship

Something told me I had to go to the show today. I wanted to relax - play with the pups and catch up with work. Tonight I am doing work - getting Treasure bathed and going crazy but in a good way. I got to see Kat in the ring the first time and I got to see a group 1 win and his championship.

Kat not only had wonderful puppies but now Daddy is a championship with a group 1 and group 2. What a way to get there and he only had 1 day that he was shown before this show.

I am sooooooooooo very proud of my men.

The way the puppies wagged their tails when they saw us...I think they are too!

Tomorrow we have 3 visitors coming. I can't wait but Nathan will be away til the evening at a show and me...carrying the load til he comes home and him carrying it out there but I am up for it. I may be tired but this cloud 9 stuff gets your adrenaline pumping!

More tomorrow....


Bath Time

Abigail is my dawg who dislikes the bath the most. Oh she doesn't mind the drying or even swimming but stand her in the sink and she just stands there stiff as a board. Is she afraid - well that's a good signal that she is but no - she doesn't shake - she just says - get that soap out of me.

She used to shake - arch her back and hide on me but she's over that stage now. They do get better and not all of them act like that. She's one of two that has - the rest doesn't seem to mind.

The point is - just do it as a matter of fact - give them kisses - keep your voice upbeat and cutsie pieish and give them a treat when they act like you want them to.

When I have a guest that is frightened, I give them treats and cuddles and play with them as I am washing and drying and it actually gets them enjoying.

The point is, help them find the fun. By helping them - you find your own fun.


Talemaker Havanese Kat Swimming 2009

Kat's swimming again another season. What a guy...

What's different? He's running in between and he has more in the peanut gallery lending their barking support. Even our visitor Louis gets into the supporting cast!

We do love his passion for the swim! Enjoy...


Choice of Beds

Louis is visiting and as most visitors, they gravitate to this double layered high bed. What's interesting is all of them yank out the cushion to lay on the base and hang their head out using the cushion for a head rest.

It proves to me that there are beds and then there are beds. This one happens to get more use than most of our other beds with a couple of exceptions.

Tomorrow Nathan is travelling for 3 days - only home late at night and it is me - the puppies - our son and the crew. Friday night he will come back to the land of the living - Talemaker Style. hehehehe

We had the puppies out for the first time. Check out the photos on Talemaker Puppy Life!

Now to wash a dog - help Nathan pack and do some work. Puppies are fast asleep from a 20 minute stint outside. They sleep and sleep after such.


Pool Time or Not?

The crew is excited that there is no rain this afternoon. They are totally confused about it - as am I but excited. I swear this is the summer that wasn't.

Daddy's going to hang out with the crew and I am going to hog the puppies and catch up on work.

He's busy this week so he needs to get it and so do the dogs before this weather changes.

How are you coping with the rain? Better yet - how does your Havanese like the rain? Some want to get sopping wet - others don't want their feet wet. Yep - just like people. hahahaha


Treasured Pups

Treasure ADORES the pups and they seem to enjoy her too. We are just starting to introduce them to the pack. Can't wait to take them outside but it won't be tomorrow - rain - rain - and more rain.

Well, today we gave baths to Kat (greased him up) and Abigail. Tomorrow Wasabi and maybe the pups. It's not that they need it - but it's part of our conditioning. We shall see.

We had a cancellation in August for boarding. So - we still have a couple of spots open. Let us know.

We are hoping August is hot, hot hot so we can do the pool with the pups. I bet you Treasure will be jumping in for that!

What can you do when it rains? Play hide and seek with the dawgs - games of fetch - find the treat - learn a new trick or a new command. Get creative. We have had a LOT of rain so take advantage of it and get your dog to enjoy the rain. I know the puppies will love it but watch - no rain when we finally get them out - you just watch!


Treasure Visits Flurry

Treasure was at a show today and although she didn't place (she's our star always), we always try to reward her with something fun. Today it was visiting Flurry at Yvonne's house before she went to her forever home tomorrow - not Treasure - Flurry.

Boy did Treasure have a blast.

Today was the first day that we left the pups and all the dogs in the care of our 20 something old son. He did an amazing job. It was thanks to him that we were able to visit Yvonne, do a dog show and visit Penny and her pups. Penny's pups are 4 weeks Monday and ours are 4 weeks tonight and early Sunday.

We came home to many kisses - exhausted and knowing it's almost bedtime - well not really but it sure feels like it. Can't wait to snuggle and sleep with the entire crew except Wasabi who tends to stay watch on the pups. Pups..well we will fill you in on Talemaker Puppy Life.


Havenese Silly Talk

Did you know baby talk that dog owners often use when speaking to the family pooch allows the animals to be "socially stimulated" -- just like kids.

So all you men who think us females are a tad crazy when we talk to our Havanese in that cutsie fashion ought to try it themselves. I do know for a fact that when you do talk that cute talk to your dogs and forget about what others think, your Havanese reacts in such a positive way that it makes it easier each time.

When we started showing dogs in the ring, it wasn't until Yvonne took one of the crew in and started talking silly talk to her that we saw a huge difference in the way the Havanese was receptive to what you wanted them to do. Suddenly the whole body was showing happiness and that tail wagged like no tomorrow.

They are each different but dogs do benefit from 'silly' talk and so do you whether you like to believe it or not. Just releasing your silliness allows laughter - lifts your mood and gets your Havanese looking forward to spending more silly times with you. The bond is like no other.

One day I was in an obedience class with a bunch of dogs and one of our Havanese and I did my silly talk - saying how great mine was for doing what I asked. My voice was different than normal. It was a different pitch and it was totally distracting to the dog next to us. He wanted to participate in this silliness. The owner, who is one of our puppy people recognized it.

So - don't discount silliness. Humans and Havanese both need it in their lives. Laughter extends our lives and allows us to put aside all the seriousness that life has to offer. Find your inner child and enjoy life. It's about time. Your dawg and your spouse or significant other will thank you for it!

Besides, men who are able to connect with their dogs this way - well us females find them highly attractive.

When Nathan steps into the ring - rain or shine these days, the dog that is with him knows he is enjoying, relaxing, being silly and enjoying the dance with it's Havanese at the moment. So, wouldn't you want to be in the ring if that was the dance partner you had - one that found it to be fun?