
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies toronto (308)


Grandmotherly Times & Pups

Little by little I have been taking the pups out and letting the other dogs sniff. Risa (the grandma to the pups) has a huge fascination and knows what the pups are about.

Treasure is in awe. Fiona - when one attempts to lick her jumps back. Abigail - well she thinks wow.
Today, it rained and rained and so instead we had quick times outside getting soaked and brushed and inside times getting acquainted with the pups. Its' so nice watching the reaction.
Are we going to have fun when they are 4+ weeks old. I can't wait and neither can the dogs here - waiting till they get old enough.


It's a Dawg Day

How do you teach patience? We are still trying to do so. When it comes to eating, Treasure does flips waiting for her food. The gal adores eating. She's never first getting her bowl. She's actually one of the last ones to get hers - on purpose.

That's okay. It works to our benefit in the ring.

Treasure has started noticing Kat these days and is busy trying to tear his hair out. That's a no no on a show dog so we practice 'no bark' and 'no bite' more than the usual. The thing about Treasure is she is a dog that tests you.

You say 'no bark' and she lets out one more bark. You say 'no bite' and she grabs one more time just to say she can. She's called our 'step over the line' dog. If you like this personality - it's a true joy. If you give her rules and boundaries - she thrives but she also tries to get her last bark in - so to speak. She heels perfectly. She shows beautifully. She makes you laugh till your sides ache at times but if you didn't tell her and remind her what the rules are..she may not be so cute.

Dogs thrive with a clear understanding of what the rules are. Letting them be in charge of the house is not a wise thing. But when we see dogs of size and they are doing cute things - it's easy to laugh and ignore but you shouldn't.

I call this the two c's. Consistency is a must and courage to ignore the cuteness factor. hehehe


Messy Havanese Times

Doesn't mom ever groom us? Okay, she groomed me oh 3 minutes ago and I can't help but try to not look groomed the 2nd she finishes. It's my job, you know.

What do you do if you have this type of a dog?

One that likes to shove her head into things and tunnels all to give her that 'do that's less than ah...combed?

Well, laugh about it. It's one of the many things that you will find delightful with the Havanese.

Today the crew was playing like crazy with Louis. He has this way about him. It's a chase me game and he is good at it. He does it inside and out. At times all you can hear is the pitter patter of feet all over the house. It's a riot then they do it outside - under decks, up and down walks - every which way. They do believe in having fun!


Where's the Pups?

Terra would really like to see the pups but at this point, the usual around this place at this stage is Mom puts out a call of - I am stressed by barking when someone comes over and the troops rally around her or go into a mode to protect the pups. This is rather usual when you have a pack of dogs. They each have their supporting roles.

As the pups are not as vulnerable and walking around, Wasabi will relax and not worry they will get hurt. It's the new mom syndrome to protect her kids (pups).

After 5 to 6 weeks, the pups have been out daily, they will see various people and have had a variety of experiences and mom relaxes. Remember your own getting older and you relax more? Well, pups grow up much faster than the human kids so the process is faster.

It's going to be funny to see Kat watch the kids swim. About 7 weeks or so - we will begin the process. It's going to be fun. To learn more about the crew and their weights, read Talemaker Puppy Life.


It's All Over!!

The heat's all over - Fiona's that is and I can hang out with all the rest of the guys 24/7. It's about time, eh? It's tough being a guy!

Today was a no pool day but we got to hang out and lay around at the pool and play our little hearts out. You can see many a dog draped all over that guy Nathan throughout the day.

Louis is coming on Friday. Coco has found her spot on Nathan's head at night and Zack just adores the Kat. Shoshi even lies with mom at times during the night.

The pups are getting bigger and Wasabi is letting more dogs in to look and they are so strong that 3 now have made it out into the bed out of the whelping box. Check out Talemaker Puppy Life to find out more. All those cute noises and ...well they are adorable!


Swimming Havanese Katsura

Well, now that this heat business is waning down, the Fiona and I can watch the crew and be in the same place as that swimming boy Havanese called, Kat.

Just thought I would share his jump in the pool today.

Such a RUFF life that boy dawg has!! Now to get our visitors swimming.

Treasure has an oil treatment on so the pool is out for HER seeing she just about wrecked her hair with all this playing business. Oh well - to be a dawg first is important!


Belly Rubs & More

The dogs had a great time today as our son ran around the pool like a mad man - just like his father. Then Shoshi was the recipient of belly rubs.

We had a great day with our son, his wife - the pups and all the dawgs.

Did we swim - nope - well Nathan did to show our son how Kat jumps in.

Now Nathan is off to walk along with the sons. This way everyone gets their walks in. Me, I get to stay with the pups and the gal in heat. Plus who else is going to update this blog?

Be sure to check out Talemaker Puppy Life to see what one of Wasabi's pups accomplished today. Oh boy!


Thunderstorms/Rain/Play Havanese

Well, Nathan took a walk with the boy to calm him down. We are still in huge distraction mode with Fiona and Kat. Nathan thought that it would be a great way to help Kat calm down. Anyone who purposely has a gal in heat and an intact boy is NUTS unless you breed them. Okay - we are off our rockers but in a good way, I hope.

So, off to the bank on a long walk Nathan and Kat went but then it started raining - drizzling, then raining harder then downright pouring with wind and lightening and loud, loud thunder.

If Kat looked like this - can you imagine Nathan? ROFL.

So, Nathan gets back. I am sitting out with the crew under the gazebo in the back yard as Whitney, our golden is afraid of storms and I try to get her to do her business when in this state outside or we will have an accident inside. So, picture me with all the dogs other than Wasabi who was feeding the pups and Kat who just got back with Nathan drenched. Nathan goes up to change. I call him on the phone (yes from outside) to tell him get out here now as the gazebo is going to come down. He comes running out and we proceed to take down the gazebo and he's drenched yet again. The man can't win.

It was a rip roaring - interesting time but now we are inside and the dawgs do have to play. So, on the floor that was just toweled off Nathan did go playing up a storm with the crew.

What's happening with the rain? It's stopped. Go figure but no pool today. We already got wet enough!


Heat Again and Again: Is it OVER?

Okay - it was another sunny day so what did you expect?

Can I come to swim, Daddy? Wasabi always liked swimming but lately she just can't seem to get enough. Maybe it's her desire to cool off or just her time or it's missing time with the pack but we give her balance. We make sure she does get that 'me' time.

We are still dealing with Fiona in heat. What does that mean? Well, it means a barking boy or a whiney boy. It's not for the faint of heart but it does get better when she is no longer in heat.

To make matters worse, she teases him. I gave her a bath in hopes she would smell different. Silly me. Okay - she needed a bath so that's why I did it...hehehehe

Well, Missy goes home tonight and we will miss that gazelle. She jumps tall buildings in a single bound. Then Sunday we get to see the Zack and Coco. We are excited.

PS: You can always click on the photos to see a larger view on all of our pages.

Off to update Talemaker Puppy Life where we update you on the pups...


Kat's First Show & Treasure a Seasoned Special Gal

Some of you may remember that when Kat was a youngster, a visiting dog bit off his top knot so he had a Joe Dirt look for way too long. Top hair grows slow. So, unfortunately we had to wait to show him. Today he got Best of Winners on his first day so he is on his way to his championship. WE thanks Elaine Whitney for noticing this boy of ours!

Treasure got Puppy two days in this show, Best in Breed one of the days and Best of Opposites. She only showed the first and last day.

We are proud of this duo and I am rather sad that I wasn't able to see them but I did get to see Yvonne's pups from Kat and Lola and a couple really like swimming. Oh my...slide show coming.


Fun the Havanese Way

We had 3 visitors over - 1 went home and the trio was having a rowdy amount of fun play every single minute they could. It's fun to watch.

I don't care how timid a dog is - they manage to just let loose and have fun and that's what makes us happy.

Oreo went home today and we will miss him.

We are starting to get back to what some call normalcy after pups are born and it feels much better.

No swimming today with thunderstorms coming but hoping tomorrow is the day. Instead we played retrieve, find the treat and took turns being groomed. Run-like-hell is the norm with this crew. It's great watching this crew. Plus our gang just adores the extra fun - us too!

If interested in the puppies, check out Talemaker Puppy Life.


Hava-Dad Daze

Well, to all you Havanese Dads - a wonderful Father's Day. We had the daughter and grand daughters come up early and we took a walk to the park. A man in front of us had a white shepherd that he couldn't control - jumping on him and trying to get at us. We kept our distance.

Can I say - get that dog in obedience class please....

Well our grand daughter Danielle was throwing a ball and Treasure took off on a mad dash to get it.

The dogs ran after her but couldn't catch up. It was getting hot and only the crazy Kat and Treasure seem to keep on going despite the weather so you have to control it.

We recently saw a dog at a dog show that was getting sick from the heat. It happens - so we are really aware. Please note that we are in for a heat wave this week in Toronto. If you do not have air - I have some tips on how to keep your have cool - just ask if you are not aware of how to accomplish this for you and your Havanese.

She just loves being at the park. It usually takes us 10 minutes to get to the park where they run their little legs off and just enjoy the outdoors but she's not the only one.

Kat, Abigail and Fiona just played their hearts out too. It was great to watch. When it gets cooler, we will get the crew out again.

Our Father's day was a good one. The weeds around the pool are halfway out. Shhh..if you saw some of our photos some were a foot high - oh my...okay we have better things to do but I know - it's about time.

Our son who is heading to Iraq is home on furlough and his wife - our daughter-in-law is graduating this coming Sunday. Then we have Wasabi due anytime and oh my - so many moments to create.

We have exciting times ahead...and we hope you do too... Give your Hav a hug and treasure that dad of yours.


Treasure Playing With Pups

Treasure got to see the Kat/Lola pups this weekend and she was wondering - what are these little ones about.

She best get used to it as she will have 6 little ones from Wasabi to play with soon enough.

Yvonne and Alex was gracious as ever and we really appreciate their hospitality.

Tomorrow is a busy day...and photos and Hapy Father's Day going out to all you dads!


Shows, Friends and Dogs

Well, Treasure got Winner's Bitch today. That means she was given the award of being the best female today.

Then we had friends come over (Suzi is one of them and she is in the photo)that has Milo and Hugo and we expected Hugo to play with Hannah who is his litter mate but nothing. All were quite subdued but after they went home, Treasure and Hannah was playing up a storm doing run-like-hell.

Now what was that about?

Tomorrow we have more visitors and Linda may be dropping into the show...and I have yet another shampoo for the Treasured one. Is show weekend over? ROFL


Karma Came to Visit

Kat and Mystery's pup Karma came to visit today and oh my the gal looks so much like the Kat. She even has his mannerisms. It was interesting to watch. They are hoping she greys out like Kat. Time will tell.

I was washing Zack and Coco as they are heading home tonight so I didn't get to see her the entire visit but I did manage to do the fastest wash and dry possible and still do an amazing job so I could.

I am exhausted. We have a show tomorrow. I was eyeing some toy tables as an extra table. Shows are a dangerous thing.

Up to wash the Treasured one at 6am and roll out at 730 - ouch! Have a great night..I am off to snuggle some Havs..wait for the pickup and then go to sleep at the earliest I can get away with. What about you?


Craziness at Talemaker Havanese

I woke up and exercised today as I need to get back into that groove - the you know - nothing fits groove so I have no choice and it's HOT and why did I wait so long. But that's okay - Nathan is doing the same running around the backyard like a banshee with the pack and walking the entire pack two by two - the usual.

We have a weekend home doing nothing but dawgs and gardening, I suppose.

Running with the dogs is grand fun. Why don't you give it a try? Maybe all this exercise won't kill us and we will become healthy - yeah - right - and you?


Talemaker Havanese Brags

We had a busy weekend this week with good company and fun moments - like Fiona's sister getting her first 2 points this weekend.

We are excited for Yvonne BIGTIME! Fiona thinks her sister is so fabulous dahlink!

Treasure and Fiona and Nathan had a fab weekend - Fiona finishing her championship - which isn't all that easy to do - it just looks easy to some, I might add and Treasure collecting enough points now to put her halfway to her championship at 6 months old.

You can't show them till 6months and Treasure just turned that.

One thing that has become evident that this showing is a roller coaster ride. You are excited as everything comes together or you are shaking your head wondering what went wrong or you are realizing you are always on a learning curve or all the above. There's more to show handling that putting a lead on a dog.

You have to do classes to perfect your skill and just when you think everything is perfect, the real show comes around, a balloon pops - the judge doesn't see what you do, your competition leaves a show early so you don't get points needed - and then some.

Then of course there is the grooming and that's a learning curve unto itself. It's not easy. You make a lot of mistakes and learn from them. But you get there you think and then you learn some more and you are always perfecting and that is what is true in the ring as well.

What is evident in this photo above is Nathan has a good time with his dogs. He laughs in the ring, he has a great attitude and it shows.

None of this is easy and not all dogs are meant to be show dogs. Some are meant to romp and be dawgs - perhaps get into rally or agility and just enjoy life but some dogs - well they just think this runway stuff is all that. I don't get it but it's true. Not all dogs in the ring have that something extra that makes you smile but some are born with it - some grow into it and some have better things to do. None of that is right or wrong. It's just life.

Thank you for allowing us to brag as we are so very proud of Nathan and his gals. They are everything to us and they make me proud.

Now that Fiona is a champion, I can woo her over to my side. tee hee... I can hear Nathan saying - not likely but we shall see. It's hard for me as I have to love them, care for them but try not to allow them to get too close as a bond with a handler and their dog can make all the difference in it all but when they achieve that championship, you can decide to go on and special them or be proud and find another passion for them and have fun.

I just adore the Havanese and those that do not have one or two in their lives (we have 7), well you don't know what you are missing. It's hard to explain but it's truly amazing.

Thanks again - and now for more shows and more challenges and more ups and downs and on to perfecting our skills I gather. That's life!


Katsura's State of Mind

This is what happens to a male Havanese that has lost his mind as his gal Wasabi is in heat. Boys - what can we do with them and lord knows we certainly can't do much without them. Besides - they are so bloody cute.

Okay human - isn't it time to brush this cutie?

Well, we had a day - the human daddy was painting. I was getting ready for a show and doing much online work.

Tomorrow - baths for the youngsters so they can look pretty at the show. Wish us luck...


Havanese Relationships

Terra seems to be a mighty special dog. She spreads her play with all Havanese. Shoshi and Terra used to be the best of pals and these days its usually Treasure and Terra but on this day, at this moment - Shoshi was that connection and Terra enjoyed it.

She is a mighty special dog.

Ever have your dog bark at a noise or object and don't understand why? Usually it's their alert as they do not know what it is or what it is capable of. It's a fear reaction or 'I am not sure' reaction.

You can use slow conditioning to get them over it.

Treasure had a show recently - her first and got several points for showing well. She's got lots of pretty ribbons - which she would love to chew. Well, when she was getting her photo taken, the photographer made a strange noise to get her attention and she stiffened her body and barked at him. He laughed so hard that she relaxed.

The point is she was mighty comfie at the show but a strange noise in a new place can conjure up a hesitant reaction. That doesn't mean you should avoid such areas but rather expose them in slow doses.


Havanese Tongue Licking Times

Fiona and Treasure are just hanging out licking their lips thinking Daddy will give them a treat. It's a communication skill that they all use to say - hey - I want a treat. It's a riot as Risa will do it all day but she's on that evil word - D-I-E-T thing.

The crew is having a grand time enjoying each other this fine Passover/Easter weekend. The snow seems to be gone. The plants are starting to pop up. Let's hope it stays this way. It's still JACKET weather - well not for the Havanese but for the human kind. Still, it's great for walks finally and running around in a pack in the backyard. Life is good.

On this holiday weekend, watch out for that paper on the eggs and the chocolates. It's poison for your Havanese. Keep them up and out of the way and enjoy the holiday - will ya!