
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies toronto (308)


Class Tonight!

Today is Thursday and here I am after eating. Do I look happy at the food that daddy feeds us? I gained a solid pound in one month.

I get to go to class tonight. Coach and Chico is in my class too. I can't wait - class #2. Mommy needs to get her act together and train, train, train. We have stopped lunch time feeding as we do so many treats at noon time training sessions that it makes sense.

Daddy is also adding table work into my training so I get a head start in the scheme of things. With my - I just want to be into everything personality, I will need that. But charming - that I have down cold. hahahaha

More later...


Another Havanese Day

Well, show time is over. There will never be another first show but there will be a 2nd, 3rd and more. Tonight I have handling class and we get to do our usual training. Fiona is starting too - well at least training at home and obedience training. Chico gets mom for the training. Who is the luckiest? hahaha

Chico is doing great in all his commands and so is Fiona although we are doing everything in a stand and she does want to put that small backside down every now and then.

We hear our friends have photos of the show that they haven't shared yet. We are hoping some came out. They also got a rather cool gazebo so the dawgs have a new place to chill. Oh, they thought it was for the humans - yeah right. They are the masters of deals and oh I wish I was in on this one but we will do with what we have and have ours up by the picnic. The pool will even be open and we are hoping this year we have the weather vs. the rain we had last. Still, fun was had by all.

Look for the remaining videos (day 3) today.


Washing Havanese Time

Chico had every hair in place after his bath today and then he shook. Oh - he's such a boy Havanese dawg - loves to go natural. But wow is his hair silky. I knew it was when he wasn't clean but he has his canine mom's hair - just fuller. He's not as big as he looks but that fluffy hair - wow nice.

Chico gets to go to class tonight with his sibling Coach and his housemate, Fiona. Fiona is next to get bathed. shhh don't tell her.

Take another look at him after his shake from a different position. Got to say - the boy cleans up well. :-) Not that he looked bad unwashed.

Well, off to do Fiona - next - in a bit - inbetween work.


Windy Talemaker Times

It's quite windy today. We had flying everything outside and you couldn't tell by this photo but I actually brushed these dawgs.

Talking about grooming, I almost have the Abs laying down and falling asleep while I groom her. That is progress. If you keep at it as I do - a daily dose of slow positive conditioning, they do get used to it and they never get knots.

Well, Miss Abs has handling class tonight and she is going to see Sebastian and Apple there. We hope she stays focused and gets in the groove. If not, we will still have fun with it.

Tomorrow night we have Fiona and Chico in obedience class. Then we have the Dog Show on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and a visit to the vets on Saturday. Oh my, crazy times!

Chico is really into relax mode these days. It's as if he had to go through some 'what now' experience and learn how to deal with it all.

He gets a bath tonight or tomorrow. I have to look at the weather to figure it all out. His scabs have completely fallen off.

He loves kids. He kissed a friend and her mom out of the blue. He's really enjoying people. He did a play bow over and over again with Linda's Basil last night and seems to be happiest with other dogs, people and kids. He's finally coming into his own. He adores walks but he needs to learn to heel. We will be working on that.

Mentally and physically he's going to be more than alright. We are truly glad otherwise he would be staying right here while we worked out the kinks.

All dogs go through a transition when there is a huge change in their lives.

He now 'comes' and sits and tomorrow night he will start obedience. We are hoping to really get a real feel for him and find him his forever home real soon.

More later>>


Catching Up With Talemaker Life

This was a fun weekend with lots of people, dogs etc and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Coach, Sassy and their human dad and mom and shall I say human sibling came over yesterday and hung out - gave Chico some human interaction.

Here you can see Coach nose to nose with Chico along with Kat and Abigail. The dogs had a wonderful time.

It was nice to relax with John and his family and the dawgs before we had company in the evening, cooking, food, and all the fun that comes with a dinner. The dawgs kept sniffing for their share.

It's going to be fun going to class with John and Coach.

Then we had our 2 grand kids come over with our daughter and hubby and Chico just ADORES kids. I guess some of his best moments have been with the kids he lived with for the last 4 months. It shows as we had kids here today as well and he just lights up with the kids. He's a tad shy with the adult humans at first but once you pet him, well he warms up. Kids - no warming up - he's just excited to see them.

Chico starts classes this Thursday and tomorrow I am going to start working on sit, come, and stay to help him get a head start on class. This way, if he is not sure of the environment, knowing the commands even if he is not doing them perfect will help him make the transition to class is fun. Plus he will be in class with Fiona and Coach.

Sebastian's mom comes tomorrow so Sebastian won't get a bath till tomorrow morning so he can look GORGEOUS. We are going to miss him.

Here you can see Linda (who came to visit) lovin' him up.

Remember you can click on the photos to see a larger view.

I thought about washing Sebastian today but figured with the way he loves to play, tomorrow is a better day.

I am going to fluff and dry him then take a photo so you can see him all so handsome and all!

We got to see Coco again and she remembered me - gave me lots of kisses and snuggles and that was really nice. There is nothing like kisses from puppies and I got them from Yvonne's Downsey too.

Here you can see some of Coco's family. Thanks to Yvonne for bringing her here so we could see her again.

Well 4 days till Abigail's show debut. Got to get that grooming bag ready. ROFL. Got to get busy - ooops that's Nathan has to get busy.


Deep Conditioning Havanese Style

Well, I had this great idea I would put deep conditioning on Kat, let him sun it in like a heat conditioner but I tried it at first with a raincoat on so he wouldn't get dirty. He soon had that off and rolled and rolled in the dirt.

You can click on the photo to see a larger version.

What you can't see as my camera is too ^%$# slow was that was Sebastian running at him to pounce on him and he did. Then Chico with his cone still on did the same. It was a - lets get the dirty boy session.

I swear Kat was laughing his ahem off. He's finally relaxing with the boys and having a grand time.

Now, I didn't have a grand time getting him clean but...well boys will be boys...won't they. HA HA!


Steamy Havanese Changes

When daddy comes home around this place the dogs rush to see him barking their fools head off so we are training them NOT to. The same goes for the warmth of teh season - that brings mowers, pool people etc in other yards and therefore noises so we are practicing 'no bark'. Sometimes it works - sometimes not but we keep trying and catching the ring leader always and eventually you gain control. It's more difficult when you have many dogs.

Chico is doing well today - falling into our lifestyle. He is even tolerating my grooming him up and even doing better with the liquid meds but I am sure he wil be glad to have that neck thing off. We will also be glad to get daddy back in our room. His stitches look great but it is amazing what he thinks he can do and what he figures solutions to with that thing on. I say good for him. He is absolutely a creative and a solution solving dawg!

The dogs are loving this weather. I am out back trying to wash the walkways/decks etc so we can get the furniture out and semi cleaning the beds. The dogs think that is delightful - ooooh she is raking that junk up so we can nose dive in it.

We are heading back out to hang out - Chico's fave place. I bet you he will love his hikes with us when he is able. Risa likes to manage the crew outside and adores the outside so I need to get everything cleaned up so they can all hang out more and I can have furniture out there so I can drag the computer out there as well. All good things take work - hahahaha

We hear Coco is taking over the bed or Yvonne's body at bedtime and having a roaring grand time. can't wait to see her again.

Hope you are having a great Havanese day. More later.>>


Top Havanese Dawg & Dirty Legs on Walks

Okay, we believe in having fun around here and we mean it. Who's top dawg in this photo? hehehe
Well, we have had a busy day today. It started early and it was too wet on the deck from morning dew for human daddy to hang out on but he gave it a shot this afternoon.

Remember you can always click on a photo to see a larger version.

Talking about hanging out on decks, I take photos of decks but rarely lay my ahem down on one. The floor in the house is a different story.

Well, I managed to take a photo of our Wasabi who hasn't been cleaned now for a week and still, she is the only dog that still feels silky and looks great messy - don't you think? That gal gives stylin' a new name - I tell ya!

I gave Sebastian a bath today (yeah he needed it - as you will see below) and he has the same hair as she does. I hope he keeps it as hers never knots and is so silky.

Well, Nathan did training with the dawgs today. Miss Abs wasn't behaving so he quit on her - hahahaha and then a few hours later went back to it and she started acting up again and he got her on track. His goal is to kick ahem in handling class - well I think it is.

We also went on walks and I am not sure about these people that let us watch their dogs. We surely let them get D-I-R-T-Y. They would be flabbergasted.

Must be some of that desire in us to let them be dawgs despite having to wash them afterwards. Here you can see poor Sebastian's legs. Got to love it! He surely did chasing Katsuro and Shoshi and Risa around the playing field filled with wet and mud and oh my...

But all was not lost as some of the crew went to the forest and stayed dry and didn't have to get washed. I can't imagine washing all 10 in one day. Thanks to the little silver linings in life.

Well, Coco is surely getting along with the crew today. Here she is off with a walk with her sister Fiona. As I type, she's laying under my desk snuggling with Fiona. Life is good.

More tomorrow. We may be losing Coco to Yvonne's house tomorrow. We shall see.


Havanese Relationships

As you can see, Coach and Sebastian were mixing it up but what you can barely see was Fiona also in the midst of it.

The gang has been going since 5:30 this morning. I think they are laying down for the first time now at almost 2.

Nathan managed to get some video. I have to see what it looks and get that up. I also got a ton of photos but this crew is so fast that I got the back end, the side - the what have you. Those go in the delete bucket.

Nathan was complaining profusely how slow our digital is and thought it was the battery but shhh it really is slow. ROFL. You have to anticipate the move and take it the moment you anticipate. Don't we all know what's going to happen next?

Nathan did walks with all - much to the amazement of his legs. He doesn't do short walks and the dawgies appreciate that. I practiced some 'stand'. I also line combed all the dogs with the exception of Shoshi who gets it tonight when I watch TV.

As the snow dissipates, all sorts of yuck is cropping up and the dogs love it.

Me - I am going to take a nap and will fill you in later - maybe look at the video - something or totally veg but we shall see. I promised the dogs a solid game of retrieve today and I keep my promises.

We are thinking of Sassy and hoping her recovery is fast. She got spayed and had 2 baby teeth yanked out and we hear she hates that plastic conehead. They have to think of a better system. We used onesies - yeah for babies, for Shoshi and she liked it much better. Of course you have to cut out a hole in the flap or take it and pin it up each time they go but much better than that plastic thing around your neck.

Well, the couch and rest is calling me so I can be all I can be, later.


Dirty Sandy Havanese

When I look at this photo, I chastise myself for not putting jackets on the crew. Nathan took them for a walk and they all came back this way. Yes, they NEED the walks. Don't fool yourself. Watch them on a walk and you will understand that they love them so how can you take that away from them but.... My mind thinks about it when they come back looking like this. One person can only clean so many dogs. It's much easier being the walker although the walker may not feel that way.

Sand does not come out easily and I will tell you how to handle it, if faced with the same predicament. Rinsing does not sufficiently get the sand out. You will find it in carpets, all over floors and even your grooming table if you have it.

This is my trick, that I used yesterday but I still had a partially sandy bed as I ran out of steam. We use our laundry room tub to wash our dogs that has a sprayer that we screw in.

Use conditioner first then rinse thoroughly brushing as you go. The conditioner tends to let it glide off. If you have a spray on conditioner, all the better. Use a brush as you are cleaning and then a comb. It will stop the knots and help the sand to come off.

Poor Kat is the worse at the moment as he is blowing his coat. His hair is not conducive to many washes but sand - well he was the worse. It stuck to every nook and cranny. I almost wanted to cry. I conditioned heavily, brushed in through, washed then lightly conditioned again. I do believe I got all the sand out of him. I know I didn't with Risa as I rinsed not washed her and partially washed (just the under carriage on Shoshi. They will need to be washed in teh near future.

There will be no more walks without cover-ups here till there is no more muck. After having to wash 4 Havanese and rinse/partially clean the rest, my arm/hand is screaming, I was physically and mentally exhausted. The point of all this is - I tote the tote and say put something on them and here I forgot. Taught me a huge lesson. Can I go to sleep now?

Nah, as Miss Abs has her last class. She finally does 'down' somewhat. She does the rest like a star and then some but get her in class - well - we will see. She is an AMAZING and I mean amazing jumper. I am in awe at how high, how far she can jump even with her roundish tummy. She also has a special quality. She takes shy dogs and she persists, and persists till they give in and then they play. Nice.

By the way, the reason we put up the video of Nathan training was not to show how Miss Abs was doing a 'down' on her own time but rather the laughter that it created. If you have the right mindset and laugh as you go and not get frustrated, it all comes together. Some dogs beat to their own drums and therefore are more difficult to get there but they are also the ones that tend to be so interesting and fun in the end. They are not people pleasers but rather dawgs that will do it out of love but you have to give them a reason to do it. Our German shepherd was like that. highly intelligent, stubborn streak but amazingly gentle and loving to the kids. So each bring their own uniqueness to the home. Embrace that and love it and they will give back to you ten fold.

Well we will report how class goes later.
Nathan said...
For the record ... The issue is that the sidewalks are covered in salt and sand. It is completely disgusting for those of us walking dogs. Combined with the melting snowbanks getting the dogs dirty is inevitable. I first took Risa and Kat. We went about a mile and a half down the street, over to the school, down a few more streets and back home, a large circle. Risa needs the walk more than I do. Then I took Abigail and Wasabi. We walked about 3/4's of a mile although Abigail could probably go farther. I hesitate to overdo it with her yet. Then I took Terra and Shoshi and went back up to maybe a mile and a half. Yes, I spent a few hours walking the dogs yesterday. Yes, they came back filthy. But they needed it and they loved it and truth be told, I could use the exercise too. Of course my legs aren't as tired as Darlah's arm but they, my legs, told me this morning that I did a lot of walking yesterday. :-) Nathan
March 15, 2008 10:04 AM


A Happy Dawg is an Exercised Dawg

No class today due to storm - did you hear that Sebastian? We have an extra week to kick your ahem! We may try to go to the Orangeville dawg show.

Now that Miss Fiona has her 2nd set of shots, we started taking the dawgs out for some serious walks. Much to the delight of Abigail, she got to see the school, the forest where it was pristine as no one is using it. She wasn't crazy over those cars on the main street but she dealt and pranced on and yes she prances. She went with Terra and just adores the big dawgs.

Miss Abigail came back bouncing around yesterday and seemed to be wanting more but Miss abs and Risa laid their heads down and was totally conked out. We are going to try again today. It's a far cry from hating the collar and leash to this.

Now we are dealing with 'stubborn city' with Fiona with the collar. First day, Nathan takes her halfway up the street gently pulling her and ended up returning home as she would not walk. Yes, this 4 lb thing wouldn't walk.

I decided enough of this. I took her out and gently pulled her 3/4 of the way around the block. Finally she said to herself - hmm if I walk, she doesn't pull. So. yesterday I decided to take her out again. The gal hid. I took her anyway. She pulled all the way out of the driveway but because Abs was out on the walk too bouncing around, there were times she plain forgot she had the lead on. Still, those car sounds had her jumping back. We need some more slow conditioning as we did with Miss Abs. That's the issue with not walking them due to having all their shots, you have a tad bit more work in store. If I had this to do again, I would have placed a collar on the dogs from day one and walked them out back part of the time. Live and learn.

I expect by weeks end, Miss Fiona will be enjoying the walks. But for now, I may try treats to stop this hiding business. walks are supposed to be fun.

No matter what the weather is, walks are great - inside play is great but work that mind and body and you and your Havanese will be glad you did.

Miss Fiona has started a game every time she comes to bed to tunnel under the blankets and come up in different spots. she has all the other dawgs trying to pounce on the bumps. It's a riot. You too can do bumps under the blankets to get your Havanese playing, pouncing and having a grand time.

Well, time to shower - walk Havanese dawgs and just enjoy the day. We may tape 'My Cousin Vinny' just due to Marisa Tomei's acting in it. Otherwise, we are hoping to have visitors, go to a show, not get stuck in snow and just enjoy what this potential storm brings.

More later as the day unfolds.


Havanese Puppy Training

Here is a photo of the fierce-some twosome - Fiona yawning not ready for the day quite yet. It's 5am in the Talemaker house and Miss Abigail decided it was time for her to 'get busy'. You ask what 'get busy' is? Well it's when she has to go and when she has to go - she has to go but I wanted to sleep in. So, I ignored, went under the covers and she went off the bed and my mind clicked in and said oh oh - she does have to go and she did. Tsk tsk on me and my not wanting to get my rump out of bed as she DID tell me. No, I did not get mad. I said 'no - outside' firmly, took her and her double trouble companion outside and she went again. The person I should be mad at is myself and I am. Miss Abs is pretty good at getting the 'outside' but if you miss the signals - and that's what it often is or you ignore - well then accidents will happen. If you have to go - you have to go.

Remember you can always click on the photos to see a larger version always.

So, as a snowplow went by at 5am with blue light flashing making all sorts of noise plowing streets that didn't need to be plowed as they were already done yesterday (such a waste) and the dawgs started to react to the sound.

I said my 'silly dawg' and they got that this was nothing to send to the pack to faciliate a warning. Notice how Miss Fiona has her eyes up cocked listening to the plow and Shoshi is sniffing her to see what its all about.

Well dear old Abs said now I am awake - let's play and here you can see her at 5am chasing Shoshi - who if you didn't look close enough - looks like a fur ball vs. a Havanese. ROFL People would shake their head if they saw my backyard at 5am. It comes alive.

Then after they came out, Shoshi, Wasabi and Katsuro came down. You didn't think Risa would - did you? Nah she stayed in bed with daddy till after 7am. Such is the life of those that are lucky.

Then it started getting lighter and good old Abs was still full of it (you should see the puppies first thing in the morning - CRAZY pups for sure - maybe I will tape it this weekend.

The moral of this story is the most fun to be had is early in the morning and don't think sleep is better than that. You will have a better trained dawg if you get into that mindset. Can you hear me laughing from here?

More later - and hope your dawg adventures are grand ones!


Havanese Lovefest

Last night we had a Havanese get together with 2 siblings and 1 half sibling. The siblings and the rest of the crew including momma Wasabi got along fabulously. It's good to see those that didn't have total grounding, 'getting' it. Comfort, and grounding takes time with changes but with some investment with us human types, it all comes together.

Socializing is the key in a balanced dog. Click on the link and learn how we took a dog like Shoshi who hid under a chair her first class to the dog she is today, playing and enjoying all friendly dogs and people. She has learned to read other dogs and become balanced. As your dog learns what the other dogs are saying, their grounding and knowledge of what to do is perfected. Each positive social interaction is a building stone to a confident dog. Classes help this process tremendously and positive exposures on a regular basis do as well.

We are off to class with Sassy, Abigail and Sebastian today and see who remembers what. Sassy missed a class last week so she is behind but we will see if she can play catchup. If not this week, next. When you miss a class, it does set them behind a tad but they do recover. It's really important to make them all, if possible but its not always doable.

Then we are back home for some dawg fun and then on Sunday we have Remy and Chico perhaps and on Tuesday Gidget (Paris) comes to stay for 2 weeks. Wasabi will be thrilled as she adores (Gidget) Paris. They were the best of pals. With a bigger bed, larger crew - fun times are in our near future.

More later - after class.


Meshing Havanese Into One Happy Family

Well Miss Fiona is starting to mesh with the lay of the land. Today she was outside climbing on the snowbanks to get busy but then her bum fell into the snow when she went. It was rather hilarious. I guess she thought the snow was stronger or more solid than it was. Me thinks she is going outside more than she ever imagined. tee hee but we are in deep 'potty' training.

The crew today is starting to play with each other. As you can see, the younger set is in a flurry of hair having a roaring grand time.

Be sure to click on any of the photos to see a larger version.

Slowly but surely bonds are starting to be made and comfort is setting in. Interesting enough, it has been Abigail that has made the overtures and has engaged Fiona in play. Now you can see them sleeping together.

Bonding takes time - much easier with siblings as they have that natural bond but with a new family plus new dogs, it works if you give it time. With a multiple dog family, after one connection, the rest will come faster and easier.

We will add more as the day goes on but we have training today, class tomorrow and lots of fun. I may even take a nap - heh!


Hearing & New Adjustments

Miss Abs went for her hearing test today and was told that her hearing was exceptional. What does that mean - she can hear the guy down the street snore? Oh no!

Nathan and Yvonne got there very late as there was a huge snowstorm. I couldn't even bring the dawgs out till we had paths shovelled. They looked out the door and turned around as if to say - you want me to go out in THAT - it's over my head! So, paths they got - tons even the ones that give you tunnels under a garden bench, another under a picnic table etc. We have to make it interesting, you know. That's what it is all about.

Miss Fiona is here for the rest of her life and is making the adjustment. She's not sure what to think with all these changes but we will keep you aware. She's figuring out the lay of the land and investigating all over the place.

Yvonne had the puppies here - actually all the dawgs but we only took photos when the pups were here (see the slideshow below) and forgot about the camera when Yvonne came back. We had a roaring grand time visiting with them.

More later or to feed the dogs and train the little ones - stay - and what is it you are doing better than us, Sebastian? Watch out - girls RULE!


Windy Havanese Moments

The dawgs need baths - the wind is blowing fierce and our dawgs are loving it.

But for some, the wind is an unknown and when it is this strong, it may throw them off a bit creating a fear. Be sure to not make an issue of it if they do react and be creative on ways to make the experience positive and a fun one.

For our old dawg - it throws her off but we offer distractions, act as if it's an enjoyable thang that is going on and it all works. Realize your dawgs react from your state of mind. If you are tense, they are. Practice your yoga chants - if you must - hahahaha and stay in that healthy state of mind for you and your canine pals. It helps them and therefore helps you. It's all in the head - you know.


Havanese Monday Blahs

Nathan and Miss Abs did their class homework. Did Sassy Lassy and Sebastian? We will find out come Saturday - hahahahahaha

Just to update you, I am a bit under the weather. Not sure why but feeling chills. I usually only feel that in other places. We are still working on the video of Abigail making her transition and the video from Yvonne's house but it may take me till tomorrow. Still hoping but want to crawl on the couch. Also, Yvonne will have some photos up on her blog and I will put a pointer here when she does from the weekend. Look for it soon.

By the way, Miss Abs has totally made the bridge. She stole a tug toy from Risa and played with her. She plays with Wasabi and Shoshi every chance she gets. She hangs on Katsuro's back and on and on. But for those that know Risa - stealing a toy from her - well the gal has guts and she has made it completely. ROFL

Wasabi even plays with Abs just like she did Sassy so that gal has real get up and go. Oh my! What fun to see.


Havanese Changes

The crew is a bit off today as Sebastian is not here and neither is Coach but they are working it out.

It brings up our observations that whenever there are changes, there is always an adjustment. When we have visitors, the dogs get so excited and then when they go home - they go - now what?

Havanese are a highly sociable dawg. It's not that you can't just have one but 2 play differently with more enthusiasm. It's just a fact.

Now one would say but you have all those dawgs - but puppies bring a high level of enthusiasm to the mix and that's what the crew is missing. We know this is a temporary thing but as we are so in tuned with our dawgs, we watch and digest what is going on. Changes are always a 'good' thing. It helps your dog adjust to life as life is not stagnant.

We suspect by tomorrow, the crew will be back to themselves and Miss Abs will find her own needs met by the adults learning what she can get from which.

On Saturday, we are going to visit Yvonne's crew and stay over with the dawgs this way Miss Abs can really mix it up, deal with another change, have yet another car ride (we are giving her as many as we can) all with the goal to be very balanced so she can deal with anything life throws out at us.

For now, Miss Abs is playing with Nathan, trying to play with the Shosh and Katsuro and even trying to get Terra going. They play but not with enthusiasm. But as we know from experiences in the past, this too will pass and we will be back to crazy Havanese times.

So do, follow our journey.


Fresh Bathing Havanese Fun

Sebastian just had a bath and wow what an incredibly soft and fluffy coat with no knots. He wasn't overly crazy about the blower but plying him with treats helped. He looks so good and feels and smells good.

Well, after a Havanese has had a bath, they suddenly get excited and do the run like hell thang and acting all crazy. I had tons of blurs but when they calmed down, I got the two doing tug of war and I did get a ton of photos. Terra just watched the duo though she was getting involved out back.

Havanese really love the snow and Wasabi - well she is the most creative in her play. She has already taught Abigail to run and play hide and seek under the deck. tsk tsk Sebastian already knows the tricks but she's learning much more and catching on too fast. I only had to correct Sebastian and Abigail too many times on eating sticks, plants and what have you but you say - why so many times - well they would stop to indulge me, I would turn around and they were back at it. It finally stopped but those 2 were almost saying nah, nah, nah to me - I swear and laughing all the way.

Earlier today, Wasabi decided to show the little ones our downstairs patio. It's an area we had dug out and faced with stones on 3 sides to give us an exit in the basement and create an interesting garden that lends you privacy.

The dogs love it as they have these stairs that are easy to navigate but Abigail is not used to stairs so Wasabi has been teaching her how to navigate. Sebastian has long since learned about many stairs in his early life - heh - early life. Abigail, we figure lives with only a few stairs from what I can tell and wasn't totally sure of them so Wasabi is teaching her that all you have to do is not think about it and plow on down and she is. It's nice that Wasabi, even when it's not her own still gets into that teaching mode.

Here Wasabi is showing her - just do it - plow on down and run up and down and do it again and that's exactly what they were doing. What a fun time was had by all in the yard.

When looking at the photos, realize you can click on them to see a larger version.

Well, I am off to bathe Abigail now as she has had an interesting time under the deck. Just think - no snow, wet, gravel but dirt that is starting to soften and you will understand. Then I will have to keep them out of it or poor Sebastian - well his mommy won't see him looking fabulous. I am also cleaning the 5 million items Sebastian's mom sent to make sure they aren't given back with that lived in dawg look which they were getting. More later....


Havanese Siblings - Best Friends

What has become evident as the week has gone by that there is a special bond between siblings that have close contact. We know from experience it wanes to a degree but when they stay in close contact, they remain with that something extra special in the bonding department.

We are really glad that this duo is going to stay as close friends, taking classes together and enjoying each other's competitive nature and they both have THAT for sure! I never saw so many alphas in one litter - oh my!

Here's Sebastian and Sassy hanging out at the back door after a feverish romp this morning. They play so hard, I find they always have that disheveled look - though way cute in my opinion.

Last night Sebastian lost his kingship and Risa reclaimed the pillow. He jockeyed for position a number of times but Risa would have none of that so Sebastian spent time sleeping inbetween my legs, up against Sassy, on my neck and Sassy was found cuddling to Katsuro often.

Sleep was not in the cards for me so I saw it all but not due to him. A dog was howling (Nanook) at 130am and good news, I went shh and no one barked and I kept getting leg cramps that I couldn't get rid of - not from overtaxed muscles as exercise has not been consistent enough. I have to virtually swat myself to get back to it and I will but must be something else. It's still going numb today and I still have tight calf muscles so sleep - well I need some. Maybe if the boss allows, I will snuggle with the doggies and nap and groom in the afternoon vs. this morning. We shall see.

It's hard to believe it is already Wednesday. I am going to miss the little ones. I know some breeders manage to keep their total heart out of the equation but we can't figure out how and I am not sure I do. I do for my sake but not theirs. That base is so critical and we are always looking to perfect it and when you have that mindset, well you love them and then you have to applaud their new journey not for you but for them - in hopes that they have a lifetime of grand memories that their owners will share from time to time.

Wasabi's pups - her gentle nature, her intelligence and she is very intelligent, her body movement, her mischievous nature - well there were many early surprised accomplishments and that tells us that she makes rather special pups. Keep sending photos - please when you can...when you find the time.