A Happy Dawg is an Exercised Dawg

No class today due to storm - did you hear that Sebastian? We have an extra week to kick your ahem! We may try to go to the Orangeville dawg show.
Now that Miss Fiona has her 2nd set of shots, we started taking the dawgs out for some serious walks. Much to the delight of Abigail, she got to see the school, the forest where it was pristine as no one is using it. She wasn't crazy over those cars on the main street but she dealt and pranced on and yes she prances. She went with Terra and just adores the big dawgs.
Miss Abigail came back bouncing around yesterday and seemed to be wanting more but Miss abs and Risa laid their heads down and was totally conked out. We are going to try again today. It's a far cry from hating the collar and leash to this.
Now we are dealing with 'stubborn city' with Fiona with the collar. First day, Nathan takes her halfway up the street gently pulling her and ended up returning home as she would not walk. Yes, this 4 lb thing wouldn't walk.
I decided enough of this. I took her out and gently pulled her 3/4 of the way around the block. Finally she said to herself - hmm if I walk, she doesn't pull. So. yesterday I decided to take her out again. The gal hid. I took her anyway. She pulled all the way out of the driveway but because Abs was out on the walk too bouncing around, there were times she plain forgot she had the lead on. Still, those car sounds had her jumping back. We need some more slow conditioning as we did with Miss Abs. That's the issue with not walking them due to having all their shots, you have a tad bit more work in store. If I had this to do again, I would have placed a collar on the dogs from day one and walked them out back part of the time. Live and learn.
I expect by weeks end, Miss Fiona will be enjoying the walks. But for now, I may try treats to stop this hiding business. walks are supposed to be fun.
No matter what the weather is, walks are great - inside play is great but work that mind and body and you and your Havanese will be glad you did.
Miss Fiona has started a game every time she comes to bed to tunnel under the blankets and come up in different spots. she has all the other dawgs trying to pounce on the bumps. It's a riot. You too can do bumps under the blankets to get your Havanese playing, pouncing and having a grand time.
Well, time to shower - walk Havanese dawgs and just enjoy the day. We may tape 'My Cousin Vinny' just due to Marisa Tomei's acting in it. Otherwise, we are hoping to have visitors, go to a show, not get stuck in snow and just enjoy what this potential storm brings.
More later as the day unfolds.
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