Practice - Training - Havanese Style

Well, although yesterday was a blip. Nathan was able to etch out time to train the dogs.
Training consists of getting all of them on the table and doing lead work and more with Treasure.
As it gets closer to show time, we will be doing lead work with all plus Monday we will start going to handling classes with Abigail and Fiona for their next show.
Treasure can't be shown until April. That sounds like lots of time but is it?
You really should start general training months ahead of time to get them used to the lead, find their enthusiasm for it and create that bond. Without that connection - well it just won't work as great as it could.
But the key is not to do it for a very long time in one dose and find the fun - the connection. It is also important to correct when they are doing what they shouldn't be.
You need to correct in a positive way. They learn and you don't allow habits - well to become habits that are incorrect.
After the outside work, Nathan came in and did some table work. Realize that a good portion of dogs get nervous being up on a table the first time. Many have their tails down and some for weeks while you do training. It all depends on many things but each are individuals.
Think of it like a public speaking event for a human. Some can stand up and go on and on with much comfort and others have to learn and find their comfort level by getting exposure. Some never quite get it entirely and those are the dogs - well the kind even if they are perfect in every other way - well we say - if they don't like it - do what you need to and then forget the rest.
Now why would they be nervous? The table doesn't have sides. It's high up and they have no clue what you expect from them.
It's important to get them to feel their comfort level and then you start making sure they are stacked properly - feet where they are supposed to be etc.
One other thing you have to do is check their teeth. A good portion of dogs will wonder what you are doing first time they experience this. Others hate their back end touched and arch their back.
Each dog is different.
Then after all the training was done, Nathan invested some fun time with a break in-between with doing some retrieve. He gets on the floor - makes all sorts of fun sounds and the dogs LOVE it. As I said, training is important but don't forget that training should be fun and rewarding. You and your attitude make all the difference in the world. If you get frustrated - stop - and come back at it later in a better frame of mind. Your Havanese can read how you feel.