Hearing & New Adjustments
Thursday, February 7, 2008 at 5:31PM
Darlah Potechin in Talemaker Havanese, chicadoro fiona at talemaker, havanese puppies toronto, rockhurst Abigail at talemaker, talemaker sebastian

Miss Abs went for her hearing test today and was told that her hearing was exceptional. What does that mean - she can hear the guy down the street snore? Oh no!

Nathan and Yvonne got there very late as there was a huge snowstorm. I couldn't even bring the dawgs out till we had paths shovelled. They looked out the door and turned around as if to say - you want me to go out in THAT - it's over my head! So, paths they got - tons even the ones that give you tunnels under a garden bench, another under a picnic table etc. We have to make it interesting, you know. That's what it is all about.

Miss Fiona is here for the rest of her life and is making the adjustment. She's not sure what to think with all these changes but we will keep you aware. She's figuring out the lay of the land and investigating all over the place.

Yvonne had the puppies here - actually all the dawgs but we only took photos when the pups were here (see the slideshow below) and forgot about the camera when Yvonne came back. We had a roaring grand time visiting with them.

More later or tomorrow....got to feed the dogs and train the little ones - stay - and what is it you are doing better than us, Sebastian? Watch out - girls RULE!

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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