Fresh Bathing Havanese Fun

Sebastian just had a bath and wow what an incredibly soft and fluffy coat with no knots. He wasn't overly crazy about the blower but plying him with treats helped. He looks so good and feels and smells good.
Well, after a Havanese has had a bath, they suddenly get excited and do the run like hell thang and acting all crazy. I had tons of blurs but when they calmed down, I got the two doing tug of war and I did get a ton of photos. Terra just watched the duo though she was getting involved out back.
Havanese really love the snow and Wasabi - well she is the most creative in her play. She has already taught Abigail to run and play hide and seek under the deck. tsk tsk Sebastian already knows the tricks but she's learning much more and catching on too fast. I only had to correct Sebastian and Abigail too many times on eating sticks, plants and what have you but you say - why so many times - well they would stop to indulge me, I would turn around and they were back at it. It finally stopped but those 2 were almost saying nah, nah, nah to me - I swear and laughing all the way.
Earlier today, Wasabi decided to show the little ones our downstairs patio. It's an area we had dug out and faced with stones on 3 sides to give us an exit in the basement and create an interesting garden that lends you privacy.
The dogs love it as they have these stairs that are easy to navigate but Abigail is not used to stairs so Wasabi has been teaching her how to navigate. Sebastian has long since learned about many stairs in his early life - heh - early life. Abigail, we figure lives with only a few stairs from what I can tell and wasn't totally sure of them so Wasabi is teaching her that all you have to do is not think about it and plow on down and she is. It's nice that Wasabi, even when it's not her own still gets into that teaching mode.
Here Wasabi is showing her - just do it - plow on down and run up and down and do it again and that's exactly what they were doing. What a fun time was had by all in the yard.
When looking at the photos, realize you can click on them to see a larger version.
Well, I am off to bathe Abigail now as she has had an interesting time under the deck. Just think - no snow, wet, gravel but dirt that is starting to soften and you will understand. Then I will have to keep them out of it or poor Sebastian - well his mommy won't see him looking fabulous. I am also cleaning the 5 million items Sebastian's mom sent to make sure they aren't given back with that lived in dawg look which they were getting. More later....
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