Another Havanese Day

Well, show time is over. There will never be another first show but there will be a 2nd, 3rd and more. Tonight I have handling class and we get to do our usual training. Fiona is starting too - well at least training at home and obedience training. Chico gets mom for the training. Who is the luckiest? hahaha
Chico is doing great in all his commands and so is Fiona although we are doing everything in a stand and she does want to put that small backside down every now and then.
We hear our friends have photos of the show that they haven't shared yet. We are hoping some came out. They also got a rather cool gazebo so the dawgs have a new place to chill. Oh, they thought it was for the humans - yeah right. They are the masters of deals and oh I wish I was in on this one but we will do with what we have and have ours up by the picnic. The pool will even be open and we are hoping this year we have the weather vs. the rain we had last. Still, fun was had by all.
Look for the remaining videos (day 3) today.
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