Total Recall Class: Lone Havanese

Did we have a blast or what in class! Treasure was the littlest dog in the class next to the Jack Russell Terrier pup who put quiet in someone else's conversation. What a high charged dog - heh
Treasure came in - looked around - saw a couple of - almost can't control this enthusiasm dogs - well more than a couple - a Samoyed - a Bernese mix, a lab - and some more puppies and some more even keel dogs such as retrievers and who else did I miss? Her tail was down as she went - oh my but daddy took her for a walk by all the dogs - quiet and rambunctious and immediately the tail went up and it stayed up as you can see in this photo. Nathan brought his all into it and Treasure reacted wonderfully to his emotions that obviously ran down the lead.
She was amazing in the class going through dogs without issues, retrieving when she was supposed to and even coming past me to daddy when he called her. The games were fun. The energy was fast paced. The barking and the distractions was great slow conditioning. Perfect for the show ring distractions that we deal with.
Then the Jack Russell did a play bow to Treasure. She play bowed and barked back. She's not a barker so this was funny. Then he challenged her. She challenged him back and did a full out - let me have him not in an aggressive way - it was bark - bark bark - don't you think you are going to intimidate me - little man.
As you can see, Nathan after laughing inside had to correct her and get her to stop but for the whole night, she was having a grand time across the room (yes they moved this duo apart) trying to get the Jack Russell going as if she was a kid teasing. We took the opportunity to keep her enthusiasm up but direct her to the fun at hand. The Jack Russell was wanting to play with her and then challenging her - just because. These pups are learning dog communication so all was grand in what we wanted to achieve.
We did play this game where I held Treasure and Nathan called her but I wasn't supposed to let go till it was her turn. Oh my gad was that funny. I never saw a stronger willed Havanese wanting her own way and beside herself that I wasn't letting go. She barked, she pulled, she jumped. She was so filled with excitement - I have never seen her quite like that ever before. It was all great as when I did, it heightened her enthusiasm in getting to daddy even more.
Katsuro also took this class a year ago and did amazing going through dogs without fear. But Treasure - I have to admit - the spunkiness - well it's all hers. She plays quick recovery after she checks out the room and puts her little heart into it. She's got her very own grand personality.
Anyone who is in the Durham or Toronto area will benefit from this class. The goal is to get your dog doing a total recall no matter what the distraction is but the class is more. It is a slow conditioning to dogs of all personalities, sizes, being able to walk through them to you, passing by in different directions and focusing on you etc. in a very fun and safe environment. The class was run extremely well and with a ton of fun that you can continue at home.
We can't wait till the next as we will take yet another dog and have just as much fun - and fun we had!! Can't wait till next week's Games class. Hope that is as fun!
Well, everyone is still sleeping. I just checked my work pages and I think I am going to eat, have some coffee and then get back to work.
I am still on that 'oh my gad, Treasure you did wonderful' high. I remember feeling that with Kat too. I believe this class is geared for success and your dogs love it and are better off by taking it. Hope to see you in the class next time. We could use another Havanese or two. We hear there are 5 in the Games class.