Visiting Fun at Talemaker Havanese
Friday, March 20, 2009 at 7:18PM
Darlah Potechin in havanese puppies toronto, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

It's never a dull moment around this place.

Kat and our visitor Louis is going gangbusters chasing the other dogs and Nathan.

The dogs just adore the run.
Yes, Nathan has this daily crazy run with them all over the backyard and they just expel so much energy and you swear they are laughing.

You never saw anything so glorious as happy dogs running in a pack. It's a riot and we get that pleasure all the time even with our visitors.

The fun doesn't stop there but they also with all this fun enthusiasm - bring it inside and continue the play. We just love it and am glad we have a camera sometimes at hand to capture moments.

There are times that we are both running with them and the camera is just not doable or they do that perfect moment that you wonder why the camera is in the other room. It happens.

More tomorrow!!

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