Lil Man Available to RIGHT Home

We just spent a very long and exhausting 4 days attending a dog show. The only reason we entered all 4 days is that the show was held at the Markham Fairgrounds about 15 minutes from the house. Abigail got 2 more points towards her championship, Fiona got 3 more towards hers.
It’s a race.
Meanwhile, back home we had a little pistol waiting to greet us, tail vibrating his entire body, frantically eager to say hi in true puppy style. L’il Man is a real pleasure. He is full of life, enthusiasm, curiosity and intelligence.
That means he plays with everyone here, flies up and down the smaller steps, pokes his head into everything and figures out ways to have fun. I happen to love this personality type. I’m surrounded by them. This is not a laid back quiet little boy. Here he is looking back over his shoulder at me.
I managed to capture a great shot of him tearing after Treasure. She has an unfair advantage being a month older but he doesn’t let it slow him down at all. And finally here is a close up head shot. Notice he’s staring right at me, posing.
As I write this in the background I hear the pitter patter of little feet. Treasure and L’il Man are tearing all over the main floor of the house. You can hear them scrambling to get a grip as they go sliding across the wood or tile floors. I love it. By the way, he plays an excellent game of retrieve which includes tugging the toy away from anyone else that got to it first, if they'll let him.
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