Handling Havanese & Much More

Our plan last night was to slow condition Fiona to the show handling class environment but we thought - is this too early? Abigail has a show to get ready for. How will Nathan negotiate both? Will Fiona react like she did on her walk - hesitant and unhappy?
Well, she was a tad hesitant with a whippet snapping air at her saying - not so close and all the whippet wanted was to play. So did Fiona but she was unsure how to handle such an unusual thing. But it all went well. She did say hello to a few more dogs not backing away.
She walked tail high the entire time. Pay attention - Miss Abs - you can do it too. She was a nightmare on the table but the instructor showed Nathan he was fussing too much and she was also walking crooked but that too was Nathan paying attention to her.
The instructor took Fiona, placed her front paws solidly on the table at an angle then put her back legs in place all in one full swoop and she stayed. It seems less fussing and more deliberate expectations helps them to rise to the occasion.
Then he asked Nathan to just walk and yes be aware where she is when you are turning but otherwise, just walk and she walked straight then. I found this interesting from a training perspective as the more you simply just expect and act as if they will rise to the occasion, the better they do. Fiona was great and even cried to get back out there with Nathan when it was Abigail's turn. I have never heard her cry for anything. She's starting to make that transition to daddy does 'this' with me and this is fun and rewarding. It's the same road Miss Abs went down.
Abigail needs a bit more work at being animated at the judge and seemed to be more distracted as Fiona was there but maybe the distractions are good for her so she learns to ignore. Her tail was half mast half the time and up all the way the other. The table doesn't seem to bother her but she also needs that deliberate, front paws in position, then back in place in one full swoop action. The instructor seemed really good at it. Miss Abigail has a tremendous bounce but still has not managed to find the excitement yet. She would rather play with the dogs than prance around the ring where Fiona seemed to like it. I think the difference there is Fiona is so highly treat motivated that its easy to find her button to push where Abs - although food motivated - needs to have more excitement in your voice to get her up for it otherwise she is bored silly by the stuff. Still, it seemed both do well with all the noise, mommy sitting there and all the dogs especially the 2 snorting ones that were not into the walk just yet and wanted to jump instead. That's a lot to get used to.
Now, it is EASY for me to sit on the sidelines and watch instead of doing and say - you have to do this than actually doing it but Nathan is falling into the groove of getting saturated with all this info and then practicing. The better he gets, the better Miss Abs gets and that is what it is all about.
Miss Abigail gets to go to handling tonight without Fiona as she will be in 2 shows this month. That means we need to focus on her but it was great to get Fiona into this to see her reaction and we will do it again next week. I just wish there were more handling classes in this area.
Well, the pool is going to get opened this week. It's going to be fun to educate the little ones about it.
Chico is slated to get the 'snip-snip' tomorrow so no classes for him this week. Sebastian has already been fixed and puppy cut and I wonder how Remy is doing these days. I miss the puppies but this show focus is fun too.
More later...from the gal with hardly any sleep but did do 4am exercise again.
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