Handling, Obedience and Hav Snip - Snip

Chico now has a new home (goes in a bit over a week) with another Havanese who happens to be our Fiona's sister. Coco - his new pack mate sibling stayed here for a bit till she went to Yvonne's. It was so much fun.
This morning is going to be tough as Chico - now known as Zack is going in to be neutered before he goes to his new home. We are using his new name and seems to get it but not totally yet. We have another week to reinforce it.
Zack's new human mom will be coming to his obedience class tonight and he will stay home to play recovery with our sons. Then he gets to go to another class with us a week Thursday. We get to see Coach too tonight - yeah!
Abs Says: Just another handling class with daddy and mommy came and took photos. This one isn't as helpful as the night before where you get more tips and people focus on what you are doing vs. talking but it is practice and we need to do that at this point a couple of times a day.
Miss Abs still gets bored and I can see why here - takes too long to get to you but all of it is good conditioning.
Miss Abs needs a serious shampoo but we are waiting. Between rain and new products coming to try - timing hasn't been right. Miss Abs is still a test case in progress. This way by Orangeville, she will be stylin! A gal has to look good - you know!
Here Miss Abs was doing her usual - waiting her turn (takes too long here and she gets way bored) but patience or learning it is a good thing.
We had a Boston Terrier (well 2 in class) but although Miss Abs kept trying to be nice to one of them, it really was too nervous and kept lashing out at her. I truly believe Abs is the most balanced puppy dog I know as she reacts properly - backs off a bit but doesn't retreat and tries again given time and finally after the 4th time (all of this spaced out) she gave up. The dog needs more meet and greet practice. Miss Abs gave him a start and didn't seem to mind helping her out. She seems to be a calming influence in other dogs and we see it when dogs come to our home. The dog was better - just not there yet. I imagine next week she may be. That's quite nice, imho.
Well, since Miss Abs decided to eat daddy's pants while she walked, we will be practicing heeling this week and more stacking. Got to get her excited about holding that tail up always and stacking with no fuss, no muss. No treats unless she is perfect now - you hear daddy?
Well, more later and we will fill you in on Zack after we pick him up.
See you tonight, John, Coach and Ramona!
Reader Comments (2)
Wonderful to hear that "Zack" will be going to his forever home. Will he have any little children in his future? I admit I selfishly daydreamed a lot about coming to Cananda to scoop the little lovely up and bring him to live with the crazy Sparks clan. I even thought I might change his name to Picasso (because he's a work of art and it does sound cute with Posh)!
Here's to a wonderful new start for such a wonderful pup and a speedy recovery on his "ahem" snip snip! :)
FYI we celebrated Posh's first birthday yesterday! I can't believe how time has flown. I made homemade p.b. dog biscuits. I never bake, so when my husband and oldest son came home from work/school they both took a "cookie" thinking wow! mom baked p.b. cookies. They quickly discovered they weren't intended for them!
Wonderful to hear that "Zack" will be going to his forever home. Will he have any little children in his future? I admit I selfishly daydreamed a lot about coming to Cananda to scoop the little lovely up and bring him to live with the crazy Sparks clan. I even thought I might change his name to Picasso (because he's a work of art and it does sound cute with Posh)!
Here's to a wonderful new start for such a wonderful pup and a speedy recovery on his "ahem" snip snip! :)
FYI we celebrated Posh's first birthday yesterday! I can't believe how time has flown. I made homemade p.b. dog biscuits. I never bake, so when my husband and oldest son came home from work/school they both took a "cookie" thinking wow! mom baked p.b. cookies. They quickly discovered they weren't intended for them!