Puppies, Fun and Play Havanese Style

The pups and Gidget are playing today in a fast and furious session - all fun - you know. It's great when the older dogs play with the younger dogs. Wasabi was even caught in the flurry and lovin' it. There's nothing like the pups that add an element of fun into the household.
Next week we have Treasure coming and Blazin' who is staying for a week till his new mom can come get him. Where will they sleep? We are already discussing that.
We are off to Brantford show this weekend just to watch - no dogs so we can take photos and enjoy.
Exercise is back for the human after this bout of pneumonia. The dogs yawned watching it. I guess it was a yawn but have you seen those doggie treadmills? Got to love it. I say just teach them to play retrieve on miserable days so you can get their bodies and mind moving. Plus the best part is you may laugh, enjoy and spend quality time with your pal. What could be better than that?
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