Last Havanese Posts of the Year

It's the last day of the year and we have been running around in fresh snow and human mommy took a photo of us through the door - so you sort of see us, sort of not.
Louis has been playing with me non-stop now. At first he would play bow in a way that I thought he was going to pounce on me and so I tried it that way and soon we were running around like banshees this morning. Mommy was laughing so hard she thought she would wake the neighbours. Then she went running for the door hoping we would come but we didn't notice her so she stood at the door waiting - then called and here we are in this picture waiting for her to open the door.
Well, mommy says I am getting a bath today as I go into the vet and then I am going to do some New Year's eve visiting. I can't wait - new adventures, new environments - all good to help me be all I can be.
The doggies are in for a whole lot of fun today and what a great way to end the year - I tell you. It does the humans hearts good to see such fun. Photos will come.
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