
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in rockhurst Abigail at talemaker (215)


The Almost Didn't Post Havanese Blog

Oh gad - it's that time again. Wasabi is in heat and if everything times out, she will be mated with Rockhurst's Coolio. He's a way handsome boy so if a connection occurs. we expect beautiful winter puppies.

Wasabi says - didn't we do this a tad over a year ago?

What's worse is Miss Abs may be coming into heat too but she's too young so we will be locking up the boy - somehow - someway. :-)

More as we know.


Is It My Turn?

Is it my turn yet? When you get two puppies together, they can often be closer to each other than to you. Luckily, we got these 2 at separate times but still if they are very close.

But with a separation of time we managed to make us the focus and the play secondary with each other secondary or am I fooling myself?

Yes, you can hear me laughing hard.

Nothing like puppies especially more than one.

Canadians - Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. We get to have our turkey today. Much work for a few minutes of tasty satisfaction. hahahaha


Havanese Dreamzzzzing

Well, the human mom is rather sick today so the dawgs are hanging out dreamin' and we are watching TV shows that we saved for days like this.

Abigail is hanging out with her duck - which usually belongs to the Wasabi woo but we practice sharing around this place.

One wonders what a Havanese dreams of. Is it the games, the snuggles - the joy of life? They certainly seem to have that passion that we could use some of.

We promised you a video of a brace or an attempt of one but not sure if we will get one in. It's not from the desire though the daddy can do it without the human mom and her camera but rather that couch is calling.

Do you have a snuggler, a 'pay attention to me' - a charmer? The Havanese can be and much more.

Our pups had baths yesterday. We are going to 7 to 10 day baths with mild shampoo to help us go through that once in a lifetime 'blowing coat' stage that they are in. A clean coat mats less but never wash a dog matted or it will make the knots felt like.

By the way, the big Havanese specialty is coming to Toronto over Halloween weekend. let us know if you want to buy some raffle tickets. The bags and jackets are way cool. Check them out. Then if interested, send us a mail.


Puppy Heaven Havanese Stylin'

We had Yvonne and Alex's pups visiting and this cutie is known as Mac & Cheese (do I have that right?) who is a Kat and Lola pup.

He's black and white and tan. It will be interesting to see him when he is older. He was simply scrumptious and his owner's quite nice too. Thanks for visiting us. Wish I had felt better to be more myself. heh

Well, today I bathed the duo - Abigail and Fiona and just when I think I have the struggle done - well putting them on their back to dry their tummy with the blower doing it's thing, they remind me that they do not like this position. But it is important that they 'get' that you are in charge simply by holding them in place and in a matter of fact way, continuing and saying no firmly if you must. I have to say 'no' firmly with the Fiona. She likes to test what she can get away with ALWAYS.

In photographing the dogs, I find Abigail the most creative to snap as she always has a face on her filled with emotion. She seems to be the happiest go lucky dog when she is playing.

This doesn't carry this into the show ring yet but put her together with other dogs and she is - well deliriously happy. She also makes everyone feel as if they count. What more can you ask for?

Well, she isn't the only one that is artistically creative looking captured with a camera but here we have the old gal, beardie owned by Yvonne and Alex. The pup that was visiting - well they own the proud mom Lola that coddled and loved this little one till it could go to its forever home.

Well, we just heard Kooba is on her way to Rice Lake - lucky gal and we - well we are trying to not laugh watching Nathan practice a brace with Fiona and Abigail. I promise a video tomorrow after they give it another shot.

More later.>>


Ewww That Food

Oh my eyes - what are they doing NOW? This was Kat's look after trying to feed him this morning. He wasn't thrilled with the choice and decided later. Yes, he actually gives you a look when he doesn't like something. If you pay attention to your dogs, they have all sorts of expressions and body language stuff going on that will tell you how they are doing. The more you study them, the more you get to know what they are saying. They do talk - just with their bodies.

Sometimes your dog doesn't feel like eating what you put down a certain food but when he gets hungry, he will. Don't fret about it.

Well, Nathan is off to handling class with Miss Abs and Fiona did her best twirling and being all that so he took her. She's learned to love that one on one time. But it's Miss Abs turn and Fiona needs to learn to share and be patient. It's not a quality that she fully understands yet. So, these classes with Abs is good for her.

We may try a brace for the specialty but it may end up being a comedy of errors. It certainly will be a moment to remember. hehehehe These two = well they are a riot together. It makes you fall in love with puppies over and over again.

Ah - it's a dawg life at Talemakers - for sure!


Ruff Havanese Dawg Life

It's a ruff Havanese Dawg life - I tell you with that human and a couch.

Well, our poor golden last night had an issue that we think is dementia. She's starting to show signs - well has been for a bit but when they get old - you often do that denial thing.

Nathan woke up with her to take her out and she ran through the plants etc. only to stare at the fence line.

He brought her out and got her to the deck only to have her run back to do the stare so he went back in and then she came to the door. Now she is sleeping.

So, after all that, Nathan gave up and went to sleep on the couch covered with half the Havanese and Whitney laying next to him on the floor. I had the rest of the crew. The dogs can play recovery but the humans - not as easy - and he gets to show today in a fog.

It didn't stop the pups from playing today. It wasn't them suffering from sleep.

Don't ya just wish you were one of these Havanese that can just play recovery with naps? I surely wish I could. I take them and I often feel worse.

As you can see, nothing like more than 1 Havanese. Just look at these two obviously they're best of pals. I swear Fiona just adores the Abs and her free sense of play with anyone and everyone. It's a quality to love.

But when you just have one, you will often see them saying - can you play? When you do, I can guarantee you that if you have the right mindset - you will have a session of laughter. Try it!

More later - after the show...


Hanging Out at Shows

Abs and Fiona both won their class on their own respective days. Remember that ad where they say brusha, brusha, brusha? Well maybe you don't but this human feels as if that is all she is doing. Brush before show, brush the dogs on return and now entertain the son who is leaving to go back to his naval base.

Trillium - the big Havanese specialty is coming up soon and I will be posting raffle prizes - well pics of them. If you are interested in buying raffle tix - please let us know. There will be lots of Havanese from all over and a ton of vendors. It's a must to attend and its local here in Toronto.

We are thinking of Kooba - hoping she is having a really grand time.

Tip: If you brush 5 minutes a day, you will reduce the time you need to demat if your pup is going through that blowing coat stage. There are neat tips to help you and the Havanese Fanciers is selling a grooming book at Trillium. I haven't seen it yet but they say - it's a must.

Gad - I sound like an advertisement. Sorry - not my thang. Just sharing things I think you should know.

More later.>>


Crazy Havanese Dawg House

It's just the usual around this house. We are simply CRAZY dawg people who adore the play. Well, some of us do more than others as you can see in the photo.

The point is, if you play with your dogs, you solidify bonding, expel energy and create laughter. Between you and I, the world would be a drab place without laughter. So, get busy and get crazy - dawg crazy that is!

Catch you tomorrow! Bathing Kooba - new home and lots of changes tomorrow for the pack and us but a grand adventure for Kooba.


Gidget's Visiting

My name is Gidget and I am an honorary member of the Talemaker crew. I have visited so many times that the getting reacquainted period doesn't happen any more. I know what couch I like, what chair and where I sleep on the bed. I am a cuddle monster and this human crew loves the snuggles.

BUT that female human took out a brush and comb and spray and she's done it twice and I only came YESTERDAY. Didn't you ever hear about VACATIONS? Someone better clue her in.

She gives me a treat and a body massage and hey I can deal with that but the comb - well it can go on vacation with my human mom.

The human's turn:
Well, the crew has not been hanging outside too much with the rain but they have been playing up a storm inside.

I think we need to start using the video camera to see this craziness in action. It's something missed with just 1 dog but two or more - well it's a dawg house and it's way crazy.

Puppies visiting tomorrow - we can't wait! Watch for photos.


All Female Havanese: Ah Heaven for a Guy!

Kat's really happy today. One more female came to visit till Wednesday and he rather likes this one.

Gidget is visiting till Wednesday and we are excited about it. She just comes in - says - okay all of you get it over with - get in your smell so you remember me and then let's get into investigating and playing.

We got email from Miss Abigail's full sister from an earlier breeding that she just had pups. Miss Abs sends much love to her sister Bernie and says get some rest while you can. We heard one may be Havana brown - ooooh nice.

Well, the humans got walks to bring us on, training to do and fun stuff. They even gave a bath to Fiona today but Gidget - well she will be safe till Tuesday night. heheheh

Fiona looks like a light socket got to her. hahahah Oh she does NOT like her baths yet.

This is how she looks 5 minutes after she engages in play. But mommy - I am having oh so much fun.

Well, it's walks for the crew. daddy and Dennis is doing it tonight and mommy is resting. After grooming the crew - she needs it!

We are hoping for a NO RAIN day tomorrow. We have fun planned.


Havanese Abigail Party Hearty

Abs went to a party last night with lots of people where a resident cat lives. She could smell the cat but it stayed in hiding. It didn't stop her from trying to figure out where it was.

Even with the most outgoing and balanced dog, you can get a dog stressed in new situations.

Still, that doesn't mean you don't expose her but that you do in small doses.

Today we have Quito and his owner Jean coming over to say hi to Kooba. Us - and the crew are looking forward to it. More later.>>


Havanese Abigail Says: Oh My Gad Human!

Well, if you have been following my journey, you know I have this pack sister who yanks out my hair and all the visitors do too. I have no clue why. I simply yank their tail and they go for my head. I can't help myself as the tail - well it's there for me to pull on it - isn't it?

Well, mommy got that thing they call an apron on and I went into my house and hid. I have had enough baths. She has this idea of laying this hair down for the shows but she's fooling herself. Still, we try.

Get this though - Fiona has all her hair. What's that about? Those of you that read my rants - do you have a clue why?

Well, that human mom was training the rescue they are fostering - Kooba and she was learning sit. She wanted to lay down vs. sit but we think she has the treats for doing what is asked thing down. We all sat and watched and said - hey she's getting treats - what about OUR turn.

Well, more later...


Abs Says Fiona Pushes the Envelope

Well, Daddy is out of town on busy-ness and we are dealing with moms, walks and her food. Oh joy...but we got necks for one meals so yum.

Mommy thinks Daddy must be doing something she's not doing as they weren't crazy about eating today - including Fiona who needs to eat.

I am having a grand time playing with Fiona and Shoshi. Mom kept trying to get extra special photos but we were not cooperating. All she kept getting is hair and more hair but boy we were having fun.

Fiona: Tonight, a dog was barking in the distance and I started barking back and that got everyone barking. I thought that was rather fun but somehow that Mommy didn't think so. To make it worse, I wouldn't stop and Mommy was on the phone so I thought I was 'getting away with it' but she had something else in mind. She got off the phone. Oh Oh

I decided to be cheeky and growled under my breath. Oh, I did the semi-submissive stance just to placate her but she was none too happy. She brought me inside, talked in that funny voice that tells me she is serious and told me that she was not going to allow such cheeky behaviour. Oh well, it was worth a try. I have tried it on Risa and she shut me down after putting up with it for awhile. You see, I am cute so I use it. But - maaaah

Mommy says - rules, boundaries and limitations...and boy that Fiona is a step over the line dawg with that paw. You just adore her but she loves to see what she can get away with.


That Queasy Change of Food Havanese Feeling

I am not sure what Mommy did but I had a perfectly fine photo of me and she stretched it out - on purpose she says. I am Katsuro and I am the only male at the Talemaker crew.

About a week or so ago, that human mommy got a bee in her patootie that we needed to lose weight so she changed food. She was getting the idea that everyone was overweight - especially Risa with the exception of Fiona - who needs to gain weight and Miss Abs who doesn't really have abs at all but appears to be just right.

Well, we don't like it. We try to placate her and I get a downright upset tummy. Yes, we went slow but although we can eat every table scrap under the sun without this reaction, well mommy is doing too many wet bum thingies to me and I DO NOT LIKE IT!

So, she weighed the guys and yep Risa needs to lose weight so mommy thought - hmm let's start her exercise yet again with walking. We walked with daddy but he sort of does a saunter around the neighbourhood that burns about 2 calories. heh

Mommy decided to take Kat (who is 11.5 lbs and a good weight for his body) and Risa who needs tough love marathon business plan for a walk today and we walked at a fast clip. There was a lady jogging behingd us and we were doing a fast walk and we were keeping ahead of her. Risa said, "what's that about?"

About 15 minutes in, Risa had her tongue out doing this heavy breathing thing and Kat was still bouncing around as if nothing was bothering him. Mommy was dying like Risa. That's a good thing as this was her CRAZY idea and if she didn't feel what she was doing, well she may continue this craziness but no, she whispered - tomorrow - watch out - a tad further and see if you can keep up.

Risa slumped on to a pillow all wet - yeah it was raining, giving mommy the evil eye but that human knows she feels better and Risa feels better when she's not packing on those extra pounds. Still - it's not fun but when that crazy human thinks we are on a mission.


Follow us on this goal to get fit before the white stuff flies too much. I will share if you share this craziness of getting healthy. Are you up for the challenge? What did you do today to work it? Me - I am hugging the couch and pillow for dear life.


Havanese: I am Unsure Daddy

Abs went to handling class last night and had a grand time seeing everyone. She seems to get along with everyone.

But then we went to go pick up some things from another dog person for the big Havanese HFC specialty that is happening near Halloween near the airport in Toronto and she saw a 3 legged dog and the tail went down, the hiding started and she just didn't know how to handle it.

The person we went to see, Paula told Nathan to pay attention to the 3 legged dog to get Abs 'getting' that the dog was okay. Then she started telling me and I knew but was rather surprised that she was reacting that way. I was lost in the 'surprise.'

Paula mentioned she had a 3 legged dog and her pack reacted the same at first. She mentioned it was the hopping and that made sense. Paula does rescue and therefore has a great deal of experience with it.

I find this to be interesting. No matter how grounded a dog can be, how socialized - it can still have something that seems to be so unusual to them that they don't know how to react.

I rather wish we had a 3 legged dog that she could get to know but we don't. This was a fair distance from our house but it tells me no matter how much you socialize them - there is always something they can be conditioned to and therefore learn - gain grounding and be a better dog for it.

The point is - keep socializing and pet that dog that your little one is afraid of and ignore your own so they 'get' the idea that this dog is fun and okay. It may not work the first time but keep at it and each time, well that unsure behaviour will dissipate.


Havanese Say: Happy Labour Day

Abs says - no more visitors today. They all went home. sigh What do I have to do now? I guess tag your 'it' Fiona.

You don't know what you are in for!

From the Talemaker crew to yours - may you have a splendoured Havanese day.

We will fill you in on our fun after we experience it.

What we find out is as the pack changes - visitors come and go - the pack changes too. Abigail is playing up a storm with Shoshi and we couldn't be happier.

What a gal she is making everyone count. We could all learn a thing or two from that.

Well we did the fair, went in the pool and now are about to chill out, lay on the couch, eat popcorn and watch 'Prison Break'. The dogs LOVE chillin' out and watching TV and they do watch. It's also a perfect time to groom your dog. It's when you are most relaxed and that will mean your dog shoudl be too especially after an active day.

Hope you had a good one!

Tomorrow - the saga of - can I get away with...


Stop the Presses: Havanese in Action

We open the back door, I sit at the end of the deck and they come running at me so I can point and click.

I look at Risa and wonder if she ever was brushed in her lifetime.

I just adore that natural look.

Oh, she is brushed daily - actually just finished doing the crew, cleaning eyes, checking ears etc but those messy moments - well I treasure them as that is when a dog is being a dog.

There's nothing wrong with those dogs that just hang out but be still my heart when you see one leap or get creative or use their brains to get what they want. That brain, if cultivated is a wonderful thing.

Kat always seems to manage to get out the door first. What is that about? Is he quicker?

Well, perhaps but he is also an alpha who thinks it's all about him. Oh yeah - we have a few of those. He is also the most athletic of the crew so far but the puppies haven't matured yet and I have a feeling he best watch out in that department.

Here's Abs in the middle of the crew looking quite like a bear these days. She's happiest just playing. She doesn't care where she fits in she just has to fit in and they all love her for that.

Funny, even she is showing assertive moments lately. She tends to do tag team stuff with Fiona if it suits her cause - meaning what she is going to get out of it.

Our crew all eats together but we are on diets - most of us except puppies as we had pups then roads we couldn't hike in the winter. Yeah excuses but we are at it again. The humans around here have that attitude so remember they are a reflection of you so they too adopt that - oh we will get to it. We are actually very active even when we can't hike with retrieve and silly games but nothing like a huge romp with some new pals or a long hike to get you downright sleepy and tired and burn those calories.

Well, Fiona was eating extra food as she needs to gain a tad bit of weight. the crew had eaten theirs and was waiting to see if she would leave it. One came up close and she gave him a warning. Abs decided she would also give a warning as that was hers if Fiona was going to walk away. See what I mean...if it suits her.

Don't ever think the Havanese aren't smart. Their little brains are churning thinking up new things. It's better than TV.

Talking about TV, I can't wait till the new shows come on so we can do body hugs together and watch TV. It's those moments I treasure!

Till later!


What a Havanese Day

Have you ever seen a growl and a grrr and a roll and a totally wrestlemania rough-house experience with your dogs?

We had guests over that assumed they were going to kill each other but they were having fun.

It's important to distinguish between play and aggression. There is a huge difference but perhaps not to a person that hasn't seen both in action.

Puppies play as if they are going to gnaw each others tail, hair, ears or what have you off but they know how hard to bite down and if one was to go yelp, the other would stop and then continue and lessen the impact. They don't want to end the play and if they don't 'get' it, well they won't have anyone to play with.

If you ever saw your dog growling or barking at others when they are a puppy, often its due to their inexperience in reading another dog's language and them being not sure if the other is receptive to play. They will 'get' that. Some get it earlier than others but if you socialize - and do it often, they will get it earlier.

Just like us, they learn from their experiences - good and bad. We have to guide them down that right path of being totally amazing!


Achieving Happiness With Your Havanese

One would think this was about YOU achieving happiness but its about your Havanese achieving happiness.

We went into this venture with our original dog, Shoshi. She had the coat from hell (doesn't any longer). I learned a great deal from her. I learned if Nathan got up every 2 hours, the dog would be totally house trained or is that Nathan that would be?

I learned what unconditional love was really about and how a little dog can figure out what you need and fill that spot. Shoshi's person is Nathan but make no mistake, she appeases me to no end and when I fell last winter, she was the first to lick my face and she is the first to see what's wrong if I bang myself and scream an ear curdling sound - that is next to Katsuro.

I also learned to take a photo of a dark haired dog and see their face. I also figured out that messy has more character than just combed but that doesn't mean you should neglect combing but rather that you enjoy that they smoosh their face 2 minutes after you brush them.

As we added dogs, I also understood that each has their very own personality and job within the pack - that is if the pack is a balanced - functioning one. I also figured out if it is not, the visitors overnight would not work. I am thankful that although they have their quirks, they are indeed that.

I also learned that it took a puppy - Abigail to get Shoshi playing fully with back feet planted on the ground and paws up as if she is dancing. Shoshi has learned a great deal from the pack and they have helped her find her spot, her balance and her play. Yes, even a puppy can do that.

If you pay attention to your dogs - you can learn a great deal.


Havanese Puppy Fix Coming Soon

I have a secret - I have Sassy and Coach over for a visit this week and I hear tell that Sebastian is coming back for a bit this Monday.

Tomorrow we are heading out to Yvonne's so mommy can enjoy good company - oh yeah daddy too - besides he better as he is my person these days.

We are going to take a ton of puppy photos to share.

The pups are mobile and we imagine quite cute. We will find out and you will too if the camera works.

When we go swimming these days, the Abs takes haven under a chair.

It's her fave spot to fade into oblivion hoping daddy doesn't notice.

Oh, she loves it once she gets in but I swear she's thinking about the brushing/shampoo that came today after she was done.

Abs swam bigtime with the daddy today and then had a shampoo and blow dry. That's the part she's not all that crazy about but isn't it worth it, Abs?

Sassy for once is on top of the situation tonight and Fiona looks as if she is trying to figure this one out and Coch - well he was standing waiting to see if he was needed but they ended up doing full body play and having a grand time of it. They are going to love it at Yvonne and Alex's and so are we.

Puppy photos coming...just watch here Sunday night or Monday...