Havanese Abigail Says: Oh My Gad Human!

Well, if you have been following my journey, you know I have this pack sister who yanks out my hair and all the visitors do too. I have no clue why. I simply yank their tail and they go for my head. I can't help myself as the tail - well it's there for me to pull on it - isn't it?
Well, mommy got that thing they call an apron on and I went into my house and hid. I have had enough baths. She has this idea of laying this hair down for the shows but she's fooling herself. Still, we try.
Get this though - Fiona has all her hair. What's that about? Those of you that read my rants - do you have a clue why?
Well, that human mom was training the rescue they are fostering - Kooba and she was learning sit. She wanted to lay down vs. sit but we think she has the treats for doing what is asked thing down. We all sat and watched and said - hey she's getting treats - what about OUR turn.
Well, more later...
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