
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in rockhurst Abigail at talemaker (215)


Dog Heaven Week

Exciting times at Talemaker Havanese this week. We have Bailey, one of Risa's pups coming over tomorrow to stay till Sunday. We also have a relative of Miss Abs - Little Dickens coming. The dogs are going to have fun this week.

Then we have the biggest celebration for dogs - a must see event once a year called Woofstock and it's happening this weekend. It's a must to go to. You can bring your dog. You can even eat out on a patio of many of the restaurants with your dog.

No where else in Toronto can you go shopping for your dog and with your dog to so many places at once. It's a feast of a dawgie celebration that you really should attend. We will be!


Havanese Colours & Pool Safety

I find the colours in the Havanese to be a fascinating thing but it sometimes throws off the judges, those that don't know the breed etc.

One of our puppy owners owns one of our black and white pups and a brown sable from Yvonne's breeding. She's often asked which breeds they are. Some have no clue that they come in so many colours though black and white in various degrees are often seen more.

Here you can see Miss Abs soaking wet from her swim today. She has similar colours to our Golden Retriever with a variety of other colours mixed in.

The gal fell off the diving board and dove in head first. Instead of coddling her and validating any fear she may have had from such an ooops Nathan instead directed her to the stairs and made it into a game.

Katsuro fell in last year once and hasn't gone in since unless Nathan is in it. He won't even go when I am the only one in. Why? Nathan made it a game Katsuro shares exclusively with him and no other human. It's a smart thing to do as it created an amazing amount of fun for both, got him past that - oh my - I fell in and it was only 50F but also stopped him from just going in by himself. It's a win/win. He attempted to do the same with the Abs and hopefully we will get her jumping in too. She certainly has the potential.

Now, Miss Fiona is a different personality. She really is not crazy over this swimming business so Nathan has taken another angle with her to make her feel her comfort level. She is now staying around the swimming pool vs. running for the house after her swim today. So - Nathan is on the right track with her. Here you can see her doing just fine in her journey to love the pool.

Note: Fiona is the top photo on the right and Abs is the bottom one on the right.

None of our dogs swim without us and Nathan spends an amazing amount of time showing them how and where to get out of the pool, over and over again. The first thing that they learn is how to get out of the pool. They were born knowing how to swim.

So, never get complacent with a pool. Don't take for granted that they can figure out how to get out on their own. Give them the tools that may save their life and do not coddle them when they have an oops. If you do coddle, you have just validated their fear of whatever they are reacting to. Redirect - refocus and teach and you will help your dog find solutions instead of relying simply on his/her emotions. Your dawg will be glad you did and you will end up with a more balanced dawg.

Remember you can always click on the photos to see a larger view.


Long Havanese Day

It was a long day. I even hid in the tunnel when I heard the water go on. That's a first for me but they tell me I have a 12 day reprieve. Now how dirty can I get? I am still pretty clean right now...but...

Well, Yvonne's gal picked up 2 points and we are way excited for her. Way to go - LOLA!

We may be seeing Little Dickens and Bailey this week for sleepovers. - We got to see Jazzy and he's gorgeous!

More tomorrow.


Being a Puppy Vs. The Show Ring

I am in a bit of a quandary. Darlah and I are surrounded by contradictions and wondering how we can best satisfy all requirements. I know we are already quite forthcoming about the doings around our home. If any of you are following Darlahโ€™s blog day to day you have a fairly good idea of our life. We hide nothing. We lay it all out for you to see. We believe in being open, in sharing our own experiences as we learn from others and from our dogs each day. But I digress.

On Friday we were unsuccessful in the show ring.

I know that Abigail is a beautiful, wonderful example of the breed. She exhibits the best features in the breed guidelines and has been complimented on her grooming, shown natural as the breed dictates, her โ€œexcellentโ€ top line with which she was born thanks to the breeding lines of Beth Obrecht and Rockhurst Havanese, her perfectly straight legs and beautiful bouncing step.

But, in comparison to the other Havanese against which she competes, she has, for example, much less hair and she is not trained perfectly, yet. I can explain both and here-in lies our dilemma.

While we are a registered CKC Kennel, we do not have a kennel per se. Our dogs live in our home. They sleep on our bed or on the floor around us, they have free access to every part of the house and backyard and are encouraged to play, at all times. Now that the summer is maybe finally here we will be swimming almost daily and when I say we, I mean Darlah and I, and all of our dogs at one time or another. Besides that it is excellent exercise for everyone, most of them really enjoy it.

But this does not help us present a perfectly groomed dog in the show ring. Abigail went swimming on Thursday. She plays with Fiona off and on all day long. When they can, they get Kat to play with them. Then Shoshi joins in, Wasabi speeds around them and even Risa starts romping in excitement. They jump on and over and around each other like banshees and we love it. They are all so obviously having a great time with each other and with us. If you saw the video from the other day Katโ€™s excitement and enthusiasm comes through.

But this does not help us present a perfectly groomed puppy. Fiona nips at Abigailโ€™s hair and vice versa. They all do the same with Kat. They arenโ€™t hurting each other, they are playing. The solution is to isolate Abigail. Iโ€™m sure within a few weeks there would be a significant difference to the length of her coat but I am equally sure she would be miserable. So I search for the trade off, constantly. We do not want to sacrifice her pleasure as a pup for the fleeting glory of the show ring. The question is whether or not we can have it both ways and Iโ€™m sure we are not inventing the wheel here. I just donโ€™t see many people discussing this aspect. (Darlah says: For her the solution is inbetween shows deep condition and leave it in as Fiona doesn't like the taste)

Of course it doesnโ€™t help that I am not a professional handler. I just own and love my puppies. Abigail and I entered the ring together for our very first time. We are getting better every time we walk into the ring and we are diligently attending two different handling classes to get better in our technique. But I wonโ€™t take away her play time. I wonโ€™t. And so I ask you all to bear with us as we work to get Abigailโ€™s championship. It will not be a quick win but in the end it will be a very satisfying one. Stay tuned for the ups and downs and please, do not hesitate to comment. Your posts are welcome here. Constructive criticism of any kind is welcome. Encouragement is especially welcome.

Yesterday, Abigail won Winner's Bitch for 2 more points. We are on our way to our Canadian championship.

Thanks for listening.



Shows & Chillin' With The Abs

Click to play Shows & Chillin'


Shows, Daddy's Birthday & More

Tomorrow is daddy's birthday and after the show at Richmond Hill Green around 2pm, we are heading back to the house - probably by 5 to have dessert and good talk and swimming. Let's hope for great weather.

Today I got another couple of points and I will fill you in on the rest - well daddy will later.


Dirty Havanese Gardening

Oh my, show time today and look at the Miss Abs. Well, it was raining this morning. I was outside in a bathrobe pulling weeds - geez and it was wet and muddy and so are the dogs. They had fun though. I may not cleaning them all up but that's my life. ha! There's still tons of weeds to go and if it keeps raining, they will grow faster than I will be able to keep up.

We are not at the show till late afternoon so no baths till then. Sun is shiming. Where's those thundershowers they say are coming? Maybe we will get a swim in.

Promise slideshow of obedience class this morning. I am working on it.


Show, Last Night & Today Havanese Style

We do not have time but will later. We have a show to get ready for, work and the update will come today - later.

We will try to get a slide show of last night's obedience class and tell you how Zack slid into home run to win. Gad - where is the video camera when you need one.

Let's not forget Coach who really improved amazingly since that first night - wow!

For now, enjoy Fiona in class last night so in tuned to Nathan or was that the treat or both?

She was a complete circus clown last night but she wouldn't be her otherwise.


Living the Beauty Life Havanese Style

It's tough being a gal.

Check out my debut in the water (pool) today. It was brrr cold!

Today human mommy put this stuff called deep conditioner all over me and she's not taking the stuff out till tomorrow just before I go to the show.

What the %$#& is that about?

She gives me an excuse that Fiona has been eating at my hair but I just know she thinks she has one of those human pint sized things that they spoil to death.

I could use with a little less spoilin' if that's what its about.

But a gal can have fun despite the craziness of the humans.

So, I noticed mommy had dragged a pot outside, sloppy I might add. She spilt a fair amount of dirt on the floor. So, I spied that delicious mess, shook for everything I was worth and proceeded to roll in it. That's okay. Not too much stuck to me but that will teach her - or will it?


Pooling It Havanese Style

Well, they say this big bluish thing is a swimming pool. I haven't figured out what that is but that lovely male that rules the house when his Mother Risa ALLOWS it adores it and loves diving, I am told.

The human around here has cranked up the heat and its sitting at 72f the last time I checked and slowly climbing.

Maybe after work we will get a quick dip but oh no, we also have obedience school and we are looking forward to taking photos at that.

There is much to do around here. Let's see - the human put goop on Abs hair to condition it - just the top and under the chin - the beard - geez a beard on a gal - as Fiona has had a field day with it and guess what - with that stuff on - Fiona won't touch. Solution city - better than 'bitter apple' for sure!

The human tried to pull weeds but they seem to grow as she pulls. Too many weeds - too little time. The human asks, 'Can I teach a havanese to weed pull?' Hmm ideas anyone?

We are charging cameras. We may be setting up after 4pm today or first thing tomorrow and Abs gets to strut her stuff.

There are just some dawgs that love eating the great outdoors and Katsuro and Abs take the cake around here or shall I say the sticks - the plants - the garden. We are training them not to but as you can see in this photo, Kat still thinks the plants are his.

Abs was feeling rather queasy yesterday as we think she ate too many sticks and grass. Now I am trying to figure out how to spray bitter apple EVERYWHERE. That gal will eat anything, I am afraid but she can be picky on show days. Steak - no thnx - dried chicken strips - okay...

More later...


Dangerous Places and Havanese

Hiding spots are the best! Havanese enjoy those little hidden places where they can hide, play and jump out and surprise. It seems to tap their mischievous side. It's also great fun to watch.

We tend to create them under our desk, a bench outside, a table next to the sofa and on and on. It adds to their fun and ours as well.

Well, Miss Abs was selected as Ren's Pet of the Month so that means her photo will run in their ads in June. How cool is that?

We are off to handling class tonight (inside) thank goodness. I took down branches from my below grade level patio and dear old Abs followed me and almost gave me a heart attack not once but twice. She followed daddy the 2nd time. She doesn't quite get that if she fell, - well it wouldn't be pretty. They don't go there unless we do and we had to cut branches and once it is filled in, it won't be so inviting but if it is, I will be tacking mesh on the lower fence line till they get it. I think my heart was beating faster than it could handle when I saw her behind me.

Well, here's to possible warmer weather and checking your fenceline for possible mishaps and making sure your canine pals can't get into trouble.


Brrr Even Havanese Get Cold

We went to handling class today and it was VERY cold. The human mommy had 2 coats on and still was chilly and although it was invigorating to Abs at first, between the large class (they are splitting it up next week) and the dandelions that are way too high, it was not all that fun tonight. We raced home to bring in plants, cover those we prefer not to yank in and get inside to warm up again. Supposedly it already feels like -2. Some summer, eh?

Well, we have another show this week with lots of competition. It's right up the street and we are showing in the afternoon so that means the groomer - me gets to sleep in as well. We believe this venue will allow us to tape so that's what we will do.

Yvonne is showing Lola but will be driving home each day. Between our kids that love to stay up and that single bed - well I don't blame her but hey we can gag the kids, throw in an extra bed and make her extra comfie. ROFL But how will Alex survive.

We are hoping its warm enough to swim so Katsuro and Nathan can jump in the pool and relax this weekend and who knows maybe we will get the Fiona and Abigail in as well. Heck, we need more videos - don't we?

Well, more handling but inside tomorrow and then obedience with the crew - last one and I have to get photos of that. Exciting times with dogs. You know - if you can't just enjoy what they bring - unconditional love - well you are missing what life is all about.


Another Havanese Week

It was a real feel of 32c yesterday with a saturation of 60% humidity. Last night the dawgs thought they had melted and so did we. We were in wait for a hail storm that never came with high winds. It must have been close as our retriever was starting to pace and she can feel a storm coming on.

Here's a photo of Abs trying to get Fiona to play. She would have none of it when it was so hot.

Tonight we have handling class and we are praying for rain. Why? Well class is outside and poor Abs - well the bleepin' dandelions are up to her neck and the mosquitoes will eat you alive. I think we have vampire versions and not the nice 'Moonlighting' kind. They suck you dry and leave you with many welts. I can't imagine what it does to the dogs.

Well, this is the last week of obedience. We heard from a friend that her dog, a regular visitor to our home, got attacked by an untrained german shepherd. I am not posting names unless she wants me to but her dog was on a leash doing its business and that dog wasn't. Many, many stitches later - she is nursing her back to health physically and mentally. The mindset is the tough one for owner and dawg as the owner has to get past it so the dawg can. Our dawgs feed off our emotion.

We had a bichon almost attack Shoshi once when the owner told us it was friendly and to this day, Shoshi recognizes the breed - and reacts and what is interesting she doesn't react to all white dogs - only bichons so they are intelligent enough to dicipher breeds. I find that interesting. Still, her reaction now is only a bark. We did take her to a bichon event where she was surrounded by 60 bichons to help her get past it and it did help but slow conditioning takes time and persistence. We wish this precious one a fast recovery in body and mind.

Wasabi and Risa puppy owners - fill us in on how you are doing. We love to hear. Is the summer ever going to come?

We will be at Richmond Green this weekend showing off our Havanese. Nathan and Abigail will be in the ring doing their thing. If you want to come to watch, email me and I will give you the details at

Want to see grown men brought down to their knees or backs or...check this out.

More later.>>


Dreary Havanese Day

It's a dreary day outside waiting to rain and this human mommy was going to wash a couple of dogs as she has the day off thanks to Memorial day but instead, we thinking we will comb/brush etc

Miss Fiona had her first knot after not brushing her over the weekend. It was minor so a brush/pull apart removed it. Still, that gal thinks I am killing her when I brush out the back legs. We are being persistent so she gets over it.

The pair is happy just to be playing with each other. Us, we are back at handling classes Tuesday and Wednesday this week and another show over the weekend but its local. No 4am washings. We are at our last obedience class for Fiona and then handling for her. It will be a busy - busy week.

We heard Sassy and Coach went into the pool yesterday. This is WAY exciting for us as we have some swimmers here. Katsuro was itching to do so - got to get better photos of him jumping in but our pool is still sitting at 68F. Oh well, next heat wave of a day or so we will crank it up. It doesn't look like that date is coming anytime soon though. Mother nature - got to love it!

Yesterday we hung out and slept on the chairs outside (we were exhausted) and the puppies who had never done so - well they thought mommy and daddy hanging out was cool. They snuggled and slept too. At the same time we had Yvonne in our thoughts having to drive an extra bit home and worried as she didn't sleep so well. Show life...gad...

More later...


A Havanese Show No Points Day

The shows over and no points today but a grand display of sunshine that mother nature offered us. So, we are heading to the pool and are going to find the energy to chill before we have to do it again next Friday.

Well, we are still learning - what to do, the show politics (what doesn't have some) and how to get up at 4am, bathe a dog and still appear awake.

We will let you know if we survive all of this.

All I know is Abs is delighted to be back at home playing. Me too!


Sunday, Wakeup Havanese: Show Day

It's Sunday and another 4am wakeup and soon we will be heading out the door. It's a C-R-A-Z-Y life.

Coffee, toast for the humans and food for Fiona and best part no bath for her. Poor Abs will rely on treats after she gets to the show. A girl has to do what a girl has to do to get motivated in the ring or so the humans think. HA!

More later>>


Abigail Wins Her First Points

What a difference between today and yesterday. We all got the distinct feeling yesterday that the judging was running late. The Judge fairly flew through the Havanese breed and Abigail didn't get a second look. I was really disappointed as I thought Abigail had never looked or behaved so well. Granted I'm still not doing everything as and when I should but Abigail was the best she has ever been, yet was ignored.

Today was a whole other thing. The Judge was obviously very familiar with the breed and quoted to me a few of the breed standards as she was examining Abigail on the table. She complimented Abigail on her excellent topline and she proceeded to thoroughly examine every inch of her as she did for everyone else. She took her time. She had us walk down and back and then all the way around. I got the feeling Abigail's head needed to be higher. Abigail and I had a brief discussion about it and she got her head up higher. I was told after I still need to pay more attention to the Judge and less focused on Abigail and I'm working on that aspect. We won the puppy class beating one other female Havanese puppy.

That meant we went back into the ring a few minutes later to compete against all of the female Havanese of any age competing today. As I am with the puppy, we are last in line. The Judge told me off for standing behind the table and out of her line of sight. Hearing this the others quickly moved up a few feet to give us room to get into her sight. Again, Abigail walked around wonderfully. She does walk very well. I tried not to trip over my feet and mess her up. She asked that Abigail and another Havanese be placed on the table again and viewed them both from the front. Then asked us all to walk around again, this time with Abigail second in line. As we walked all the way around she pointed to us, thank goodness I was watching just in case, and indicated that we had won. Winners Bitch. Oh, my. What a feeling. I know I was grinning from ear to ear and thanked the Judge very much.

All the others then left and the male special went to stand in the ring in front of us. This seasoned three year old Havanese is one of the ranking toy dogs in Canada, immaculately groomed, professionally handled. But he stopped in a position that left me behind the table again. This time I didn't wait for the Judge but asked the handler if he could please move up a bit so we could get out from behind the table. He immediately complied and around we went. At the end, we didn't beat him but our day will come. :-)

Abigail finished today with Winners Bitch for her first 2 points. And Best Puppy in Breed. I was very proud of her. The Judge and I spoke for a few minutes afterwords and she said that she thought Abigail was excellently groomed and I immediately pointed out my wife standing outside the ring and said that Darlah was entirely responsible for that and thanked her for saying so. She went on to repeat that she believed Abigail had an excellent topline and she really liked her. I'm still glowing.


Is It Over? Havanese Show Days

Well, they said I (Daddy and I) got these things called points today. The judge said she liked my hair - all natural and all and my top line. What the hey is a top line or points or - is this show business done?

Oh well, they say tomorrow I do it again. Mommy - if you wake me up at 4am again....well, I may revolt.

I celebrated with Dairy Queen ice cream. I wanted filet mignon and they give me and themselves ICE CREAM. What is that about?
Well, daddy is out on the lounge chair chillin and reading. Yvonne is snoozing on the recliner and my mommy (human) is typing here. Me - I am playing my fool head off as a puppy should.

Daddy will fill you in later.>>


Another Show Day Down

We had a long day and although we really strutted our stuff - nada today. This show business is a complicated thang and we will figure it all out in time for the Fiona to make her debut. heh

Tomorrow we start early and then have some downtime. Today - well bed is calling us and 4am comes up too early.

One thing I can say is Nathan and Miss Abs looked good.

More tomorrow!


Havanese Show Non Grooming Start

Abs got washed last night but there was morning dew - actually much more than that - downright wet out there and Miss Abs stuck her face in the grass. Got to love it. I think we will wait till showtime to freshen her up. Tomorrow we will get up at the crack of dawn (show is much earlier and all the way out to Orangeville) and we will wash her then. We learn...

I call Abs and Wasabi my junkyard dogs. They love to just muck it up outside especially when they just get freshly washed. Something about that smell - got to mask it. Geez mom - what did you put on ME?

Well, we are off at around 930 and I think I packed everything. Time will tell and that Murphy's law better not set in - meaning - what you need is what you forget.

Wish us luck. We are still in the learning stage and Yvonne's Lola is up against us. Not sure who else but we will soon find out.

Hope those that are local join us next weekend at Richmond Hill Green. It's Nathan's B-Day on the 1st. Yes, he is showing Abs then and hey - you can lend us some support. Hope to see you there!